My resting heart rate occasionally is 60-61 but almost all other times it is around 80. If I am sick it might go up to 90ish. I can't recall having anything in the range of 65-75. Why is this so?
My resting heart rate occasionally is 60-61 but almost all other times it is around 80. If I am sick it might go up to 90ish. I can't recall having anything in the range of 65-75. Why is this so?
My resting heart rate occasionally is 60-61 but almost all other times it is around 80. If I am sick it might go up to 90ish. I can't recall having anything in the range of 65-75. Why is this so?
My resting heart rate occasionally is 60-61 but almost all other times it is around 80. If I am sick it might go up to 90ish. I can't recall having anything in the range of 65-75. Why is this so?
Are you overweight? I used to be about 60lbs over weight. Lost 40 of it and my resting heart rate went from 80s to high 50s low 60s.
^^I'm still low 40's first thing in the morning and mid 40's during the day. 10-20 years ago both numbers were 10 bpm lower. I used to see 30, 32, or 34 bpm on the machine when I sold plasma in college. Lowest I ever measured myself was 28 bpm.
By the way, all numbers are even because I tested for 30 seconds and doubled it.
Can you lower your HR by relaxing your body? My HR drops to the low 50s when driving.
My resting heart rate record low is 38. At the moment it varies between 43-52, depending on how strenuous exercises I've had recently. I think my low heart rate was developed when I was young and did lots of long distance cycling. During the last 2 years or so, I've done minimal amounts of training, outside of tennis, but HR has still stayed at around 45.
I think heart rate and blood pressure are somewhat related. I also have very low blood pressure.
How big is your heart ,have you had it measured?
whats your blood pressure?
My HR drops to the low 50s when driving.
My resting heart rate occasionally is 60-61 but almost all other times it is around 80. If I am sick it might go up to 90ish. I can't recall having anything in the range of 65-75. Why is this so?
But went up around 250ish when laying down the hammer. Could keep it at that rate around 15-20 minutes without really having a tough time.
Sustaining 250 bpm for 20 minutes is nothing short of miraculous.
How long did it take you to build up to that? When I did HIIT, 1 minute in the 250 bpm range killed me.
Mine is usually around 55.
I read on another thread that Andy Murray's RHR was 37. Probably fairly typical for most tennis pros is my guess.
Mine is typically 44 in the mornings after coffee. It is not surprising to see it in the high 30s from time to time. If I am hung over or have over-trained, it may be closer to 50.
Sustaining 250 bpm for 20 minutes is nothing short of miraculous.
How long did it take you to build up to that? When I did HIIT, 1 minute in the 250 bpm range killed me.
Yes,, 200bpm will not be sustained for long. Doubt < 1min. At sustained >=170bpm you're at a serious SVT and only an elite conditioned athlete could sustain it for long. < 5min constant. AT 250bpm for 20 mins you will need medical attention fyi.
200 bpm was not stressfull on bikes and elliptical monitors at the gym, this was for 40 minutes timed. I was forty two at the time.
I could of went higher but was concerned healthwise.
It's not amazing really, I was doing 6.3 MPH on the treadmill to get it that high. Not really fast.Clark Kent you are amazing.
Once again, this thread shows how unrepresentative internet discussion of things are compared to the "average" person. I thought my resting rate in the 50s was fairly low just by looking at charts on the internet, but it seems I have one of the faster resting heart rates in this thread.
I'm also amazed at the 250bpm rate. I know if the rate goes too high, that the movement of oxygen to the blood is compromised. What rate does that happen at?
Ha, I was proud of hitting 50 the other day.
200 bpm was not stressfull on bikes and elliptical monitors at the gym, this was for 40 minutes timed. I was forty two at the time.
I could of went higher but was concerned healthwise.
It's not amazing really, I was doing 6.3 MPH on the treadmill to get it that high. Not really fast.
how did you achieve that , is it good ?
Happy 50th birthday mikeler!!!
^^ bad idea to see how high one can get one's HR up to. The coronary arteries that feed the heart muscle feed during diastole, and diastole at very high HR becomes so short that the arteries don't fill well. So pushing your heart rate that high at age 50 will greatly increase risk of a heart attack, perhaps the next time?
I'm 54 and just had a physical. The nurse and the doctor checked my RHR and they found it to be 41 & 43 respectively, blood pressure was 120/70.
As for my diet, I'm not a health **** or anything, but I follow some basic guidelines. As for fitness, I up'd my cardio workouts but still do strength training. I think a lot of it is genetic. I'm 6ft and lean (42 long)