Resting heart rate



What is your resting heart rate... mine is like in the low 40s.. when I go to the doctor they seem all concerned.. asked if i was an athelete.. i said yes.. then they said oh okay thats normal then..

what is the optimal resting heart rate?


Hall of Fame
40's that is Borg like - If I remember correctly from the old college days 55-75 is average...Don't quote me on that...
that is when your liying down right? I rememeber reading it does not go much lower than that. My sitting heart rate is around 50-60. my resting heart rate [when sleeping/lying down] has a min of 44 but probably averages just above 50. I have a HRM which records values ... i went to sleep with it on :)


TwistServe said:
What is your resting heart rate... mine is like in the low 40s.. when I go to the doctor they seem all concerned.. asked if i was an athelete.. i said yes.. then they said oh okay thats normal then..

what is the optimal resting heart rate?

Health experts tell us the lower the better. In your case ZER0 would be best for all of us! :D

joe sch

A low HR is a good sign of being in good physical condition but I think what is more important is how well you can maintain a target HR, that is much below the average for you age class, when performing near your maximum during a workout. This is what enables you to compete better and last longer.
what do you mean by maintain a target HR. I have done some reading about HR and other forms of fitness level indicaters, but have not heard of this particular inidcator.

joe sch

Tennis Ball Hitter said:
what do you mean by maintain a target HR. I have done some reading about HR and other forms of fitness level indicaters, but have not heard of this particular inidcator.
The target heart rate that Im referring to is the HR maintained during high intensity cardivascular exercise. This HR is based on your age and other factors. Obviously, the lower you can keep this HR during intense exercise, the better cardiovasular condition your are in. Its the hearts ability to pump blood and deliver oxygen, correct ?
I am no expert on the matter, I have just read bits and pieces off the internet and alot of them contradictory so not sure what to believe.

But the view I have at the moment is that the faster your heart beats the more oxygen that can be pumped to your muscles. I read that for average person 80%ish of working HR and less is the aerobic zone [uses oxygen]. Above 80% WHR is anaerobic [no oxygen] and creates lactic acid.

The fitter/more trained your muscles are the higher the WHR percentage rises before anaerobic exercise kicks in. So after training a long time your HR could be 85% of WHR but your muscles have yet to jump into the anaerobic burning zone. And so the fitter you are the higher your target HR [target HR being the rate around aerobic/anaerobic threshold]. Obviously the intensity of exercise for a fit person to reach their target HR is much greater than that of a less fit person.

I read that for this reason, fit peoples HR tend to go much higher than that of a less fit person. But the fitter persons recovery rate will be much quicker [the rate at which the HR drops after exercise].

But during rest, the HR is much lower for a fit person because their heart is stronger and so can pump more blood/oxygen in one pump.

Richie Rich

Tennis Ball Hitter said:
I read that for this reason, fit peoples HR tend to go much higher than that of a less fit person. But the fitter persons recovery rate will be much quicker [the rate at which the HR drops after exercise].

But during rest, the HR is much lower for a fit person because their heart is stronger and so can pump more blood/oxygen in one pump.

This is what happens to me. resting HR is around low/mid 50. when i train it goes up to 175 which is pretty much my max. but recovery to 110/120 is only a couple minutes


40 is too low....50's is good and during normal activities at the office should be 75´s.
The experience says that your max heart rate should be 220 minus your age (while practicing any sport) keep that in mind....ah !! The blood pressure should not exceed 180/80 HgIn.