Roland Garros R16: Novak Djokovic vs. Francisco Cerundolo

Who wins?

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Bionic Poster
Was there extra saltiness?

Or was there just extra skepticism?

I honestly didn’t keep up - I just thought but would follow the typical “Novak comes back from the dead” thread dynamic. Fans in awe, non fans not buying, haters bitter.
Extra saltiness for sure and dumb skepticism. I have no idea why people think Djokovic would fake a physical issue after waxing a guy 6-1 and on serve in the next set, but ttw is a special place.


To win this tournament one must like suffering. That's why this generation can't win anything. They don't like pain. They crave comfort. When confronted with pain in the heat of the battle they decide it isn't worth it anymore
I think there is alot of validity to this statement.
To be fair he needed the grind with LM to get back to form, was clearly not at a good level to challenge the top 2 guys. But this match is going to cost him now. He clearly should have been in lock down mode after the first set, befuddling to me.
I think the winner of the match now makes the final to get thrashed by Alcaraz!


Extra saltiness for sure and dumb skepticism. I have no idea why people think Djokovic would fake a physical issue after waxing a guy 6-1 and on serve in the next set, but ttw is a special place.

Do you think the same thing of the Novak fans so often mocking Rafa for faking his injuries?

Honeslty - I think you’re a sharp dude.

So you probably don’t buy that either.


Hall of Fame
To be fair he needed the grind with LM to get back to form, was clearly not at a good level to challenge the top 2 guys. But this match is going to cost him now. He clearly should have been in lock down mode after the first set, befuddling to me.
His knee popped in 2nd set,that's what he screamed to his box.
Even though it was fine he definitely had it in his subconscious for a while, not leaning on it 100% for a while.


Hall of Fame
My knees are popping, too! But I have no physio to come. Plus, what is wrong with FO organizers? It seems they are trying their best to stop Novak. How horrible of them.


Lmao I put 450 euros on cerundolo at 1.65 odds when djokovic could barely move in the third.

I should have known better, the man loves playing possum.
Im not even mad hahaha


Bionic Poster
To win this tournament one must like suffering. That's why this generation can't win anything. They don't like pain. They crave comfort. When confronted with pain in the heat of the battle they decide it isn't worth it anymore

Novak has suffered some and he's ready for more!
The FO is the manly slam :D


Do you think the same thing of the Novak fans so often mocking Rafa for faking his injuries?

Honeslty - I think you’re a sharp dude.

So you probably don’t buy that either.
My opinion has always been to believe the player. If they say they are injured I believe that as most players play with a niggle like 99% of their matches. Sometimes the niggle flares up or they genuinely tweak something but adrenaline, sheer will and instinct helps them overcome against lesser opponents and they play through and win. But when they lose which they do against better quality or their significant stroke is hampered, the loss needs to be a loss fair and square. No excuses for losing due to injury or whatever. You show up on court, you put up or gtfo.


Bionic Poster
Having more than one voice in the corner would be embarrassing for an amateur match. And this was for the undisputed, it's ridiculous.
For all his talent, Fury is an idiot in many ways and I've gotten tired of his nonsense and holding up the division. I hope Usyk stops him in the rematch, heck I wouldn't blame him if he retired, he completed the game of boxing and is one of the best ever to do it.
Fair enough. I would be a bit surprised if Uysk carried on if he beats Fury in the rematch anyway.


Hall of Fame
My opinion has always been to believe the player. If they say they are injured I believe that as most players play with a niggle like 99% of their matches. Sometimes the niggle flares up or they genuinely tweak something but adrenaline, sheer will and instinct helps them overcome against lesser opponents and they play through and win. But when they lose which they do against better quality or their significant stroke is hampered, the loss needs to be a loss fair and square. No excuses for losing due to injury or whatever. You show up on court, you put up or gtfo.
The haters of Djokovic have only one mode, hate everything. When Nadal used to do it, he was injured and all was good and he was THE MAN.


Hall of Fame
Superb from Novak as it would be easy with all he has already accomplished and the GS record, unlikely to be equaled let alone surpassed by Rafa, to have just not given 100% at 4-2 down in 4th set.

However, the warrior in him kept fighting for another famous victory and record.

I don't think he is in shape physically or mentally to win and the most he will get is to S/F at best (even that will be tough). However, i think he has gained some much needed match toughness, fitness and confidence in time for Wimbledon to give him a shot at winning number 8.


Hall of Fame
Just couldn’t post during the match. What a nail biter. Just finished off reading the comments here lol.

It’s great that Novak brings them all together, the fans, the haters.

What a mind blowing match it was. Kudos to Dolo to make it a classic. One of the best matches of the season.

On we go to quarters. Gg Novak!


Bionic Poster
The haters of Djokovic have only one mode, hate everything. When Nadal used to do it, he was injured and all was good and he was THE MAN.
If I saw Djokovic fans in a Nadal thread acting like some of the Nadal fans did in here, I'd have no problem thinking the same thing.
I don’t know why we’re acting like Nadal is some universally beloved player on here lol. He has an incredible amount of haters and detractors who say insulting things about him every match.

Federer as usual stands above all others. Say what you will about his game but no one can claim he wasn’t a great sportsman or that he failed to comport himself with honesty and grace during matches.


I want to feel how it feels to have Novak’s indestructible body :D

It's not about the body. It's all about the mind. Read more about "Mind over matter" psychology. You can have a body like Rambo but if your mind is as weak as a coward you're a toast.



The real question is what injury is Djokovic going to feign at next match with Ruud ?

I'll go with the one of the only body parts he hasn't "injured" yet - a strained testicle


Hall of Fame
Ok, I have to admit, I fell for it. I know we have seen this nonsense a thousand times from Djokovic, and recently I always ignore any sort of physical discomfort he tries to make VERY apparent to the entire world... but this time I thought it was real. Shame on me. Never again. What an absolute clown Djokovic is.

And people need to stop saying Cerundolo played great, or even "lights out." He didn't. When it actually mattered, every rally on a big point ended with the Argentine hitting into the net, or hitting wide. He totally gave it away. This isn't a single parallel universe, out of the near infinite number possibly in existence, where Cerundolo could have served out this match today. No chance.

Seriously people, has no one here played at least one sport in high school? Have you never dealt with an injury or muscle sprain?
Yeah, I played multiple sports in high school, and then one in college, and then one beyond that... What's your point? The rabbit was out of the hat with that supposed muscle tear a few years ago at the AO. No human his moving at full speed with a significant hamstring tear. That's just not a thing.

He wasn't dead and buried, he pretended to be dead and buried as a Master of exaggerating physical discomfort.
Something must be in the air, because we are actually in agreement again. He even fooled me this time, after I previously swore I would never take the bait again...


Hall of Fame
Let's not be salty. Let's spread love.



What's your point?

Do you need it spelled out?
Novak destroyed Cerúndolo in the first set. Why in the world would he “fake” anything? Why, if he was physically ok, would he not just simply win the next two sets?

Use your brains people

If you have ever played sports you’ll know that injuries or muscle sprains come in all shapes and sizes. Yes, you can have a bother and still play. I’ve done it many times. And also many times as I play more what bothered me at the beginning stops bothering me, at least for a while.


Bionic Poster
Musetti and Cerundolo are two of a kind. They are both talented journeymen who could certainly beat Djokovic in Best of 3 (as we just saw) but not in best of 5. They don't have the stamina and/or mental strength to see the latter through. Only a top player can challenge him in these really big matches.


Do you need it spelled out?
Novak destroyed Cerúndolo in the first set. Why in the world would he “fake” anything? Why, if he was physically ok, would he not just simply win the next two sets?

Use your brains people

If you have ever played sports you’ll know that injuries or muscle sprains come in all shapes and sizes. Yes, you can have a bother and still play. I’ve done it many times. And also many times as I play more what bothered me at the beginning stops bothering me, at least for a while.
but cerundolo played like **** in first set to be honest..The explanation would be that Novak panicked when his opponent was playing much better from the 2nd set and when Cerundolo was choking and was on the edge of losing in the 4th, he woke up...because he felt he has a chance


but cerundolo played like **** in first set to be honest..The explanation would be that Novak panicked when his opponent was playing much better from the 2nd set and when Cerundolo was choking and was on the edge of losing in the 4th, he woke up...because he felt he has a chance
lol, what? Novak, who has won 24 slams and holds all the top records panicked before Cerúndolo???

Do posters here even read what they write?
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Hall of Fame
Do you need it spelled out?
Novak destroyed Cerúndolo in the first set. Why in the world would he “fake” anything? Why, if he was physically ok, would he not just simply win the next two sets?

If you have ever played sports you’ll know that injuries or muscle sprains come in all shapes and sizes. Yes, you can have a bother and still play. I’ve done it many times. And also many times as I play more what bothered me at the beginning stops bothering me, at least for a while.
Honestly, I have no idea why Djokovic does the strange things that he does. I can only imagine that it serves as some sort of motivation to help him get locked in, especially for a match where it is easy to be flat. But I know that I've never seen another top athlete from another sport do the sorts of things that he does. If he's not outright pretending to have a significant injury, he's feigning to be on the edge of exhaustion or collapse.

And as I already said, I've played plenty of sports, and I've even been paid to play one of them (label that as you like), so I'm very familiar with various forms of injury. The things you call a "bother," that you can play on with, don't come on in dramatic fashion. Those are really minor things. Anything more serious, and perhaps you can continue at less than 100%, but your limitation would be consistent (as in, you would be less than 100% throughout, not just a certain times or on certain points). But, more importantly, there are some significant injuries that you simply cannot play with. Nobody is sprinting flat out with a large hamstring tear. It just doesn't happen on this planet.

I'm predicting he tears his ACL v Ruud and wins in 5 sets lol
As someone who has torn their ACL, I hate to kid about such things, but it seems like that is one of the few things left on his list to claim. But as we have seen, he and his team seem capable of saying anything...


Have you never played sports? Injuries and sprains are very common

And that injury ends when suddenly his opponent chokes in the exact same moment ? lmao

He hasnt win a **** whole season , so why you re remanding 24 slams ? It is not 2010 anymore. He lost at AO, in more difficult for him conditions like clay he should be out already, but choking helped him, is it obvious..
He has to rely on mental weaknesses of his opponents to win in 3 sets matches. Musetti and Cerundolo would win 2-1 somewhere else..


And that injury ends when suddenly his opponent chokes in the exact same moment ? lmao

He hasnt win a **** whole season , so why you re remanding 24 slams ? It is not 2010 anymore. He lost at AO, in more difficult for him conditions like clay he should be out already, but choking helped him, is it obvious..
He has to rely on mental weaknesses of his opponents to win in 3 sets matches. Musetti and Cerundolo would win 2-1 somewhere else..
You are the one with the conspiracy theory. You need to explain why Novak would be ahead in the first set and then decide to fake an injury and lose the next two sets only to change his mind in the final two sets


Honestly, I have no idea why Djokovic does the strange things that he does. I can only imagine that it serves as some sort of motivation to help him get locked in, especially for a match where it is easy to be flat. But I know that I've never seen another top athlete from another sport do the sorts of things that he does. If he's not outright pretending to have a significant injury, he's feigning to be on the edge of exhaustion or collapse.

And as I already said, I've played plenty of sports, and I've even been paid to play one of them (label that as you like), so I'm very familiar with various forms of injury. The things you call a "bother," that you can play on with, don't come on in dramatic fashion. Those are really minor things. Anything more serious, and perhaps you can continue at less than 100%, but your limitation would be consistent (as in, you would be less than 100% throughout, not just a certain times or on certain points). But, more importantly, there are some significant injuries that you simply cannot play with. Nobody is sprinting flat out with a large hamstring tear. It just doesn't happen on this planet.
You are the one with the conspiracy theory, not me

It’s not that complicated. Something bothered Novak but as he played it went away. No one said he was injured or that he tore anything
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Bionic Poster
You are the one with the conspiracy theory, not me

It’s not that complicated. Something bothered Novak hut as he played it went away. No one said he was injured or that he tore anything
People say echo chambers are bad but you don't have to tolerate the idiots as well.

This is worse than even politics now. It's not like djokovic has misbehaved with these members girlfriend. He has won his match fair and square. What kind of pathetic trolls we are seeing.

@Hitman I am saying for 1 year now. Nolefams have to stay united. Do you see it.


You are the one with the conspiracy theory. You need to explain why Novak would be ahead in the first set and then decide to fake an injury and lose the next two sets only to change his mind in the final two sets

are you serious? I explained it..Cerundolo raised his level ,so novak after a while when he was not able to break him back , starts looking washed up and he pretends that there is something wrong with him. I saw it multiple times..Then suddenly he is ok when the guy in front of him starts **** pants


are you serious? I explained it..Cerundolo raised his level ,so novak after a while when he was not able to break him back , starts looking washed up and he pretends that there is something wrong with him. I saw it multiple times..Then suddenly he is ok when the guy in front of him starts **** pants
This is sheer nonsense

First of all, if he wasn’t injured why did he wait until the fourth set to start winning? It makes zero sense

but more importantly your timing is all wrong. Did you watch the match or did you decide to spout nonsense without having seen any of the play?

Novak called an MTO after the third game in the second set. At that time Cerúndolo had not broken him once (there goes your crazy conspiracy theory) and was being dominated by Novak. At that time Novak had won the first set 6-1 and they were still on their serves in the second set.


This is sheer nonsense

First of all, if he wasn’t injured why did he wait until the fourth set to start winning? It makes zero sense

but more importantly your timing is all wrong. Did you watch the match or did you decide to spout nonsense without having seen any of the play?

Novak called an MTO after the third game in the second set. At that time Cerúndolo had not broken him once (there goes your crazy conspiracy theory) and was being dominated by Novak. At that time Novak had won the first set 6-1 and they were still on their serves in the second set.
what? what are you talking about? why did he wait to start winning?? :-D:-D There is not only djokovic on the court, my dear.. As I repeat for 3rd time I suppose ,cerundolo choked his serve , played terribly and then suddenly we have new djoko