Sharapova Book

The guy busted his rear to get his daughter where she is now (a world-famous, 5-times Slam champion multi-millionaire). My friend knew him in Beijing where he was traveling to make some money for Maria's training. Failed parent? You are a joke;)

Having successful daughter doesn't make you a good parent.

Teaching her proper values does.

You ought to raise your kids to realise that.

Which you apparently have not.



Hall of Fame
Hey i'm only messing! You know I love Serena ;) Sharapova did bite back good anyway though ;)

Anyway, I can't see there being that much juicy stuff in the book to be honest. Think she's milked this Serena angle for all it's worth. I hope i'm wrong and we get some drama but just can't see it.
Well, there are other people she could talk about as well. Plus her own story of course.


I'm getting the Annacone book for sure. When you look at what this guy has done it's quite incredible. Annacone does the thankless task of getting people who are already good and getting that last 1%. In a lot of ways it's the hardest part to do, getting a good player to become great. People don't give him enough credit because he works with people who are already amazingly talented. But his skills in the tactical and mental side of things are incredible imo.

I'll probably still pick up the Sharapova book but only if I can find a copy cheap in E-Book format. I don't need a physical copy because I don't care for the jacket design or the typesetting (from the previews I've seen).

Paul came across very well in Pete's book, was very impressed
Sharapova seems to have 'proper values' in so far as one can ascertain.

I wouldn't call them that, but then again, proper values mean so many things to so many people.

The poaster who feels personally offended by my post apparently thinks that fame and money are the true sign of propriety.


Tommy Haas

Hall of Fame
Congrats to Sugarpova. Sounds like a great book. Will probably outsell Serena' s 10:1.

I appreciate her frankness and courage. If the Williams sisters ever plays Sharapova again, it'll be worth watching as I generally skip watching WTA matches. She's definitely trying to antagonize Serena. Serena will of course claim that she doesn't know about the book and busy with her newborn to not give Sharapova any satisfaction in knowing that Serena knew what was written about her.

Tommy Haas

Hall of Fame
Does anyone know if Roddick really had a relationship with Sharapova years ago before he got involved with Brooklyn? I wonder if that's in the book. Sharapova's book sounds like an interesting read as I love reading and hearing about tennis behind the scenes. That's why I prefer former tennis player commentators who can recount their experiences on tour over posers like Chris Fowler and Chris McKendry.

Man of steel

Hall of Fame
Does anyone know if Roddick really had a relationship with Sharapova years ago before he got involved with Brooklyn? I wonder if that's in the book. Sharapova's book sounds like an interesting read as I love reading and hearing about tennis behind the scenes. That's why I prefer former tennis player commentators who can recount their experiences on tour over posers like Chris Fowler and Chris McKendry.
When did brooklyn and roddick hook up. Because anything before 05 is essentially illiegal if roddick and pova ever did considering she was still a minor


Bionic Poster
I just love it when people do cryptic, but I thought we'd established that I was commenting seriously on someone who it turns out was trolling.

So whether you are cryptic, serious, or trolling is something I have no clue about.
You're very wrong on this one, man.
Very wrong.


Having successful daughter doesn't make you a good parent.

Teaching her proper values does.

You ought to raise your kids to realise that.

Which you apparently have not.


I am just about to have a kid so I'll follow your advice. No sarcasm intended :)

Let's say we disagree about Yuri Sharapov. I personally think his daughter has done pretty well.


Not all of Maria's lovers are catalogued in the book.

He-he, awesome! A Grand Slam-worthy retort

What was he doing in Beijing? I must confess that his personality and visual presence was always magnified in Maria's early days, but his actual day job remained a mystery.......

From what I gathered he was doing what many Russians from the far East/East Siberia were doing at the time (and many still do)- traveling to China, buying goods and selling them in Russia. Given the shortages at the time there was quite some money to be made if one was willing to do the trip regularly.

When my friend told me (he had actually once spotted Yuri on the TV screen and said 'I know that guy!'), I didn't completely believe it at first but then at one tournament (Maria was still very young) she called her mother on the phone immediately after the victory. The on-court interviewer remarked with a smile 'Oh, this is a nice phone you have' (remember, she was still really young so the remark came out very naturally). Maria beamed at him and said 'Yeah, my dad bought it for me in China'. That's when I finally believed my friend :cool:


Bionic Poster


Is it as Interesting as Lance Armstrong's book?

It should have been called "Unstoppable with Meldonium".

All too true, as both skirted the law to use (and traffic) illegal PEDs. But that's a story Ms. Sharapova will never tell. Instead, expect more "me got diabetes and heart disease and..." lies, which no sane mind ever bought.

DOubt it. Sharapova an after thought. A reasonable player dwarfed by Williams sisters. Plus a known drug cheat.

SErena wont even consider sharapova a rival or in same league. Sharapova frankly insignificant.

I would not call her insignificant, but passages from her book are textbook attempts by self-obsessed subjects attempting to lift themselves by suggesting they are "above" or were not as bothered by one who is clearly superior to the subject, yet tries to water down years of disrespectful and/or hostile behavior toward Serena with the "friends" bit of fiction. To say her behavior is unhealthy would be the understatement of the 21st century.




Hall of Fame
  • It is Serena Williams who continues to make Sharapova feel diminished, as she continues to discuss her aura before their 2004 Wimbledon final: “You are a speed bump. You are a zero. Many great players have this mentality. Serena Williams just has it more.”

    Sharapova beat Williams in that match, but believes its aftermath has cost her every match since. Williams, she believes, was determined to crush Sharapova after Sharapova heard her crying in the locker room.

    “Guttural sobs, the sort that make you heave for air, the sort that scares you,” Sharapova writes. “It went on and on. I got out as quickly as I could, but she knew I was there. People often wonder why I have had so much trouble beating Serena; she’s owned me in the past ten years. My record against her is 2 and 19.

    “In analyzing this, people talk about Serena’s strength, her serve and confidence, how her particular game matches up to my particular game, and, sure there is truth to all of that; but, to me, the real answer was there, in this locker room, where I was changing and she was bawling. I think Serena hated me for being the skinny kid who beat her, against all odds, at Wimbledon.”
Interesting how she reduces the narrative of a decade long rivalry to a single moment. "That one time she beat Williams at Wimbledon".
Lying about taking a drugs for ten 10 years and not informing the ITF on any medical form suggests otherwise

She didn't lie for 10 years because it wasn't on the WADA banned list until January 1st 2016, so until she popped for it later that month she had not broken any doping laws as it was a total irrelevance to the testing labs until that date.
I appreciate her frankness and courage. If the Williams sisters ever plays Sharapova again, it'll be worth watching as I generally skip watching WTA matches. She's definitely trying to antagonize Serena. Serena will of course claim that she doesn't know about the book and busy with her newborn to not give Sharapova any satisfaction in knowing that Serena knew what was written about her.

The allegation from Sharapova about Serena bawling backstage in 2004 have been out there for some time now & neither her nor anybody in her camp have denied it, for all the people questioning Sharapova's values she is somebody who as shown by her recent comeback just gets on with things & as she said couldn't care less if she is playing in the car park, let alone court 5 or court 50. I think at this stage Sharapova knows she has little chance of beating Serena at a slam again-in spite of her excellent attitude of not standing up & applauding her as a youngster & watching through the keyhole of a shed so as not to show any deference she plainly as she admits here always has been in awe of Serena & that is likely the main reason she has such a poor record against her.
Sharapova wrote this book just to bump her wealth above Serena's Well, it won't work! Serena will leapfrog her when she marries her rich techie. Poor Masha just has to settle for being Mr. Lob's sidepiece ;)

My wife wants to read the book. She heard that Maria dishes all kinds of dirt :)

From this bit it sounds that far from the usual boring book of platitudes &trying not to offend anybody that Sharapova is going to leave nothing out.


Interesting how she reduces the narrative of a decade long rivalry to a single moment. "That one time she beat Williams at Wimbledon".

How is that so? Supposedly the book talks a lot about Serena; far from reducing their rivalry/relationship to a single moment.


Hall of Fame
How is that so? Supposedly the book talks a lot about Serena; far from reducing their rivalry/relationship to a single moment.

That's the impression I get from the bit I quoted. How she sees the "real answer" to their match up is how Serena was "bawling" after the Wimbledon final.

Tommy Haas

Hall of Fame
The allegation from Sharapova about Serena bawling backstage in 2004 have been out there for some time now & neither her nor anybody in her camp have denied it, for all the people questioning Sharapova's values she is somebody who as shown by her recent comeback just gets on with things & as she said couldn't care less if she is playing in the car park, let alone court 5 or court 50. I think at this stage Sharapova knows she has little chance of beating Serena at a slam again-in spite of her excellent attitude of not standing up & applauding her as a youngster & watching through the keyhole of a shed so as not to show any deference she plainly as she admits here always has been in awe of Serena & that is likely the main reason she has such a poor record against her.

How old were the Williams sisters when Sharapova was doing the peeping Tom thing watching them play at Bollettieri? They must have been adults already. I can't imagine being in such awe of just a pair of juniors.

Sharapova must have used her "time off" writing this book. I wonder if she really wrote it herself or was ghost written for her. I need to peruse this book at B&N. Do people in the UK like her as much in the US?
How old were the Williams sisters when Sharapova was doing the peeping Tom thing watching them play at Bollettieri? They must have been adults already. I can't imagine being in such awe of just a pair of juniors.

Sharapova must have used her "time off" writing this book. I wonder if she really wrote it herself or was ghost written for her. I need to peruse this book at B&N. Do people in the UK like her as much in the US?

It says she was 12 so this would have been 1999 or 2000, so yeah she was looking up to 17-19 year olds-one of whom had been in a slam final in 1997 & several quarters & semis & the younger one either had or was about to win her first slam & both were moving rapidly up the rankings, so you can see why they would have been held in awe. Probably the Williams sisters could have cared less about anybody there, but with Sharapova's upbringing her mindset obviously saw them as huge threats when she made it big & also in her mind she was head & shoulders above every other female at the academy & the idea that she wouldn't make it onto the tour & win slams was something she wouldn't accept even at that age.

One suspects from what we have heard thus far that she had a very heavy editorial control which fits in with her personality. No doubt she dictated most of it, but gave little room for negotiation with the writer or the publishers, you have to think they probably hated working with her but know the book is likely to sell huge, especially with these hype snippets. She is certainly well known here after Wimbledon 2004, probably not liked that much & much is made about her grunting/shrieks, but well respected as a player & fighter.
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Jon Snow

They got the wrong book out, it should be this


Man of steel

Hall of Fame
She didn't lie for 10 years because it wasn't on the WADA banned list until January 1st 2016, so until she popped for it later that month she had not broken any doping laws as it was a total irrelevance to the testing labs until that date.
On an ITF medical form you are required to notify them about ANY drug that you are taking prescribed by ANY licensed Doctor legal or illegal. She failed to put down meldonium even once in all her medical forms. Only her Russian Doctor and father knew that she was taking meldonium. Next time you chat SH1T about sharapova did or didn't do, actually go do some research
On an ITF medical form you are required to notify them about ANY drug that you are taking prescribed by ANY licensed Doctor legal or illegal. She failed to put down meldonium even once in all her medical forms. Only her Russian Doctor and father knew that she was taking meldonium. Next time you chat SH1T about sharapova did or didn't do, actually go do some research

Calm down old chap. To lie about something you have to be asked directly & nothing in her test results showed up as being on the banned substances list, so again the whole thing is farcical, especially as she lost a year of her career as punishment.


Hall of Fame
Ugh I can't stand Maria Sharapova. I'm not crazy about Serena and her antics, but at least she's not malicious. Who writes about their competitors this way and your father had you hide in a shed to watch them, instead of coming out and saying hello and watch them like all the other normal kids did? What kind of freak is Yuri and this is why I believe he is the reason she is messed up in the head for life. She didn't want to worship them but her game was patterned after Venus', which she admitted to in an early Wimbledon interview and she posted this on Facebook after beating injured Serena in a 2004 World Tour Final match:

Here's the great dinner I had at Spago to celebrate beating Serena Williams for the second time in a row (remember Wimbledon last summer?).

She got your memo and she didn't like the way you conducted yourself, and how you seemed to make it personal. You like to boast but you're not her rival and you're not as talented as her, so get that through your thick skull. After writing this book, you will never beat her again.

I do have to agree. Having her hide in a shed is beyond weird.

She seems to have set up this antagonism with the Williams sisters from way before they even knew she existed.

Tommy Haas

Hall of Fame
I do have to agree. Having her hide in a shed is beyond weird.

She seems to have set up this antagonism with the Williams sisters from way before they even knew she existed.

Yes, that was very weird. The Williams sisters back then didn't even know of her or should have. All she needed to do was sit on the far side of the court and walk away after they were done hitting. If she doesn't introduce herself then there's no way the Williams sisters could remember a little girl sitting in the stands six years later on tour.


I do have to agree. Having her hide in a shed is beyond weird.

She seems to have set up this antagonism with the Williams sisters from way before they even knew she existed.

Sounds like Yuri instilled those values in her. Just like the banana.

Man of steel

Hall of Fame
Calm down old chap. To lie about something you have to be asked directly & nothing in her test results showed up as being on the banned substances list, so again the whole thing is farcical, especially as she lost a year of her career as punishment.
:rolleyes:Where's the facepalm Gif when you need it.
You clearly can't comprehend what i'm saying.


I still think its funny how womens tennis is the only sport were the competitors are expected to be besties.

I dont expect this book to be any good, if so it will be the first auto that is.
Yes, that was very weird. The Williams sisters back then didn't even know of her or should have. All she needed to do was sit on the far side of the court and walk away after they were done hitting. If she doesn't introduce herself then there's no way the Williams sisters could remember a little girl sitting in the stands six years later on tour.

But you have to understand the psyche of a coached narcissist. She has totally isolated herself from the other women on tour outside of social events/sponsor deals she is obliged to attend. In her mind she would stand out to them.
She lied for 10 years by omitting the drug from the MANDATORY disclosure forms for 10 years

That isn't lying, it is not volunteering information. If they gave her a list & said read it & tell us if you take any of these then it would be a lie if she responded no.
:rolleyes:Where's the facepalm Gif when you need it.
You clearly can't comprehend what i'm saying.

Sure I can, but it is just another attempt to paint her as some all time criminal when in effect her 'crime' was minuscule, understandable due to the closeness of the ban & her failure & something which she was duly punished for.


Yuri is a failed parent, but that is hardly news to anyone who knows his daughter, who is a failed character.

Of course, people have the right to read bad books, if they so choose.


In my opinion they are both heroes, and I don't know if you are even 1% of who they are and if you've achieved at least 1% of what they have achieved, so I am not sure if your opinion on them has any value.

Do you
Murray is to Federer what Sharapova is to Serena.

The main time Serena gets good press around here is when she gets compared to Maria.

Explains a lot about prejudice.

I disagree about this comparison. Federer is someone who physically is not the strongest on men's tour, he plays elegantly and wins with grace. Williams is just physically stronger than any woman on tour and she wins by brutal wild force - this type of WTA tennis is not something I enjoy watching.


Having successful daughter doesn't make you a good parent.

Teaching her proper values does.

You ought to raise your kids to realise that.

Which you apparently have not.


Stay loyal to your native country, love your family, fight your enemies and competitors to death - yea, these are her wrong values, sure.