Are you really maintaining that prize money (historically, the discrepancy between men's and women's prize money amounts) is/was not indicative of the value placed on the separate events??
Someone needs a history book. Provide any evidence where the achievement of and winning the major was considered of lesser value for women. You cannot, as its never been officially or unofficial stated. In your rant, you missed the fact that prize money became an issue in part because the actual achievement was always considered having equal value, therefore the players should be earning the same amount. If there was any official position that (for example) the male U.S. Open singles title won by a man was of greater value than that one by a woman, you--and the rest of this little group certainly would have posted it in the thousands of posts dedicated to belittling women.
If so, please just stop now. Please. Additionally, I've offered ample evidence that they're not different sports, but they are different events--parsed by gender. Nobody can be this dense, honestly.
No evidence, but flaming. Typical of your ilk.
Thanks to truth frightening the insecure of TTW, I will post it again, just to see the male irrelevancy crisis create rage all over again:
Same sport. Same achievements, and Serena's record is superior to every male playing today, and very likely endless tomorrows to come, much as that pains McEnroe as he cannot take pride in males being the best of several generations.
There's no male with her majors record, and they will never catch or surpass it. No current younger male exhibits any ability to even squeeze out one major, and like a rerun of a TV series you've seen enough times to quote, they walk on court to lose to the same players--some old enough that they're standing in the doorway of retirement.
Cry, flame or do whatever you want, but Serena's achievements left all other active players in the dust years ago. Wonderful.
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