No the umpire did not do his job properly! Coaching has been going on all tournament long and not once has it been called but it got called against Serena. You really think he would have done the same if it would have been Fed, Nadal or Murray?
These reasonings kinda sound like the arguments people make when they get pulled over for speeding...yes most everyone does it, yes it doesn’t always get caught... and yet when someone gets pulled over they start pointing fingers and accusations at every other driver on the road. Laughable.
Singling our Serena? Equally 2009 she was called for a foot-fault...flips out, threatens a line umpire!?! gets a code that resulted in a point, when she happened to be match-point down...
Serena plays the victim role to the press
When she lost to Henin at the French, when Henin held up her racquet..(yeah she did, and she didn’t own up to that doesn’t happen a lot in rec tennis?).
Serena plays the victim to the press
She is booed at Indian Wells...skips the tournament for 10+ plus years (I can’t remember)
Serena plays the victim to the press
Is anyone else spotting a trend here?
She is called for a Hinderance against Stoser...
She flips out on the Chair
Again Serena plays the victim to the press
Now Serena is playing the victim again as the champion of Women’s rights in tennis....vaguely masking accusations of sexism...(and ...gag ...the Champion of mothers (laughable)...
Please, it’s a snow job, and snow melts...
Been an interesting thaw.....