roger's outbust 5th set..... challenge, i said!


Hall of Fame
he said it in such a rude and condesending manner

he is so two-faced

when the things are not going his way, he shows his true nature.


4th set against davydenko. not 5th.
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he said it in such a rude and condesending manner

he is so two-faced

when the things are not going his way, he shows his true nature.

Hey Dr. Phil, if you ever played competitively in any kind of sport you understand that under pressure and frustration you can have such outbursts.
this doesn't mean you are two-faced or that is your true nature.
I would say that your true nature is what you are 99.9% of the times.


Hall of Fame
Well he said it once..if the ump was paying attention he wouldn't have had to would he?

also it was like 40-40 serving for a tough say it was tense is an understatement..and this "Fed = baby eating satan worshipper" is getting just a might boring =)


New User
O come on!

Pushing wins, that is digging a bit deep. I hit the fence last month with my racquet because I was down 4-1. It was a violent outburst--should people be worried that I will go on a rampage through the marketplace with a machete?

Fed two-faced? Really? based on that statement?

Sorry that Rafa retired.


I think what OP is trying to say is how Fed is two faced when hes pissed off (probably talking about Delpo match, not sure)


Well its true. Federer does show his true nature. Federer always suffered from anger and emotional flare ups as a young player. He has done a tremendous job covering it up and becoming who he is today. Every now and then we see bits of young federer and that is normal.

I think the author of this message is talking about the match yesterday. Federer challenged a call and the umpire didnt hear him and he had to repeat himself and he said it pretty irritably. haha


Hall of Fame
for all those who accuse me of prejudging, your prejudement that i m a nadal fan is wrong. i dont like that reverse forehand, he is a pusher and he is boring in interviews.

roger is not the guy u see in the post match interviews.

i m a fan of lendl guga, becker, spadea
Fed is so epic with this kind of thing.

Not as funny as 'Don't show me your hands, no, no, no, no, I don't give a ****' but still gold





he said it in such a rude and condesending manner

he is so two-faced

when the things are not going his way, he shows his true nature.


4th set against davydenko. not 5th.

I noticed that as well. Davydenco played a set and a half of the best tennis I have seen in a long time and a set and a half of the absolute worst tennis I have seen a pro play in years. I assumed his legs were gone because it was so awful but then he came back in the 4th so who knows.

To your point it is easy to act classy and be polite when things are going your way but in life we show our true selves when we things are not going our way.
Having said that, Roger has enough good will built up in my eyes so it's no big deal.
To me he seemed to mumbled/motioned he wanted a challenge but it is his own fault for not communicating better.


"challenge, i said!"

This is not the first time he has said this.

.... or the second

.... or the third

In fact, he says this all the time, and it's not a big deal. It's not arrogance or anything like that. The chair just didn't hear him the first time, so Fed is asserting himself.

This topic is not worthy of a thread.


Hall of Fame
"challenge, i said!"

This is not the first time he has said this.

.... or the second

.... or the third

In fact, he says this all the time, and it's not a big deal. It's not arrogance or anything like that. The chair just didn't hear him the first time, so Fed is asserting himself.

This topic is not worthy of a thread.

what is arrogance?


Hall of Fame
To your point it is easy to act classy and be polite when things are going your way but in life we show our true selves when we things are not going our way.

when things dont go his way, he cries. there must be something amiss in God's script.

this is the goat of this great sport.

like guga said, fed dominates because of watered down competition. is there truth in that?


Hall of Fame
he threatened the chair umpire. he better get a fine and suspension. otherwise serena will be on his case.