Nobody has answered, so I'll give it a go.
Unfortunately, in Australia, they don't sell the BP with a 18x20 pattern, so my only comparison can be between the LM Rad Tour MP and the BP 16x19 v7 (which is probably not a fair comparison).
I would say the BP has more power, still has great control (but not as much as the LM Rad Tour MP - since it is 18x20 and 95 sq. in rather than 98), and feels thicker in the off-hand (at least to me).
Since the Blade Pro was created to emulate the Head Radical (and in my opinion the LM Rad Tour MP - which is what Djokovic was using before he moved to Wilson for a stint), they would be similar racquets, but not the same. Feel will be a personal thing, I happen to like the twin-tube feel of the Head racquets, but the Blade Pro is very nice as well, and I play well with both. I would love to be able to try an LM Radical Tour MP with a 16x19 string pattern of the BP (but that may only exist if you are a super high ranked Pro who asked for this specific thing - which I am not). This would be the only fair comparison between the two. Then there is the different specs, balance, etc... so all-in-all, probably not fair to compare them.
Both great racquets in their own right, but different at the same time. As things sit, the Blade Pro 16x19 v7 is more inherently powerful, has a bigger head size (but not a huge difference), and feels just a smidge stiffer to me compared to the LM Rad Tour MP. As it is the 16x19 string pattern, it is probably more versatile than the LM Rad Tour MP (or should I say easier for the average person to get more out of it - provided they can handle the high SW). But I like them both, I will keep them both, and I will use them one or the other depending on how I'm feeling.
Hope that helps.