Self rated player now playing mixed?


My husband recently started playing league after about 13 years off. He played in high school but not in college. Anyway, now that I'm playing league he has started to do so as well.

He self rated as a 4.0 before the spring season and played in a 4.5 league. He only played doubles and lost every match.

Now he's playing with me (a computer rated 3.0) in a 7.0 mixed league. We're doing pretty well. He's pretty dominant at the net in these sorts of situations against 3.5 players - rarely do points go on very long. We played a 4.0 lady with a weak 3.0 man and had no trouble. We have a make up match with a 4.0 man / 3.0 lady this weekend so we'll see how that goes...

Is there any concern that he can get bumped or anything?


Depends on how badly his teams lost. If the matches were close, the possibility exists for strikes since he was a 4.0 playing up. Also depends on the rating of his partner since that spread is maintained when calculating dynamic ratings. Also depends on whether your section incorporate Mixed results with Mens' results.

Mixed results normally stand alone. Only issue would be blowouts on all the your past matches. If all matches were 0 & 0, or 1 & 1, then there may be issues.


If he played enough Adult League Matches to get a rating, I think he is fine. If I was told correctly, Adult League trumps mixed on ratings.


Hall of Fame
I don't think you have anything to worry about. In many sections the mixed league doesn't factor into your NTRP unless you play mixed exclusively.


The USTA does not generate strikes for Mixed play. So if he didn't get strikes and DQ'd to 4.5 for his Adult league play, which you'd certainly know by now I'd expect, he should be fine playing Mixed as a 4.0.

And as kevrol said, since he played Adult his Mixed results will not impact his year-end rating either as Mixed only counts towards an NTRP rating if that is all that is played.

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