Was watching some rec club dubs yesterday from the sidelines, a men's and a women's matches, 3.5/4.0, and at least three out of the four on each court FF'ed on each serve, minimally starting with one foot ON the line to a full step into the court. Discussing it at the rec/club level is strictly academic, no one calls it and no one will at that level, for for fear of being drummed out of the fraternity/sorority, and having their bar-stool rights revoked. FF'ing will only become an issue if the perps are on a team that makes it to play-offs, where there are roving officials where they will be punnished. And, being called on it is becoming less likely since the "Serena $92,000" event, with tournament officials tending to ignore FF's too feeling the pressure from the collective meme. The only players who will not FF, are those who have played competitively with officials calling them, or players who had good coaching early on.
I've never seen a club/social clinic where the pro made a point of instructing on FF prevention--and it ain't gonna' happen--teaching pros don't want to risk offending their clients losing money. So, discussion of FF's at the rec/club level are strictly academic, and only to be found at forums like this. Tournament players will not FF because they have learned that they will be penalized for it they've fixed the bad habit. It's like speeding on the hi-way, until you get a ticket you will keep inching your way up the speedometer, testing the speed limits. After you get busted, and it costs you a few hundred bucks, you'll adhere to the limit--for at least a year or two.
The players who will be penalized for FF'ing at the rec/club level are the ones who don't FF--if an inch, or, 6", or a foot doesn't matter while serving from the baseline, then it certainly won't make a difference from the other side of the net--my line calls suddenly got blurry. Virtue signaling should be reserved for the things that really matter on the court and we have control over--like the frame, strings, balls, beer and the clothes we choose.