Seeking a shoe that's beneficial for Plantar Fasciitis?

Hello. I am looking for a shoe that will be helpfull for my Plantar Fasciitis. It's on my left foot, and my right leg is abnormally shorter, so I need a shoe that can fit my lift/insole. I read that the Asics Gel Resolution would be good, but what are some other shoes that I could try?

Currently I use a New Balence, Wide fit.


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Hello. I am looking for a shoe that will be helpfull for my Plantar Fasciitis. It's on my left foot, and my right leg is abnormally shorter, so I need a shoe that can fit my lift/insole. I read that the Asics Gel Resolution would be good, but what are some other shoes that I could try?

Currently I use a New Balence, Wide fit.

You aren't going to find a shoe that can be recommended over the internet that will help.

If you have plantar you should go and see a podiatrist.

If you want an off the shelf recommendation I suggest your purchase some superfeet inserts which are as good as generic supports get for this sort of problem.


Keep in mind that what works for one person will not necessarily work for you. So, while people will be able to recommend what has helped them, may or may not yield the same results for you.

Superfeet do seem to be the best generic insole available...many people on here have mentioned it as well as people I know off-board.

Also, try doing a search on PF in this is quite a popular topic and I'm sure there are many threads on it. You might be able to glean some information from those discussions as well.

But best bet, especially considering the needs for your lifts, is to head to the doctor.


I got rid of my plantar faciatis using many of the treatments (wall stretching, icing, rolling frozen water bottle under foot, orthodics, extra stretching, etc.) mentioned in other threads on this subject. I also purchased some better shoes ...

My problems started when I wore some Adidas Barricades past their good life (about 4 months). I found some K-Swiss shoes that worked well (ankle support, good arch support and proper shoe flex) with the orthodics. I tried the night brace but had some problems with it and ended up using it only on occasion when sitting. I got rid of the p.f. in about 14-16 weeks. Six months later, I'm still doing the extra stretching and using the orthodics. So far it hasn't come back.:cool:

Hope this helps. Best of luck.


As a sufferer of plantar fasciitis let me first say how much it sucks. My advice to you is see a podiatrist as soon as posibble. I put it off hoping that icing and stretching would make it go away. The result is I ruptured mine in early Nov. Each person is different, but a podiatrist will let you know what to do to begin the healing process. Custom orthotics along with trying different shoes, night splint, and exercises is what worked for me.