So thankful for this thread, Kai-El 34. Have been using IG Rad Pros for the past year plus and stocked up on them, but have missed the feel of a solid beam frame. Yesterday I had the good luck to hit with an H22 that belonged to Milos Raonic. The lead had been removed. So incredibly stable and solid... Yet since they're essentially unobtainium from Chicago anymore, I have decided to look elsewhere. I also refuse to pay $$$ for a frame, in principle. Had gotten demos of TF 40 305 and 315 (Mark Boone is the best-

and then found a LM Rad MP on Craigs locally. Picked it up last night, taught and hit with it today and am hooked. I'm 59 and days of heavy, thin frames are gone. Have moved to lower static weight and reasonable SW for more maneuverability. Was inclined to go with a V7 or V8 Blade but the LM is better for me

I removed the grip, added two layers of blue painter's tape on the two largest bevels to make the grip more square replaced the grip with leather and am using tournagrip. Otherwise still stock. What a sweet frame. Plush, stable and solid... Fortunately, I've already found a few more....
So, are there butt cap codes or other ways to identify MIA or Czech frames? The one I bought has a black butt cap insert and had a "made in China" sticker on the bottom. Fantastic nevertheless.
Apologies for the long post, and thanks again! You guys helped me find my goldilocks.
Harry Z