Trying to put this whole thing in perspective. I have searched high and low on statistics on code violations for coaching, or the amount of violations given in the mens game verses womens, and can't find anything. Can't even find information just on the US Open. I would then say that because of this we can't assume this was sexist, or one sided until we have a better view of it overall. And Serena stating it was, really appears to be over reaction in an emotional moment more then anything else. I felt terrible for her, but felt even more terrible for Osaka. Osaka played amazing, and would have won regardless. If anything we (the fans) got robbed of a chance to see if Serena could make a comeback. I have always hated having refs be a factor in big events,
My takes on it overall:
-Seems bizarre that Ramos decided to call a coaching violation in the finals of the US Open. As a fan, I can't say I have ever seen this called. The tournament had a lot of complaints about coaching (Murray on Verdasco, Kyrogios etc...), so maybe thats what drove some sensitivity to this issue. Seems like something inconsistently called, and given that her coach was other side of the court and back of the box not sure what exactly he did that was even that helpful to be called out on. I am guessing the tournament got some pressure to call these things out from some griping players
-Her reaction initially was fine, but she kept going at him and this was unnecessary. I have seen a lot of players do this sort of thing, and almost every time it doesn't end well. Not sure I have seen men treated differently and was bothered this was brought up so much even by the ESPN announcers. I see lots of men get fined, or disqualified. Didn't this happen to Mcenroe in the Australian one year? Again I need some stats to make a judgement
-Break a racquet in the middle of the court, your going to get a violation. This is consistent, so no issue there. Did she know the coaching call out was a violation, clearly not. But she's an experienced player really not much of an excuse to not know the rules
-And she kept chipping away, Ramos clearly had enough. Its the finals, he probably could have asked her to tone it back before getting another warning, but chose to go right to a 3rd violation. Thats his prerogative. He's been around awhile, not sure if that reaction is his M.O. but I would think players might know this about the different refs before continuing on tirades
So I can't say I see the "women's rights" angle on this which Serena kept bringing up. It's sport, a women won, and got a 3.2 million dollar check in the grand slam that pays equally both sides of the draw. I am sure the shirt changing issue earlier in the tournament sparked this reaction by Serena, I hope she gets some perspective and turns this approach around. But if anyone has stats on these code calls I would love to see the links. Can't wait to see how it pans out in the social media universe