Similar Racket?


I'm a baseline player with a spin and flat serve. I use a lot of topsin on my groundstrokes. Right now i'm using the PDR+ cortex version.
Is the GT version much better? and is the AeroPro give just as much power and topspin as the Pure Drive?
I'm also looking for a racket that's better for volleying.
If i bought a M-Fil 200 and leaded it up to the same as the babolat will it play similarly with the same feel?



The cortex version offers a more solid feel than the GT version IMO. I liked both version, but still prefer the cortex.

The pure storm is a nice frame as well. VERY different feel though, better for volleys. Ground strokes you have to supply more you own power. Serve is no as big versus the PDR.

Compared power and spin to the Aero...More power with the PDR...more spin with the APD, but from my experience it was TOO much spin and i had trouble flattening out my shots.


[d]ragon;4627433 said:
Why do you feel you need a switch?

i want a racket that can be slightly easier at the net
volleys are the hardest part of this racket
I've used my friend's K90 before and it was amazing for volleys just a lot harder for everything else
can i solve it just by making it more headlight?


The cortex version offers a more solid feel than the GT version IMO. I liked both version, but still prefer the cortex.

The pure storm is a nice frame as well. VERY different feel though, better for volleys. Ground strokes you have to supply more you own power. Serve is no as big versus the PDR.

Compared power and spin to the Aero...More power with the PDR...more spin with the APD, but from my experience it was TOO much spin and i had trouble flattening out my shots.

Do you the extra $50 on the GT version justified?

fuzz nation

I get a general sense that you're thinking a little too hard.

If you're curious to sample some different gear and have the spare change handy, have at it. You'll really only know the sort of feel and confidence that any racquet gives you specifically once you try it.

A strong hitting pal of mine has the current PDR GT's which have replaced his previous Cortex PDR's, and he has found the GT version to deliver a mildly softer feel. He hasn't thrown out his Cortex frames, so I suppose they're more than useless in comparison with the newer GT's, though.


For the heck of it, you may want to demo the EX03 Black. It is very similar in specs to the APDGT and PDGT. Power I feel is in between the two, and it has great spin potential. Plus it is surprising comfortable with the right strings. The stiffness rating is about the same, but it feels a little less stiff to me. Worth a try. You may like it, you may hate it. You may be surprised. I think it is one of the best racquets our there for serves, and I like it at the net alot. Of course I'm biased because the Black is what I ended up getting after demoing the others - they are all good, it's up to personal preference. Demo all you can!


I'm a baseline player with a spin and flat serve. I use a lot of topsin on my groundstrokes. Right now i'm using the PDR+ cortex version.
Is the GT version much better? and is the AeroPro give just as much power and topspin as the Pure Drive?
I'm also looking for a racket that's better for volleying.
If i bought a M-Fil 200 and leaded it up to the same as the babolat will it play similarly with the same feel?


You may want to try Yonex RDS001MP - it has more control and precision but similar to your rackets.


How does the Microgel Radical compare to the Babolat?
It seems like the Radical has better control so if i added lead it would give more power then right?


The difference that jumps out at me is the stiffness of the MG Radical. It's a totally different feeling racquet than the PDR. You'd best stick with racquets above 65 stiffness if you want it to play similar. A flexier racquet like this does help me with volleys though. But it will be a totally different animal from the baseline. It will be easier to learn to volley with a baseline stick than the other way around.


The difference that jumps out at me is the stiffness of the MG Radical. It's a totally different feeling racquet than the PDR. You'd best stick with racquets above 65 stiffness if you want it to play similar. A flexier racquet like this does help me with volleys though. But it will be a totally different animal from the baseline. It will be easier to learn to volley with a baseline stick than the other way around.

ok so i should stick with stiff rackets for the same feel. So should i just learn to volley with the PDR? or is it much easier with another stiff racket?


ok so i should stick with stiff rackets for the same feel. So should i just learn to volley with the PDR? or is it much easier with another stiff racket?

How long have you had your racquet for? If you've only had it for a relatively short time, I reckon you should give it a chance..especially if you think your serves are one of your primary of our coaches uses it and his volleys are annoyingly fine with it ;) on your technique, don't spend too much time focusing on your my coach always say, the more time you spend changing racquets, the more time it'll take you to improve...believe me for I've been (still?) there :)


How long have you had your racquet for? If you've only had it for a relatively short time, I reckon you should give it a chance..especially if you think your serves are one of your primary of our coaches uses it and his volleys are annoyingly fine with it ;) on your technique, don't spend too much time focusing on your my coach always say, the more time you spend changing racquets, the more time it'll take you to improve...believe me for I've been (still?) there :)

i had it for 3 years. my serve is definitely much better with it but my volleys aren't solid and it just feels harder to maneuver


i had it for 3 years. my serve is definitely much better with it but my volleys aren't solid and it just feels harder to maneuver

That's probably to do with the slightly longer you mostly play doubles or singles? In doubles it's more crucial to volley effectively...have you asked your coach about this? I'm sure he'll help you to improve that or at the very least advise you on a racquet :)


That's probably to do with the slightly longer you mostly play doubles or singles? In doubles it's more crucial to volley effectively...have you asked your coach about this? I'm sure he'll help you to improve that or at the very least advise you on a racquet :)

i play doubles for the team so volley's are more important
i haven't talked to my coach about because they don't really know that much about rackets and stuff. more of just an advisor

and i haven't tried choking up at the net, i'll try when i play this weekend
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i play doubles for the team so volley's are more important
i haven't talked to my coach about because they don't really know that much about rackets and stuff. more of just an advisor

Talk to your coach anyway :) maybe..just's not the racquet ;) like I said, one of our coaches uses the same racquet when he plays doubles and he has no problems with it whatsoever...


Talk to your coach anyway :) maybe..just's not the racquet ;) like I said, one of our coaches uses the same racquet when he plays doubles and he has no problems with it whatsoever...

ok i will, but the thing is with other rackets like the K90 volleying is easy and solid feeling. It's much easier to volley with the K90


Volleying is definitely easier with the with most head light solid racquets.

If you really want to try out another racquet, give the Dunlop 300 series a try, in particular the Aerogel 300 16X18 if you can still find's the racquet I use next to my's more solid and slightly heavier than a standard AG300 (@ 11.3 oz strung) but way lighter than the K90 and still headlight..enough power when you need it with easy access to spin...excellent control (for me at least) and is a blast for volleying at the net ;)


Volleying is definitely easier with the with most head light solid racquets.

If you really want to try out another racquet, give the Dunlop 300 series a try, in particular the Aerogel 300 16X18 if you can still find's the racquet I use next to my's more solid and slightly heavier than a standard AG300 (@ 11.3 oz strung) but way lighter than the K90 and still headlight..enough power when you need it with easy access to spin...excellent control (for me at least) and is a blast for volleying at the net ;)

Is the PDR's problem just that it isn't very headlight?
could i just add some lead in the handle then?


Hall of Fame
Is the PDR's problem just that it isn't very headlight?
could i just add some lead in the handle then?

I added 18g of lead to a PDGT under the grip and it became more solid feeling and headlight, but is still nowhere near a player's racquet like the BLX90 or PSLGT.

I always tell people the transition from racquets like the PDGT is to the Pure Storm Tour and then later to the Pure Storm Ltd GT. The PST is still great at the baseline yet better at the net. The PSLGT is the polar opposite of the PDGT and isn't really a baseline bashing racquet although it performs well there and excels at the net and for all-court shots that need the maximum in control. The Pure Storm Tour is the best of both worlds.


I added 18g of lead to a PDGT under the grip and it became more solid feeling and headlight, but is still nowhere near a player's racquet like the BLX90 or PSLGT.

I always tell people the transition from racquets like the PDGT is to the Pure Storm Tour and then later to the Pure Storm Ltd GT. The PST is still great at the baseline yet better at the net. The PSLGT is the polar opposite of the PDGT and isn't really a baseline bashing racquet although it performs well there and excels at the net and for all-court shots that need the maximum in control. The Pure Storm Tour is the best of both worlds.

Maybe i'll try out the PST is the GT version or cortex version gonna make a difference in feel?
How does the PST+ compare to the PST? and what about the KBlade 98 and the Becker Pro?
would having a PDRC regular length make it easier to volley vs. my PDRC+?
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New User
So I regularly play with the PDR+, and just recently the APDC. I've also hit with the LM Rad and K90 on a semi-regular basis.

PDR+: BB Alu x NXT @ 66lbs. Lead on the handle.
APDC: MSV Focus Hex @ 64lbs. Lead on the handle.
LM Rad: Stock synthetic. Stock weight and balance.
K90: NXT x BB Alu @ 58lbs. Lead on the handle and 3 & 9.

Heres my take...
Ranking wise, fave to least...
APDC, PDR+, K90, LM Rad.

LM Rad feels nice, has nice touch, but I'm a baseline pounder with a big serve. Maybe would have been better with different stings, but I'm only borrowing them, so I didn't want to sink my own money into my buddy's sticks. (I know, I'm cheap!) K90 had nice touch for this setup, but it was a bit demanding for me to swing all day. Perhaps if it were a stock setup it would be better, but I'm not sure how it would play then. Again, the K90's were just borrowed, so I didn't want to mess with them. PDR+ was my main stick for 4-5ish? years. Very comfortable, best of the 4 by far for serves, groundies were pretty good too, even pretty good at net. APDC takes the cake for groundies, it was unbelievable how well I hit groundstrokes, I would swing for the fences w/ semi-western and everything would land 3 feet in the baseline. Serves were also more consistant, not as big but I was able to kick and slice some serves and raise my first and second serve percentages. All in all, the APDC is my favorite of these 4 for now, but it did take some time to figure out the setups on both of the APDC's and PDR+'s. Sorry if I was long-winded, but I just wanted to put down all of my thoughts. Hope some of this helps! :)