Share your 2014 racquet experience


2014 was the year of transition from my old school, traditional PS85 / PS90 box beams to the lighter modern tennis frames. Starting with a Wilson Juice and moving to a Babolat Pure Drive.

This year added several Babolat Play Pure Drives in L2, L2, L3 and L3 grips. These racquets have been invaluable for numerically confirming visual observations and monitoring the development of my daughter's program.

With regard to Pure Drives, there have been close to 20 in various French Open, Wimbledon or standard GT cosmetics in L2, L3, L4 grips. There is even a PD lite which is brand new and never made it to the court.

Thanks to TW and Babolat, a 2015 Pure Drive was also added to the playing inventory. With the added playability, maybe the 2012 inventory may become mine and my daughter may go to the 2015 PD platform (in various cosmetics).

Finally at the last minute on 12/31, I snagged a few brand new blow out Wilson's - PS90. PS95S and a Blade 93 paying $61, $66 and $51 for each. These racquets (along with the Juice) are just for comparison purposes so I can understand the characteristics when fellow TT members describe the racquets.

Please share your 2014 racquet-ology....


Talk Tennis Guru
Well… From being unsure on whether to use the YT IG Prestige Pro or the Wilson BLX Pro Staff Six.One 95, I switched to the latter highly customized (both static weight and swingweight in the 360g range with a 6 pts HL balance), then took off some lead once I stopped playing more frequently to get the racquet to about 350g and a mid 330 swingweight with a 9 pts HL balance, then bought a PS 85 and enjoyed the feel so much that I decided to sell my Prestiges and the older PS and now I am contemplating on which racquet to use for which purpose between the PS 85/90/95 (latter two being the 2014 version) :)


Bionic Poster
Started out with my trusty EXO3 Tour 100, had a brief encounter with a Donnay x-dual silver99, followed by a more serious fling with the PK QTour 295, which is really comfortable and pretty solid for its low weight. But I wasn't content, so, just for fun, I bought a beat-up dirt cheap Prince Classic Graphite 100 and went old school. The solid feel, the plow through, the control and the lower power - all perfect for my game. So I lose a few MPHs on my serve, but I am able to return offensively, and I feel I am really able to play the way I want with this stick :)
2015 is the year when I find the perfect string match-up for it...


Hall of Fame
Started with my beat-up Pure Storms and ended with my beat-up Pure Storms.

Experimented with the Pro Staff 95 (commandeered by wife), heavily modified Graphene Prestige S (want to like it but have some reservations), and some frames we bought super cheap off the bay and local shop (Rebel 98 and IG Radical Pro).

I really enjoyed the Pro Staff 95's precision and comfort but ultimately it was commandeered by my wife and I didn't fight it. To get the swing weight up to something useful against heavy shots the static weight went past my comfort zone anyway.

Really enjoy the comfort and control of the Rebel 98. My son commandeered those. Only reservation was that the head shape was not as spin friendly as the PSGT or Prestige S.

The IG Radical Pro is really amazing but the one I got has a balance point too low for my desired weight limit. Just couldn't get up to 8 HL and remain light enough for me.

The Graphene Prestige S was my Siren Song of 2014. In stock form I don't care for it. With extra weight I really enjoyed it but, like so many "modern" frames, I still didn't like the feel. Too stiff even with the supposedly low RDC value. But then over the holidays I built up the grip with vinyl tape to a shape that I enjoy (hate the Head grip shape) and filled the handle with silicone.

Now, combined with lead at 10/2 it feels really plush so I'm giving it a second (really third) look. Current specs are around 338g, 9 HL, and SW 326.

Yesterday I played a couple of sets with a very fit female AA player. If one of her shots was obviously going long I would take it out of the air to test the frame's comfort and stability. Even on what were backhand stab volleys at the baseline against a few hard shots that had me stretched high and wide the frame had enough oomph and precision to get the ball deep cross-court. And the impact was very comfortable with zero stiffness this morning. So that experiment will continue while the Storms remain in my bag for match play.
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2014 brought me back to tennis after a very long break. I ditched my old Head i.Radical in favor of a Prince Warrior 100. The added power, forgiveness, spin, and comfort gave me confidence to get back into my game and really make some big improvements. Many a demo brought me to my current main stick, the PK Q5 295.

My game greatly improved this year and I've rekindled that passion for tennis. As such, I continue to hunt for the perfect racquet, so I also acquired a used EXO3 Tour 100 and Volkl V1 Classic as knock-around sticks and to experiment more.

Looking forward to what 2015 brings...


Hall of Fame
2014 was the year of racquet indecision for me. I used:

  • Head IG Prestige Pro*
  • Babolat APD*
  • Babolat Pure Drive*
  • Head IG Extreme Pro
  • Tecnifibre TFight 315 Ltd*
  • Head Graphene Speed MP
  • Head IG Radical MP**
  • Yonex Tour G 330**
  • Wilson Six.One 95s*
  • Head Pro Tour 280/630
  • Yonex EZONE Ai 98**
  • Prince Tour 95**
  • Prince Pro Tour 98**
  • Wilson PS 97

* = I won a tournament with that particular stick.
** = I never won a single match, singles or doubles, with that stick

Even now, after using all these frames, I still don't know what i like. I like aspects of all of them, and I hate none of them. I don't *love* any of them.

I don't feel confident that I can hit all of my shots with any of those sticks. Each of them allows me to hit 50-70% of my typical shots.

Probably the stick that I feel most confident with would be the Pure Drive. But only when I'm playing people under my level. When I start to play 4.0 and 4.5 players, there isn't enough mass in the stick to deal with the heavier pace.

Luckily I have nothing major coming up so I've got plenty of time in the off season to continue to soul search.


2014 was the end of the Prestige and Head racquets for me. I had used the YT and IGs for about 4 years. My expectations for the Graphenes was dashed with one hit of the Graphene Prestige. The Radical was worse, and the Speed Pro was just as bad. That sent me into the demo phase which has lasted all year. I've demoed almost every new version of the 2014 racquets. Played the longest with the Graph Speed MP, 6.1 90, and APD+. Currently back to the Wilson 90 after floundering around with the Blade (tail weighted .5 oz at the butt).
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Hall of Fame
2014 was the year of racquet indecision for me. I used:

  • Head IG Prestige Pro*
  • Babolat APD*
  • Babolat Pure Drive*
  • Head IG Extreme Pro
  • Tecnifibre TFight 315 Ltd*
  • Head Graphene Speed MP
  • Head IG Radical MP**
  • Yonex Tour G 330**
  • Wilson Six.One 95s*
  • Head Pro Tour 280/630
  • Yonex EZONE Ai 98**
  • Prince Tour 95**
  • Prince Pro Tour 98**
  • Wilson PS 97

* = I won a tournament with that particular stick.
** = I never won a single match, singles or doubles, with that stick

Even now, after using all these frames, I still don't know what i like. I like aspects of all of them, and I hate none of them. I don't *love* any of them.

I don't feel confident that I can hit all of my shots with any of those sticks. Each of them allows me to hit 50-70% of my typical shots.

Probably the stick that I feel most confident with would be the Pure Drive. But only when I'm playing people under my level. When I start to play 4.0 and 4.5 players, there isn't enough mass in the stick to deal with the heavier pace.

Luckily I have nothing major coming up so I've got plenty of time in the off season to continue to soul search.

I have tried tons of rackets and read a lot about in 2014.

Have you tried Pure Drive Roddick? I would recommend it and the ProKennex Ki Q5X (arm friendly version of PDR). Based on what you have mentioned above, I feel that one of these two will probably workout for your game. I tried the new Pure Drive Tour, but did not like it; so not recommending it.

Plus you may want to try adding some lead and different string setups once narrowing down the frame.


dunlop maxply mcenroe - pacific x-feel pro 95 - donnay x-dual gold 94.

i'll be sticking with the donnay for a while as i purchased 3 of them and about 21 sets of grommets since the racquet is now discontinued.


New User
I put down my sticks in 2001 and started playing again this October. Everything has changed! No Babolat or polyester really back in 2001.

  • Prince TT Hornet 100 (circa 2000)
  • Prince Graphite II Mid Plus (circa 1994)
  • Pure Drive (2008 model)
  • Aeropro Drive Plus
  • Yonex Ai98
I just strung up the Speed MP and will play with it tonight for the first time.

  • Head Graphene Speed MP


I am boring. I started out 2014 with my customized Volkl V1 Pro's and I finished 2014 with my customized Volkl V1 Pro's. I think I may have increased SW a couple of grams and moved from 4 to 6 HL with customization during the year but that's the only change I made. I have 3 V1 Pro's that I have matched to 12.1 (range about 3 grams different from lightest to heaviest), 6 HL, and 335ishSW. I will likely play with these through most or all of 2015.


Color me boring as well. I started the year with the Wilson and happily ended the year with the
God Bless 2014 tennis

10 years ago I had 2 back surgeries at 18 years old. I tried playing afterwards, but it just wasn't right, so I turned to coaching my old school team. This year when a state of the art rec center was built in my hometown and I was asked to be the Indoor Pro there, I found my self playing 2-5 hours a day, between lessons, drills, and just playing matches. I was back.

I always played with an iRadical when I played in high school, and had a Microgel MP from somewhere that I had been feeding balls with for years, but never liked. I decided to try the new Graphene Radical Pro, and after trial and error with string, I found my new love.

Blade 93 just wasn't powerful enough for me, not enough spin, balls were left short, and I need a bigger head honestly.

Graphene Prestige Pro still had that old school feel I do not prefer.

Babolat Pure Strike just had a little something missing, not smooth enough.

Babolat Pure Control 95 I liked a lot, but still had trouble getting the pace I found with the Radical.

Still wish I could've tested a PS 97 and the Yonex AI 98.

I also collected every Pro or Tour version of the Radical Series in 2014.


Hall of Fame
I have tried tons of rackets and read a lot about in 2014.

Have you tried Pure Drive Roddick? I would recommend it and the ProKennex Ki Q5X (arm friendly version of PDR). Based on what you have mentioned above, I feel that one of these two will probably workout for your game. I tried the new Pure Drive Tour, but did not like it; so not recommending it.

Plus you may want to try adding some lead and different string setups once narrowing down the frame.

Funny you mention that. I just ordered a demo of the new Pure Drive Tour. Should arrive today. Will be using it this weekend, I'll let you know my findings. I've never used the PDR or PDT before. I've only ever used standard Pure Drives.


Hall of Fame
Finally at the last minute on 12/31, I snagged a few brand new blow out Wilson's - PS90. PS95S and a Blade 93 paying $61, $66 and $51 for each.

How'd you snag those deals? Local club clearing out inventory? Or was that an online purchase?

Anyway, my year of 2014 was me getting back into tennis after about a 4 year hiatus.

I had the Youtek Speed Pro in my bag from last time I played. This summer, I went through many rackets, owning all of them at some point to "demo":
1. Youtek Speed Pro - not enough feel, looking for me
2. PCG 100 - too underpowered
3. POG OS - Classic frame, not quite what I was looking for
4. Wilson Blade 98 - couldn't connect with this racket at all. Felt boardlike
5. APD+ - Nice frame, similar to my days of the PDR+. But stiff and no finesse
6. Pure Drive Roddick + - Same as APD+ experience
7. Yonex Tour G 310 - Not enough feel, too underpowered. Felt like a "tweener" but not a tweener racket.
8. Yonex Tour G 330 - Great racket, but underpowered. One of the best Yonex offerings along with the Ai98
9. Yonex Ai 98 - Great stick. Was my main stick for most of the year, but was looking for a tad more feel and control. Does everything well.
10. ProKennex Ki5 PSE - Heavy, not as good as the RF97
11. Pro Staff 95 - Was not a fan, felt too light for my expectations
12. Steam 99s - Heavily modded to 13oz. Just too stiff. Spin was nice but nothing spectactular. Too much of a rocket launcher
13. Pure Strike Tour - Felt like a hammer. Not a bad thing, but not the balance I prefer
14. Pure Control - Too light
15. Pure Control Tour - Solid stick, but a bit underpowered and almost too flexy
16. Pure Control 95+ - Fantastic and underrated stick. Great serving stick. I felt like my shots were a little too flat, but certainly a fantastic stick. Played better with the Ai98
17. Pro Staff 97 - Hotspots on the stringbed; Felt like a toy next to the RF97
18. RF97 - Fantastic modern stick. Would have stuck with it except I get better feel with the PS90 and they are 50% the price!
19. PS90 2014 (Current stick) - Current stick of choice. Reminiscent of my days of the PS85 (all time favorite stick)
20. Volkl C10 Pro (Also a current stick) - Another fantastic gem of a racket. I like to move back and forth between this and the PS90. Just a fun stick to play with.

I also have a 2 Maxply McEnroes, Redondo 93, and Blade 93 coming my way.

My favorite rackets this year:
PS90 > C10Pro > RF97 > Ai98 > PC95+ > Tour G 300


Started with a pro staff 95s. Felt like I was being bullied by bigger swing weights at the other side of the net. Swapped to a six one 95s. Now bully my returns out ha.

Just took the leap and bought a pair of ai98s after some demos.


Pure Storm
Pure Storm (leaded up)
Blade 93
Blade 93 w/ leather grip (12.5oz, 333RDC, 7pts HL)

eman resu

I honestly don't know how the year started. Maybe with a pog 3 os or a 27,25"ozone tour. I've been through a bunch of sick customizations and got tired of all this trouble. Then I found a Response Ti and had great results. The end of year brought me my holy grail, specwise,, the pog 100lb. So thats it. I'll commit with 2 racquets from now on. I have 2 pogs, 2 responses and I'm not spending anything else on racquets. Sold the rest really cheap.


Hall of Fame
At the very beginning of 2014 I was finishing up with a OS Prokennex, a Prince Speedport Black, and a Tour Team 100.

The stick of the season for me was the Prince O3 Hybrid Hornet 110. That was my main stick.
A ton of racquets entered and exited my life.
I went up and down the EXO3 line. Blue 110, Warrior 100 and the tour 100 16X18.
I own none of those sticks, now.
I still have two APD's and a Blade 98 that I got at a pawn shop for almost nothing.
I went back to prince with the LS Red and White. Then I got an EXO3 Tour Lite (awful) for almost nothing. I no longer have those sticks either
I got a head extreme IG S. No longer have it anymore.
Started demoing all the spin sticks from Wilson courtesy of TW at the end of the year.
Also demoed the PD Roddick and PD Lite. The PD Roddick was a hard stick to move.
I'm back to prince os sticks and a PD 107


Let's see, at the start of 2014 I was well into the 4th month of my honeymoon with the Steam 99S. That lasted another 4 months. When the outdoor season started back up and my hours on court doubled my wrist & shoulder started aching. Instead of more workouts & excercise I jumped back on the demo bandwagon. First went to my backup stick, Prince 100T ESP. Just too muted for my taste. Tried out some new frames, AI 100, 2013 APD, Graphene Speed MP & Speed MPA but also went back & revisited frames I liked but ditched the last few years. Re-enter the 2012 Pure Drive (lasted about a week), Mantis Pro 295, the Donnay Formula 100 & the Donnay Pro One. The Graphene Speed MP is my primary selection while I'm going to hang on to the Pro 1 & F100. Hopefully I'll stick with these for 2015 & beyond.


New User
I started 2014 with the Wilson BLX2 6.1 95 (309g-version). Since then i played with the following sticks:

- Head Graphene Radical Pro (from february till october)
- Yonex Ezone AI 98 (short period from october to december)
- Babolat Pure Drive (my recent racquet of choice, 2012 Play-Version and 2015 normal Version)

Nevertheless I tested some sticks which I didn't like that much:

- Volkl Organix V1 Pro
- Volkl Organix 7 295g
- Yonex Ezone AI 100
- Babolat Aero Pro Drive
- Wilson Pro Staff 97

West Coast Ace

Started the year switching from the IG Prestige Mid to the Rev Pro (with significant lead added). Demo'd the RF97 in Oct and made the switch. No looking back. Will be with this for years.


Hall of Fame
2014 tennis for me ended pretty much in august when i got injured. I had been playing with the Microgel Prestige MP around 12.35 oz for almost 3 years. it took me a while to find 4 of them with same weight and balance. I sold them because realize i'm getting old for that racquet.
now I just started playing again and I'm giving a shot to the IG prestige pro winking to the pure drive roddick or extreme pro...we'll see
Started and ended with 8 Redondo Mids and 12 Mid+s all matched at 345g and 16pts HL unstrung. I string my Mid+s with full bed of TopSpin Cyber Twirl strung at 63lbs. I string my Mids with Pacific Tough Gut/Solinco Outlast at 67lbs/63lbs.


Hall of Fame
I forgot about my love affair for the Pure Storm at the start of summer.. just absolutely loved it and did well against family and friends. Loved the strings on it.
But when I started playing the summer league.. it did nothing for me. I didn't have the foot speed to setup for a shot anywhere near the sweetspot.
The Warrior 100L with hybrid stringing and the faux black leather grip. Can't believe I forgot that one.


Bionic Poster
Finally at the last minute on 12/31, I snagged a few brand new blow out Wilson's - PS90. PS95S and a Blade 93 paying $61, $66 and $51 for each.
Do you have a sponsorship deal with Wilson? Or else how did you get them for that low?


Started with several old Wilson Juice Pro's, then felt like I needed to switch to something slightly lighter, so I got 3 Pure Drive Roddicks, which didn't even begin to feel right for me, so I semi-impulse bought an RF97, which felt amazing, so just today I added a 3rd RF to complete my set. Looking forward to this next season with my RF's.

Sirius Black

Started with 4 six one 95s (2010) and left came out with 2. Also snagged a ksix one for 60 bucks and still have 2 2012s.
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I am boring. I started out 2014 with my customized Volkl V1 Pro's and I finished 2014 with my customized Volkl V1 Pro's. I think I may have increased SW a couple of grams and moved from 4 to 6 HL with customization during the year but that's the only change I made. I have 3 V1 Pro's that I have matched to 12.1 (range about 3 grams different from lightest to heaviest), 6 HL, and 335ishSW. I will likely play with these through most or all of 2015.

V1 Pro is a great and really underrated stick. Very similar to the much heralded Ai98, but slightly different balance. Rest of the specs are pretty similar. Same great blend of power and control.


Hall of Fame
The 2014 candidates:

Diablo 93
Blade 93
Blade 98
Response 97
Instinct MP
Prestige Pro IG
Exo3 Graphite 93
BLX 6.1 95 18x20
BLX 6.1 95 16x18

Each went through many, many lead setups and string combos/tensions.

The winner: Response 97 for predictability, spinny power, change of direction precision, sharp angle capacity, and service power.


Didn't really care about Racquets much until beginning of this year. I started with the APD 2013, decided that I wanted something more control oriented than my APD 2013 and APD GT, so I switched to 2 IGPPs. After a couple months I found players frame not to fit me and demoed for the first time and found the Blade 98 18x20 to be a fit. Using 2 of them now in stock form but I'll try out lead tape this year.


Head to Wilson to Dunlop Prince

Started the year with the Head Youtek Prestige MP which was the racket for the prior 2 years. Then moved to the Wilson Blade 93 in late January, but it proved to be too demanding against heavy hitters. In October, after playing one match with the Dunlop F2.0 tour which is also an amazing racket, I settled in on the Prince Response 97 weighted up to 12.3 ozs and 10pts headlight.


Main racquets at the beginning of the year were slightly modded K Factor Team 104s. I had 3 of them, with different string setups. I thought that was going to be my choice forever as they do everything pretty well. I'm also 55 and thought those were good for an aging player. Had an Aerogel 4D 300 and an Aerogel 550 Lite as change up racquets.

Then I got a good deal on a Volkl O10 295 and after adding lead I really appreciated the solid feel and comfort. Suddenly the Team 104s felt mushy and slow.

Wanting to try something more in the heavier direction I got another good deal on a used Biomimetic 200 Lite (thanks, TW).

Wow. I am now addicted to the distinctive "thwack" and solidity I feel hitting with the Bio. I added just a little lead in the buttcap and it feels just so right to me - I went ahead and bought another and sold 2 of my 3 104s and the 550 Lite - which now felt like toys.

The heavier racquets have really helped my OHBH, and I worked hard on my forehand as well to change it into more of a powerful topspin shot - as I was hitting harder than ever with the new racquets I needed to make adjustments to keep the ball in the court - now I am sometimes shocked to see my shots diving to stay in at the end of the flight - something I had only admired in other peoples' shots.

My defense, which was always good because I am very quick, was now turning into offense, as shots on the run that were floating back before with light racquets now are coming back with interest, courtesy of the extra mass.

I am happier than ever and really looking forward to 2015 with my smaller, heavier sticks.


Hall of Fame
I felt bad buying some cheap OOP and used/demo frames to screw around with. After reading the other comments in this thread I feel MUCH better! :D


Came back to tennis in 2014 after some time off. Marriage, change of job, new house, nerve damage in hand, rotator cuff issues, two broken toes - all of these in succession kept me off the courts. Thankfully, the new neighborhood has tennis courts galore!

Played with the old K 90, struggled mightily to find my groove, moved to the Blade 93 for a handful of months, then decided to demo lighter and more forgiving frames.

Test drove a number of racquets over the course of three months (including PS 97, Org 10, PS 95, TFight 315, PST, Blade 98), kept some (PC 95+ being one of the favorites), and finally ended up with the Yonex Ai 98 as my main stick. Very happy with it. Currently in search of the perfect string...


Spent 2014 trying to replace my Donnay Pro 1's...not sure I've been successful. Bought a Volkl V1 Pro but just couldn't volley with it....moved to a Wilson Blade 16x19 and I thought that racket was "the one" but then I developed some elbow pain. Demoed several other frames but ended up moving to a PS 97...shortly thereafter bought a Ai 98, but never got comfortable with it. Still have the PS 97 but I also just ordered a 6.1 95S, so we'll see. I've also been testing the 2015 Pure Drive and so far, my arm is fine.


I demoed a few at the end of this year, but for over two and a half years now, I've continued to use the Prestige Pro.


Six.One 95S...found my dream racquet! I love the weight...not 12.3 like the regular six.ones, and the stiffness, love stiff racquets, and of course the string pattern. Best racquet on the market in my opinion. Only thing I wish that I could change on the racquet is the stiffness, I'd like it a little more stiff.

Capulin Zurdo

Hall of Fame
Early on this year I played really got back to tennis after a short hiatus of a some months. I initially used my regular racquet, the BLX PS 90 ('12), but I didn't feel adequate with it. So, I reverted to my Hyper Hammer oversize for about two weeks. Afterwards, I felt comfortable again using my regular racquet. Later in the year I started hitting with the Volkl PB 10 Mid; and I'm still hitting it alongside my 90.


How'd you snag those deals? Local club clearing out inventory? Or was that an online purchase?

I just took advantage of Wilson's year-end blow out the inventory policy. They eventually flood that popular auction site. I never notice the current year models for Head or Babolat at such bargain prices. They're too good to pass up and great for an extended demo.

Although, I've believe I've made my last racquet choice, Babolat Pure Drive, these are just fun to have around. With the PD as my platform, I can experiment with strings and tension as my game & body changes (ages).



Yes indeed. It's similar but different. Your thread was a racquet review of racquets you used this year. I didn't feel invited to share my racquet journey.

I'm interested more in motivation of why fellow players moved from racquet to racquet vs a review of my racquets and how they played.

I want to hear why a member enjoyed their racquet journey of 2014 and the sites they visited along the way.

Btw, I enjoyed the stories. Thank you for sharing.

For those who mentioned a recent return to the tennis, I too came came to the game after leaving in 1992-ish. I retuned in 2011-2012 because my young daughter began playing. I used my 20+ year old Wilson Ultra FPK 95 (updated Ultra II 85 in a mid-plus) upon my return and in 2013 bought a BLX PS90.


Started and ended with 8 Redondo Mids and 12 Mid+s all matched at 345g and 16pts HL unstrung. I string my Mid+s with full bed of TopSpin Cyber Twirl strung at 63lbs. I string my Mids with Pacific Tough Gut/Solinco Outlast at 67lbs/63lbs.

You, my friend, are a monster. :) I couldn't imagine hitting a heavy Redondo Mid, unstrung 16pts HL, at 63lbs....I'd never get anything over the net. :shock:


New User
Great stories . . and like previous post, feel less guilty now!

2014 went like this (returning to the game):
my old yonex musclepower 3i: an old fav but was just too bored with them after over a decade!
Babolat APD: beast on serves but no feel and minor changes to technique/swing path caused a lot of floating balls
Wilson 95s: waste of time re string breakage
Wilson PS95s: picked up cheap one but pushed around, even with decent weighting up
Yonex ai98: ok. decent at most things, outstanding at none
Head youtek extreme pro: rocketlauncher. still in bag as great fun but not for a tight tie-break in the 3rd!
Head grapehene radical pro: here we end! Unlike any racquet ive played with before. When first picked up felt like a stick of metal. Strung with full poly and feel was really muted and stiff. However after 5 mins, really started to get in groove and then found it gave me the power of the extreme but with significantly more control. Definitely a love-it or hate-it racquet but im in the first gang! Now onto string try-outs....!


Mine started out shaky but got much better:
Head graphene radical pro was a great honeymoon for about a month before it wore out my elbow, I just couldn't keep playing with it no matter what string I used. Picked up the IG radical pro for a few months but never gelled with the hoop flex, great racquet though. Finally (after some excellent advice from SpintoWin) settled on the PS95 with a gut/poly hybrid. Besides an occasional fling with my old i.Prestige frames I think that will be my go to racquet for a long time.


New User
Been playing casually for three years now, but started playing loads towards the end of 2014, which resulted me in joining the forum just recently. Been playing with a Wilson BLX Six.One 95 18x20 which my friends got me for my birthday a few years back, but I am realising it is just too heavy for me. In the market for 2015 for something new.


Have been playing with nCode 6.1 98 18x20 since it came out.
My elbow was literally dyeing lately.

Bought a couple of BLX ProStaff 95 (white and red pj)
Lovely racket, no more pain, more top spin. Couldnt for my life serve with it.
Played a tournament a few weeks after getting it, made through the first round then lost badly next round.

Currently i added weight to the Prostaff so the head weight matches the 6.1 and the racket improved a lot.

Soon i will do a back to back comparison between both.

A couple years back i got to play with the Prestige MP for a day and found it lovely, maybe i should give it a try again.