Shoe Suggestions: Wide feet, Low Arch


New User
I've worn through my last Nike Air Max Resolve Plus, which fit me PERFECTLY, and am in the market for new shoes.

I have quite wide feet (especially near the toes) and a low arch. Any suggestions?

Il Mostro

Check out the Air Zoom Cross-Trainers -- very roomy in the toe box and very good in terms of cushioning and support.


Hall of Fame
prince T9 roadsters. That are wider than the asics and air zoom cross trainers. Nike's Breathe Free II's are good as well for wide feet

TW Staff

Barricades have a pretty good arch to them which might be too high if you are looking for a low arch shoe. Reebok tend to have lower arches and a generous width fit. The adidas Prevail 2 (and original Prevail) has a low arch and a wide fit. Prince T9 Roadster is another solid suggestion.

Chris, TW.


Hall of Fame
i have semi-wide feet and literally NO arch. i use the breathe cage 2s. theyre good IMO

Barricades have a pretty good arch to them which might be too high if you are looking for a low arch shoe.

Chris, TW.
Barricades would be a pretty bad choice IMO. I had BFII and recently bought BV in the same size. I could really feel the arch digging into my foot when i finally managed to get my foot in the shoe. But i guess they could be better in a bigger size, just not for flat foot.
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New User
Thanks for the suggestions... I need to find a store to test these shoes, before I buy from TW (the shoe premium in Australia is unbelievably high). Or I could just go into the Nike manufacturing plant in China and buy the logo and shoes separately ;).

Anyway, any more suggestions?


The babolat Propulse felt pretty good, but they're ugly as sin in my opinion. I've been pretty happy with the new balance 1003's. Barricades in all forms 2-5 have killed my feet due to my flat arch and wide feet. The arch support just juts into my foot.