Requesting Advice for Sticks...

Mister G

Hi guys,

I've been reading these forums for a while (even though I haven't posted much, if at all) and wanted some advice..

I want to purchase a stick for myself and the missus. I was thinking about a Head Flexpoint 4 for her and a Babolat Pure Drive Cortex for myself.

She is a beginner at tennis and I wanted something forgiving with some power and couldn't find anything else (plus I've played with Head racquets in the past and liked the solid feel).. Anyone who played with this racquet and can shed some light on this would be great (or recommend another stick around the same price range)! :-D

As for the Pure Drive, I've been meaning to purchase one for ages now; I'm getting back into tennis now and wanted to replace my ageing Prince Longbody Precision Pro... I'm a baseliner with a good first serve, dont come to the net very often and have a fast swing. Obviously I've read reviews and am keen on playing with this stick, unfortunately I dont have a demo service anywhere near me, or even in this country, that I know of... Any advice?



Bottle Rocket

Hall of Fame
I've played with the Head Flexpoint 4. For its extremely light weight, it plays surprisingly well. It has graet feel and is nice for a any game style. It sounds like a fine choice for your wife. It is comparable to the Prince Hybrid Shark as well as the Prince Hybrid Hornet. They are all popular frames and all play pretty well. I've seen some incredibly good male players using the Prince sticks, not too many using the FXP 4. Some of the lighter and larger Babolat frames might be worth considering too, but it probably doesn't matter. It depends on how serious your wife is going to be and if she get's proper instruction. Until she really progresses in the game, just like everyone else, as long as the racket falls has reasonable specs it shouldn't matter too much. NoBadMojo has a lot of experience teaching new tennis players, hopefully he'll give his advice here.

The Pure Drive is a good racket as well, depending on what you're looking for. Going from the racket you're used to, it is going to be a huge change. I am going to assume you use an eastern forehand grip or something close to it with that Prince racket. Chances are, you're going to find yourself having a hard time keeping balls in the court with the PD. It will take some adjustment, possibly some string experimentation, and possibly a total revolution of your game. Check out the hundreds of threads about the Pure Drive being too powerful, there are a few on the page right now.

With all that said, it is a really great racket. For a pure baseliner with a big serve, it cannot be argued with. It is allowing a lot of people to really up the level of their game and play the best tennis they have ever played. It is just as possible that will happen to you.

Of all the topics talked about in this forum, guys making the switch to and from the Pure Drive is probably the most popular. You've got to find some of those threads and do your homework so you make a more educated decision.
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Mister G

Thanks Bottle Rocket for your reply. :-D

Your assumption is correct, I do use an Eastern grip (should've mentioned it, d'oh) - willing to adjust my game for a racquet that can help improve my game overall though a bit worried that my big long swing might turn into a no-so-big one, something I'm sure tension adjustment might help with...

Indeed, reading is what I've been doing for ages; some scaring me away from the Pure Drive, others taunting me to buy it straight away... I think I might have to be brave and just get one and start the adjustment process and stop sitting on this fence. (been sitting on it for nearly 2 years now)

Thanks again for your reply, much appreciated and looking forward to hearing more from like minded others!