Yeah, and I'd bet you wish you were as rich as the top shareholders of Wal-Mart or Apple.
You know what would make the taxpayers pay even more? If Wal-Mart fired all of its employees! But then there wouldn't be any taxpayers left at all, would there? People should feel fortunate that they have a job at all. Isn't it still better than the millions of people that are unemployed?
How do you think this country got its start? Oh yeah, we had real slaves who didn't even make $1 an hour and were chained and whipped regularly.
And if it's so easy to be profitable, why don't you do it? There's a thing called competition. BTW, nobody forces anyone to work at an Apple factory. Those workers feel very lucky to have jobs at all. you cant respond with any facts so you respond with bluster. Its ok, I know you didnt know what you were talking about with your blithe comment about china's profitability.
But hey, money is being made, damn the human cost, right?
as per your bolded I dont know if you are being sarcastic or stupid or both.
one more fact that you cant handle: Walmart makes many of its suppliers that it does business with become "business partners"
once they become partners, walmart reserves the right to rake over their books and demand they lower prices.
less money for the company but more money for walmart. Suppliers cant refuse because walmart is a huge supplier.
race to the bottom commences.
what say you?
ETA: I have a friend in Germany who told me that Walmart tried to expand there, but was run out run a rail because they tried to run the store the same way they would in america. Darn those whacky socialists.