In my experience, the “sitter” spin shots are moreso when put on the run and trying to get a deep high xcourt ball back, and/or getting jammed on a hard mid ball, ie when out of position which happens more and more the better opposition gets. Anyone above utr 7-8 will be trying to move you side to side if the ball isn’t big enough.Use the shaped poly when you do practice drills and try swinging harder to deep targets in the corners. You will miss a lot initially, but hopefully start making swing adjustments and over time will reap the benefit of faster swing speed accompanied by more consistency.
Not enough juice and pace and the ball will sit up.
Round strings I find do better on these scrappy shots. Easier depth, easier pace. Ball moves through the court more which gives oppo less time to set feet.
I’m with you on hyper G round though, can’t get it to work for me.