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What techniques would you recomend for serve and volley(singles and doubles). Like where to place the serve, what kind of serve, speed, spin. Also how and where to approach the net. Any help would be aprieciated.
What techniques would you recomend for serve and volley(singles and doubles). Like where to place the serve, what kind of serve, speed, spin. Also how and where to approach the net. Any help would be aprieciated.
So should i approach toward the middle of the court assuming I serve out wide.
So should i approach toward the middle of the court assuming I serve out wide.
Well i like to serve an volley from time to time, this is what i consider when i do it:
1. where is the place on the court where i most confortably volley. I know everybody says that you should get as close of the net as you can, but in my case i dont feel confortable volleying from so close to the net i prefer half way between the net and the service line.
2. Know how fast you are, how much time takes you get to your comfy volley zone.
3. Find which one of your services allows you to get to your confortable volley zone and also which is hard and akward to return for your opponent.
4. Practice every kind of volleys, you will receive them.
5. Work on your overheads, develope one that you can trust on, again harder doesnt mean better.
in my opinion is better a medium speed well put service than a flat laser beam service, remember that the fast the ball goes one way the fast it will come back.
I know this may sound unorthodox but it has worked to me, hope it helps you too.
Other thing very important:
DO the split step. No matter where you are on your run to the net, as soon as you see your opponent is about to hit do the split.
Method: Here's one cruel thing that i do when im s&v-ing. Usually my serves are quite big, so as the match goes on, my opponents tend to sit back at the back of the court. In response, i developed a "dead serve", which is - i toss the ball with SPIN on it, then when i hit it, i i hit with opposing spin.
What this means is that even though it looks like i hit it hard and with spin, my serve is actually a floating shallow serve, and when it hits the floor it bounces very little will die before reaching the backcourt. This often sends my opponents scrambling forward and will try to just tip the ball over the net. From there, u can just slap a powerful volley past them as they are recovering.
What techniques would you recomend for serve and volley(singles and doubles). Like where to place the serve, what kind of serve, speed, spin. Also how and where to approach the net. Any help would be aprieciated.