I bought this drop weight stringer used. I am having trouble setting tension on it accurately. It has ticks marking the drop weight bar but no markings that tell what the poundage is for each marking. I know from other conversations that you go off of the bottom of the weight to set the weight at a certain poundage but I don’t know where the 50lbs or 60lbs mark is. I have been doing my best to estimate what each mark is so far. In this picture the mark I am pointing at is what I have been assuming is 50lbs and I have been assuming that the marks are 10 lbs apart. My questions are:
1. What poundage do each of the marks represent? Am I right about where the 50lbs mark is?
2. Am I correct in thinking that the marks are 10lbs apart?
Link to the picture:
1. What poundage do each of the marks represent? Am I right about where the 50lbs mark is?
2. Am I correct in thinking that the marks are 10lbs apart?
Link to the picture: