From this thread, I grabbed 2 demos for the weekend, refreshing my memory...
The 98MP is nothing like the 93 Mid. I tried...really, I did.....with the MP, but it just didn't have what the Tour 93 has. Two completely different rackets. They should have had different names.
My thought was that there was no 93 in the nCode nBlade version, and when they made the new 98 kBlade, someone at Wilson decided on a completely new frame - in a 93 Mid.
My apologies on my first thoughts. After refreshing, I would say there are a ton of 98's out there that are better.
That 93 is sure sweet, though....That Junior girl I hit with? She uses the 93 Mid too.
Dr325i. The H22 is a 98, correct? No 93 versions of that frame? I'm not looking, just curious.