sampras played with a 90 or 95 sq in 1991


New User
I saw pete sampras played without is classic wilson pro staff 85 square inches in rolland garros 1991. He was playing with a larger head size raquet.Probably between 90 square inches and 95 square inches .In the first round i saw him winning against thomas muster in center court and then he lost in three set against champion in court number one.
His raquet was thicker than his classic wilson 85 square inches and i am sure he was using a 90-95 head size one. The racquet was black and purple



Wilson Prostaff 6.0

It was the Wilson ProStaff 6.0. Not the "classic", just 6.0. It was mostly green, right? He didn't use is for very long. BUt they produced them for a while with his signature on them, and his picture holding it was on the racquet tag.


Sampras denies he ever used a bigger headsize.

poor choice of equipment according to him

Wednesday, 1 December, 2004

Federer can emulate me - Sampras

Former world number one Pete Sampras has backed Roger Federer to match his long period of domination in tennis.

Before retiring last year, Sampras won 14 Grand Slams and was world number one for a record six straight years.

"I think he can dominate tennis for as long as I did," Sampras told French newspaper L'Equipe.

"He can have an off day in a big tournament and be surprised but over the whole season, he is head and shoulders above the others."

Federer's momentous year

Federer compiled a stunning record in 2004, winning three of four Grand Slams, collecting 11 titles and losing only six matches.

The 23-year-old's style of play has drawn comparisons with Sampras, and the American agreed there are similarities between the duo.

"We have the same temperament and like me, he makes playing look easy," he said.

"He can do just about anything he wants with a racquet and he dominates everybody as I did several years before."

Federer is yet to win the French Open, and Sampras admitted that failing to triumph at Roland Garros was the only regret of his career.

"I regret that I never tried out a racquet with a bigger head at Roland Garros," he added.

"My racquet was almost like one of the old wooden ones - it was heavy and stiff. It took a lot of effort to make the ball move on clay.

"But I was really used to it and I never dared (change). I was too stubborn. I was scared of losing control, that it would take me too long to master it."


New User
sampras is not right

I saw him because i saw his 2 matches in rolland garros in 1991 against thomas muster and thierry champion(and by the way he lost very hardly against thierry champion). I think he used a 95 square inches wilson racquet it was thicker and larger for sure. i can recognize a wilson pro staff 6.0 85 square inches and it was not. I think he only tried this racquet for rolland garros and maybe for the next tournament which was manchester tournament.So that mean he used it for two weeks.Back at wimbledon he used his old wilson pro staff 6.0 85 square inches . if i remember correctly it was green and purple and with lead tape at 3' and 9'



It's cool to hear Pete give props to Fed

Nice post. Both Fed and Pete are such gracious champions, and we saw today (RG).

However, Sampras WAS seen hitting with the 95 sq., semi-widebody, green ProStaff 6.0 back in the early 90's. It may have only been for a week or a day, but I have seen ACTUAL photos taken by family members at a tournament in which it was surely a slightly wide-body frame, and definitely a bigger head than the old 85 ProStaff.

I remember a Wilson rep back in 95, saying he(Pete) Just didn't like the widebody. But they had already put his signature on the racquets.


Yeah my bro had one

It was black and alot of green and some grey with purple stripes here and there.

Here's on one the auction site. item # 270243690210


New User
i am sure that people who were cutomizing racquet for sampras at the time (spring 1991) can comfirm it. It was not a wilson 85 square inches head size racquet


New User
item 270243690210

I looked for the tennis racquet on **** and it looks like the racquet i saw in sampras hand at the time. But in my mind it was not so green it was more black with green ,purpleand grey touch.


I saw pete sampras played without is classic wilson pro staff 85 square inches in rolland garros 1991. He was playing with a larger head size raquet.Probably between 90 square inches and 95 square inches .In the first round i saw him winning against thomas muster in center court and then he lost in three set against champion in court number one.
His raquet was thicker than his classic wilson 85 square inches and i am sure he was using a 90-95 head size one. The racquet was black and purple


The racquet was a paint Job. It was Pete's original Pro Staff 85 with the paint job of the Pro Staff 6.0 Pete Sampras with the dual tapered beam. The actual real Pro Staff 6.0 95 dual tapered beam that was sold to the public had glossy finish. Pete used the Pro Staff 85 with the green, silver and black cosmetics for a short time and then went back to his St. Vincents and did not have a Wilson contract for a while.

Interestingly the Pro Staff 85 with the paint job of the Pro Staff 6.0 95 dual tapered beam was sold in Japan. Just like you can get now in Japan the Original Pro Staff 6.0 85 with the paint job of the Pro Staff Classic.

I also knew a guy from Japan that I met once that used the Pro Staff 85 with the green, black, and silver paint job from the Pro Staff 6.0 95 dual tapered beam.

Here are some photos of the Pro Staff 85 with the paint job of the widebody Pro Staff 6.0 95 dual tapered beam.




This is what Pete used at Roland Garros in 1991.
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New User
vs babolat i think you are right

from the pics it looks like the racquet i saw
vs babolat must be right:it is just a paint job of the old classic wilson
but does anyone have a pic of sampras using it???


The racquet was a paint Job. It was Pete's original Pro Staff 85 with the paint job of the Pro Staff 6.0 Pete Sampras with the dual tapered beam. The actual real Pro Staff 6.0 95 dual tapered beam that was sold to the public had glossy finish. Pete used the Pro Staff 85 with the green, silver and black cosmetics for a short time and then went back to his St. Vincents and did not have a Wilson contract for a while.

Interestingly the Pro Staff 85 with the paint job of the Pro Staff 6.0 95 dual tapered beam was sold in Japan. Just like you can get now in Japan the Original Pro Staff 6.0 85 with the paint job of the Pro Staff Classic.

I also knew a guy from Japan that I met once that used the Pro Staff 85 with the green, black, and silver paint job from the Pro Staff 6.0 95 dual tapered beam.
This is what Pete used at Roland Garros in 1991.


Curious why Pete would play with this strange paintjob.
So basically he had his st. vincent painted with this strange
paintjob? I think I've seen a few of the actual widebody
racquets (that the paintjob is supposed to be of) around


Got a hold of one of the green and black Sampras Pro Staff 85 racquets a couple years ago.
Something interesting. It is slightly thicker than a regular pro staff 85 and the throat is also slightly different.
Some photos:



