When people talk about the greatest female tennis player of all time they mention Navratilova or Graf mostly. On occasion you hear the names Evert, Court, Wills, Lenglen, and Connolly brought up. And for those whiny "what if" babies only Seles on occasion. While many acknowledge Serena as a top 10 player all time nobody discusses her as even a candidate for the greatest female tennis player ever. To me this is simply ridiculous. I dont expect everyone to agree she is the greatest ever, but she should atleast be in the discussion and considered for that title. It is clear to me racism has alot to do with her constant ommision from the greatest female player ever discussions.
Navratilova or Graf the greatest ever? Navratilova won half her slams at one slam, and Graf won half of them after her main rival was stabbed.
Navratilova or Graf the greatest ever? Navratilova won half her slams at one slam, and Graf won half of them after her main rival was stabbed.