Reverse engineering - hasn’t happened or has it ?


It was only last year when David Grush, former intelligence official and Air Force officer made the claim of alien spacecraft being on Earth and off course there have been many before him making claims, sightings and producing documentaries plus the 1947 Roswell Area 51 files, but still right up to now in 2024 there doesn’t seem to be any evidence ( as far as I know ) of any nation building a modern spacecraft with the engines and fuel sources that could take us into neighbouring solar systems.
You would think that for alien craft to land on earth would have travelled from a far away solar system at speed quick enough so that the crew would have survived the journey before they died from old age.
However if America would have possession of one of these spacecrafts wouldn’t the engineers by now be able to reverse engineer the technology and build one for US purposes so we could fly to say planet Kepler 26B? We are still trying to work out how to get to Mars and back and that to me would indicate that no such alien spacecraft ever existed in our possession. Look my thinking could be wrong but it just seems that way. You have had since July 1947 to pull apart and alien spacecraft and in 2024 you have nothing to show for it.
What do you think? Are there any new spacecrafts that would indicate alien technology? The Space Shuttle of the 80’s looks pretty dated and both the Russian and Musks rockets we have seen before accept that Elon can get his to recycle itself and reverse land.


Bionic Poster
The real story of Velcro = a gift from the Vulcans who crash-landed in Pennsylvania in the 1950s (see Act Four):

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Hall of Fame
While I consider the likelihood of aliens having been to Earth infinitesimally small, if (huge if) they did and we have their equipment, it could be that it contained anti-tamper technology, which would make reverse engineering impossible.


Bionic Poster
The real story of Velcro = a gift from the Vulcans stranded in Pennsylvania in the 1950s (see Act Four):

In that case shouldn't it have been called 'Vulcro'?


I looked through the book The Day After Roswell by Colonel P.J. Corso, in which he claimed he seeded tech from the Roswell wreckage to a bunch of companies which led to the development of the laser, fiber optics, the integrated computer chip, etc.

What a load of horse--it. That book is completely an op and greatly diminished my belief in the Roswell incident actually being the crash of an alien craft. Sort of reminds me of the moon bear incident.



Bionic Poster
At what point does it start? Can you summarise it?

The only Dave Lister i can find on the internet is a fictional character.
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At what point does it start? Can you summarise it?

The only Dave Lister i can find on the internet is a fictional character.
Sort of hard to summarise but Dave Lister tries to draw together a series of events in the last 40 years to suggest that 2 Trillion dollars have gone missing in the US budgetary funds. He refers to comments and testimonies made by William Tompkins, Catherine Austin Fits, and John Lenard Wilson and Yuval Noah Harare to suggest that the elites are constructing a secret space program including anti gravity technologies that are not of human design.


The TR-3B is not of this Earth. We traded a handful of shiny trinkets (zirconium) for the super-stealth, anti-grav aircraft from visiting aliens

It’s a fascinating video and interesting to hear them say that it’s a collaborative undertaking between the US and Russia.
What is on my mind is that I’m trying to figure out how science functions in the US when it comes to manufacturing things. American cars for example in the past have always been kind of low tech and no tennis racquets are coming out of the US, but here we are with this aircraft that is very high tech.
The other thing is that if these guys are talking about nuclear batteries why are we wasting time on solar panels and wind turbines and lithium batteries - it’s obvious that nuclear batteries are the superior technology.
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Bionic Poster
It’s a fascinating video and interesting to hear them say that it’s a collaborative undertaking between the US and Russia.
What is on my mind is that I’m trying to figure out how science functions in the US when it comes to manufacturing things. American cars for example in the past have always been kind of low tech and no tennis racquets are coming out of the US, but here we are with this aircraft that is very high tech.
The other thing is that if these guys are talking about nuclear batteries why are we wasting time on solar panels and wind turbines and lithium batteries - it’s obvious that nuclear batteries are the superior technology.
Tesla EVs and some of their other products are made in the US. Some Apple products are as well (Mac Pro?).

I’m sure there’s a multitude of high-tech products designed in the US but manufactured outside of our borders if produced in large quantities. Often made here if quantities are low or moderate. A lot of pharma is developed here. Some are made in the US but most generics are made elsewhere.

Latest technology often shows up in military products in the US and then in other products like golf clubs before it is used in tennis racquets. Some golf clubs made in US. Some elsewhere.

Head, Wilson, Prince and others racquets might still be developed here but manufactured offshore.


Bionic Poster
The trouble with manufacturing offshore is that if you need something in a hurry and in volume then you are completely out of luck.

Tesla EVs and some of their other products are made in the US. Some Apple products are as well (Mac Pro?).

I’m sure there’s a multitude of high-tech products designed in the US but manufactured outside of our borders if produced in large quantities. Often made here if quantities are low or moderate. A lot of pharma is developed here. Some are made in the US but most generics are made elsewhere.

Latest technology often shows up in military products in the US and then in other products like golf clubs before it is used in tennis racquets. Some golf clubs made in US. Some elsewhere.

Head, Wilson, Prince and others racquets might still be developed here but manufactured offshore.


Hall of Fame


Here’s a documentary that was on Ch 7 Australian TV about UFO’s. It’s over an hour if you have some time to kill. It’s called the UFO Phenomenon:


I don’t know what the astronomers were thinking. You have Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, all nice names and then went and wrecked it with a name like Uranus. They could have called it Utah or Universar, but no they gave it the other name. Even Pluto, Mars, Venus and Mercury go better, Earth is a bit plain but kind of conjures up the image of being the mother of all planets or grounded by which all planets are measured by and you have to give Earth credit with all the life it has compared to all the other planets in our solar system and others.
I wonder if you were living in another solar system from the Andromeda galaxy and you had a telescope and found Earth , it would be such a unique find. We have been looking for years and haven’t actually found a planet with a combination of land and oceans with oxygen and trees.
The whole thing or prospect of being alone in the Universe is difficult to comprehend. You wonder why if there is another living planet with intelligent life forms whether they had to live so far away, possibly multiple galaxies away. It doesn’t seem like we have the technology yet to travel the distances. We are still trying to work out how to do a return trip from Mars and for some reason we haven’t done anything about our Moon, or have we ? Couldn’t we set up a living environment on the Moon? That’s why I think we may not have been visited because we should have picked up more knowledge as to how space travel can be done.
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NBC News was having a slow news day, so they went fishing for clicks.
Distraction technique maybe
What is this mass hysteria they expect if revealed and why?
i don’t know - I was thinking it could be a media distraction strategy where they divert people’s attention away from the real thing going on in parliament.
It is a bizarre statement coming from the former Israel Space Commissioner.
One also has to question why David Grush testified in congress about his UFO claims, What do people think about his claims. Do you think there is something else going on?
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