Siboasi S3169 Tension Head Help


New User
Hi all!

Before you say "I told you so," please have mercy! My friend has a Siboasi S3169 and yes that may not have been the best purchase. In general the machine works fine but we are having trouble with the tension head.

Issue: When not in pre-stretch mode, the tension head is pulling 10, 20, maybe even 30% over tension, instantaneously at the beginning of the pull. Also after the "tension reached beep," the tension head is very unstable and continues to bounce back and forth even with no movement at the table/racket side. We've substantiated the instantaneous overshoot at the initial pull using our Wise 2090 calibration meter.

1) When in pre-stretch mode, there is no overshoot and the machine behaves exactly as expected with the 5, 10, 20% as set.
2) We've tried to calibrate the machine multiple times, no change
3) Definitely the machine is in the correct mode so not sure what it has this issue and won't lock at the target tension

We've reached out to Siboasi but they haven't been able to help. Any guidance or anyone else experiencing such an issue? Thank you in advance!


Hall of Fame
How old is the machine? or out of warranty period? And if under warranty, what continent is the stringing machine located, and any places on same said continent that service this thing? It has a USB port on the machine which their website states "USB Connector with computer for upgrading and data analysing". And they've offered nothing in the way of possibly 'resetting' the machine to its' factory default settings or any sort of downloadable onto a USB type thumb drive or flash drive assistance?

Sounds to me like the tension head is stuck in a perpetual 'pre-stretch' mode of some sorts instead of 'normal' pulling mode, when the pre-stretch setting is not called for to be used. Not familiar with this machine in the least but if Siboasi themselves have no answer or clue, this might very well end up in the "I told you so" dumpster. Best of luck with this one and hopefully it gets sorted out.
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Aside from contacting a dealer or Tennis Machines, has your friend ever taken the cover off and cleaned the electronics with compressed air?

If that’s been done and the machine still behaves erratically, try getting the S/W from Siboasi and reloading.

If you’re in the US try calling Tennis Machines since the machine is similar to Gamma’s line of machines. If in Europe, try contacting @uk_skippy and see if he knows of a repair place.


Hall of Fame
I know who the best machine engineers are in the UK; but cant be sure theyd know how to deal with this brand. If its electrical based, then it may not be easily fixed without going back to the manufacturer