The case of
Maria Sharapova:
Don’t laugh me when I said Hurricane Maria is because of Maria Sharapova’s desperation in 15 month ban. Sharapova spirit level is the best out of all tennis players both in male and female, no question about that. Her spirit and vibration too high, that’s why there is not many players can even come close to her field, she is friendly but only when she able to find the person have similar spirit level and who understand her. How many tears have you drop while writing your book, Sharapova? I can easily read your desperation feeling and the hate for this stupid planet Earth. Then you may cry happy after your book is released, that’s the stage of remembering & releasing trauma.
Mark my words: Sharapova will be the Champion of China Open 2017 next week. She is anger, she is hungry, she is going to destroy every opponents just like what hurricane name “Maria” did, abosulute no mercy. The only thing can prevent her is injury, if she is fit 100%, there is no any other player can beat her at this moment.
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