Just saw the Nike Commercial that featured the song by ACDC Rock and roll Aint Noise Pollution. What I cant figure out is why Nike a company that promotes Athlecticism and Healthy Living would associate a song that promotes drug use? Well Im sure many of you are probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about. If thats the case then re-listen to the song again...listen very carefully. When the song begins turns the volume up. As the individual guitar chords are being struck in the intro you will hear lead singer Brian Johnson fumble in a box of matches, take one out and strike it against the side of the box. Then you'll hear him light and inhale "swiiiiiiiichhh" from a joint. He holds the hit for a few seconds and says "alllllll rightttt" as he exhales. There was a story once many years back about this in a magazine that there were actually smoking dope during the recording of this song.
The lyrics begin...
Hey there, all you middle men
Throw away your fancy clothes
And while youre out there sittin on a fence
So get off your ass and come down here
cause rock n roll aint no riddle man
To me it makes good, good sense
(good sense..just smoke it) <----Now this is not listed in the songs written lyrics but is spoken/said after the sung words "To me it makes good, good sense" in the last sentence of the first verse. The good sense is not good sense...but "good sinse" as in reference to the Sinsemilla Marijuana plant which is a very potent Califonia grown variety.
Now I know some of you have heard this song hundreds of times and have never heard this...but listen carefully in the introduction. They recorded this song as the smoked the joint.
This doesnt shock me that this is in a song (Lord knows there is worse) but it is shocking that Nike would use this song to help promote their products. The "dopers" are grinning hear to ear hearing this. I guess the Nike Ad Excecs werent listening to close to the song before they chose it for this advertising campaign. I hope this wasnt by design...
The lyrics begin...
Hey there, all you middle men
Throw away your fancy clothes
And while youre out there sittin on a fence
So get off your ass and come down here
cause rock n roll aint no riddle man
To me it makes good, good sense
(good sense..just smoke it) <----Now this is not listed in the songs written lyrics but is spoken/said after the sung words "To me it makes good, good sense" in the last sentence of the first verse. The good sense is not good sense...but "good sinse" as in reference to the Sinsemilla Marijuana plant which is a very potent Califonia grown variety.
Now I know some of you have heard this song hundreds of times and have never heard this...but listen carefully in the introduction. They recorded this song as the smoked the joint.
This doesnt shock me that this is in a song (Lord knows there is worse) but it is shocking that Nike would use this song to help promote their products. The "dopers" are grinning hear to ear hearing this. I guess the Nike Ad Excecs werent listening to close to the song before they chose it for this advertising campaign. I hope this wasnt by design...