I am 48, 3,5 player, i always had problem with the serve tosses.
After more than a year i succeed to find a natural toss with good location for my first serve and now my first serve is much better than was before.
But i have still problem with my sec serve toss – if i succeed the toss over my left schoulder, my sec serve is decent. But this toss is very unconsistant.
My coach says, relaese later, and the toss location will be more behind.
But it is the most difficoult according to my experience, to timing the toss release.
I tried with more bent arm, but the natural toss location is still too in front for a sec serve.
Any advice is appriciated
After more than a year i succeed to find a natural toss with good location for my first serve and now my first serve is much better than was before.
But i have still problem with my sec serve toss – if i succeed the toss over my left schoulder, my sec serve is decent. But this toss is very unconsistant.
My coach says, relaese later, and the toss location will be more behind.
But it is the most difficoult according to my experience, to timing the toss release.
I tried with more bent arm, but the natural toss location is still too in front for a sec serve.
Any advice is appriciated