How did Serena recover so fast and just start making media appearances? Maybe her situation was not as serious as the media portrayed it.
Let's put it this way.
Serena and her entourage wanted us to think it was life-threatening. She told Matt Lauer it was the scariest thing that ever happened to her.
She then went to Vegas to make a quick buck.
So, maybe, it wasn't that life threatening. Or, she puts a higher priority on making money then on getting well.
And, she and her family wonder aloud why some crowds never cheer for her.
It's not "pure baseless conjecture" because conjecture assumes that such an argument possibly has some merit.
Serena is not obese by any defintion of the word. Therefore, she could not possibly have "health issues" due to "obesity"
Anyone who would suggest otherwise is not worth having a conversation with.
^ Bull. You don't need to be a doctor to figure any of this out just like you don't need to be a doctor to figure out that Sheen can't afford binging 7 grams of coke a day if he wants to stay alive or that you don't have to jump over the cliff in order to know what will happen. These are elementary things. If she was laid up by a "life threatening" situation on monday, why was she speaking at a business conference in Vegas on Wednesday?
In other words either it was NOT life threatening and Serena can and should continue doing business as usual, or else it was life threatening and then there can't be business as usual. Which one is it? Take your pick
It does not matter what crowds cheer for her. She still has legions of fans, whether you like it alot, and considering she's almost a quarter of a billionaire, you are just going to have to live with it.![]()
How did Serena recover so fast and just start making media appearances? Maybe her situation was not as serious as the media portrayed it.
How did Serena recover so fast and just start making media appearances? Maybe her situation was not as serious as the media portrayed it.
LDV, there are a HUGE amounts of inconsistencies with this entire story.Let's put it this way.
Serena and her entourage wanted us to think it was life-threatening. She told Matt Lauer it was the scariest thing that ever happened to her.
She then went to Vegas to make a quick buck.
So, maybe, it wasn't that life threatening. Or, she puts a higher priority on making money then on getting well.
And, she and her family wonder aloud why some crowds never cheer for her.
Mother Marjorie opines that if Serena Williams flew by Southwest Airlines, they might have required her purchase two seats. One......two........In that case that Vegas trip was not by car but by plane, right?
This, I just scurried past that 'Serena is overweight" BS. Not even worth trying to have a convo with the morons.
But, no surprise. These are the same people who were celebrating this PE Serena had, even some wishing death.
None of it is making sense, now.
Mother Marjorie now wonders if that surgical procedure to remove a hemotoma from her abdomen was actually for that purpose. Perhaps Serena was having something else removed...something un Common, if you know what Mother Marjorie means. You betcha!
Serena is lying again, which generally means she's attempting to cover-up something.
Mother Marjorie Ann
Undisputed Queen of Talk Tennis Warehouse
Oh, TMF. You just made Mother Marjorie spill her Green Tea, oh, yes you did!Maybe you can have her sit on you lap and see how it feel. And don't keep it pass 5 minutes, you might end up with a blood clot too.
How did Serena recover so fast and just start making media appearances? Maybe her situation was not as serious as the media portrayed it.
She and Humbalito have 'bottomless pits of energy'
She wants to return to the tour THIS SUMMER????? I think Serena's crazy if that's her plan.
Maybe you can have her sit on you lap and see how it feel. And don't keep it pass 5 minutes, you might end up with a blood clot too.
I'm not surprise you disagree with me, despite you know deep down it's true
Maybe you can have her sit on you lap and see how it feel. And don't keep it pass 5 minutes, you might end up with a blood clot too.
umm she isn't that big. She would need to be like 300lbs+ for that to happen. And it would need to be for longer than 5 minutes.
Hello, Internet Doctor John_Doe!I am a physician, and it is not uncommon for a patient with a PE to be perfectly fine within a day or two of starting therapy. In fact, studies show that more than 25% of patients with pulmonary emboli have hospital stays of less than 4 days.
If this is the case, I retract my earlier statements about doubting Serena's medical situation. I really hope Serena can recover soon and get back on court.I am a physician, and it is not uncommon for a patient with a PE to be perfectly fine within a day or two of starting therapy. In fact, studies show that more than 25% of patients with pulmonary emboli have hospital stays of less than 4 days.
I am a physician, and it is not uncommon for a patient with a PE to be perfectly fine within a day or two of starting therapy. In fact, studies show that more than 25% of patients with pulmonary emboli have hospital stays of less than 4 days.
I am a physician, and it is not uncommon for a patient with a PE to be perfectly fine within a day or two of starting therapy. In fact, studies show that more than 25% of patients with pulmonary emboli have hospital stays of less than 4 days.
Wow. Actually someone on this topic that knows what they are talking about. ....
(Mother Marjorie quietly ponders why when someone online claims to be a physician, people act like they've seen this persons license. Note to discussion group: don't believe everything you read, children.)
Undisputed Queen of Talk Tennis Warehouse
I am a physician, and it is not uncommon for a patient with a PE to be perfectly fine within a day or two of starting therapy. In fact, studies show that more than 25% of patients with pulmonary emboli have hospital stays of less than 4 days.
^ ...and here we are: your true motive forbeing in this thread--schoolyard slurs.
Next, your reference to "my doctor" is BS. There is no doctor. No one believes this lie.
and that got her just as many FO wins as serena did 1
Still she is underrated on clay because of how great she is on other surfaces. She is arguably the 2nd best clay courter of her era. Only Kuznetsova would I possibly argue against her at this point.
Let me guess....just b/c you are unhealthy and never visited a doctor means other people are like you too?
I am sorry, but I could not help but do a quick google of 'pulmonary embolism hospitalization' and came across this news article, which says that (LOS is length of stay in hospital)
"Compared with patients who had an LOS of 5 to 6 days, those with an LOS of 4 days or less had a significantly higher adjusted postdischarge mortality rate"
Goes to show that you cannot believe everything you read on the internet. Besides, 25% is hardly a reassuring ratio IMO.
And what is 'ideal', Dr. LDV? There is such a thing as healthy fat, and though I do think Serena could at times stand to lose a few lbs (even she admits this at times), it comes nowhere close to being unhealthy or being obese, from what I see.
Since when has there EVER been a phenomenon known as "healthy fat"? When, where and by what scientist?
Body Mass it.
Mother Marjorie Ann
Undisputed Queen of Talk Tennis Warehouse
Typical body fat amounts
Different cultures value different body compositions differently at different times, and some are related to health or athletic performance. Levels of body fat are epidemiologically dependent on gender and age.[2] Different authorities have developed different recommendations for ideal body fat percentages. The table below describes different percentages but is not a recommendation (from the American Council on Exercise).[3]:
Description Women Men
Essential fat 10-13% 2-5%
Athletes 14-20% 6-13%
Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
Average 25-31% 18-24%
Obese 32%+ 25%+
Essential fat is the level below which physical and physiological health would be negatively affected. Controversy exists as to whether a particular body fat percentage is better for one's health; athletic performance may also be affected. The leanest athletes typically compete at levels of about 6-13% for men or 14-20% for women. Bodybuilders may compete at ranges even lower than these levels. Certified personal trainers will suggest to male bodybuilders that they aim for a body fat percentage between 2–4% by contest time[citation needed]. However it is unclear that such levels are ever actually attained since (a) the means to measure such levels are, as noted below, lacking in principle, and (b) 3% is generally considered a physiological minimum for human males.
Perhaps our drama queen could take her own advice before giving out too much more medical "Knowledge".
She can do that juggling a dozen donuts all day.May I suggest to Serena to buy a Table Tennis table and play on it? It is low impact, keeps her moving, and her reflexes sharp, while she convalesces.
Mother Marjorie - Just noticed that all of your posts were in the pro player discussion and odds and ends section. Do you even play tennis, or just some worthless troll? Most TENNIS players like to discuss their racquets and strings from time to time. You need to go back to being a grandma, taking care of babies instead of providing "knowledge" of which medical doctors say differently. Oh, yes, YOU do!
Speaking for myself, I play tennis and I only post in the Match Results and Pro Player discussion. Some of us are not equipment geeks (or are satisfied with our current setup) and recognize that results are about the person holding the racket, not the strings. Also, I wouldn't look on this forum for any training or playing advice as I don't consider anyone here an expert.
But this is still the best place to buy or sell western gripsSpeaking for myself, I play tennis and I only post in the Match Results and Pro Player discussion. Some of us are not equipment geeks (or are satisfied with our current setup) and recognize that results are about the person holding the racket, not the strings. Also, I wouldn't look on this forum for any training or playing advice as I don't consider anyone here an expert.
Mother Marjorie - Just noticed that all of your posts were in the pro player discussion and odds and ends section. Do you even play tennis, or just some worthless troll? Most TENNIS players like to discuss their racquets and strings from time to time. You need to go back to being a grandma, taking care of babies instead of providing "knowledge" of which medical doctors say differently. Oh, yes, YOU do!
Mother Marjorie - Just noticed that all of your posts were in the pro player discussion and odds and ends section. Do you even play tennis, or just some worthless troll? Most TENNIS players like to discuss their racquets and strings from time to time. You need to go back to being a grandma, taking care of babies instead of providing "knowledge" of which medical doctors say differently. Oh, yes, YOU do!
What the heck does that have to do with anything? Whether she posts in other areas of the forum determines her worth as a poster? That is logical!
You have heard that people are entitled to their own opinions right? That is what a forum is for--i.e. to see different opinions. You don't have to agree with her opinion but you don't have to be rude!
Mother Marjorie: I can't speak for you but I would ignore this troll!
What the heck does that have to do with anything? Whether she posts in other areas of the forum determines her worth as a poster? That is logical!
You have heard that people are entitled to their own opinions right? That is what a forum is for--i.e. to see different opinions. You don't have to agree with her opinion but you don't have to be rude!
Mother Marjorie: I can't speak for you but I would ignore this troll!
One definition for a troll:
A person whose first post on a subject is exclusively a personal attack on another person, rather than a "rational" reply to that person's argument or opinion.Now, this act of trolling would be somewhat excusable if this person had a running dialogue with Mother Majorie over an argument she made previously, but in this case it seems the person in question just thinks he is smarter than everyone else because he blathers about the size of his racquet face elsewhere on this forum.