Singles, anyone???


I signed up for 4.0 singles in an NTRP tournament this weekend in Little Rock, AR. Entries close today, and at the moment, there are 120 total entries.

Of those 120 entries, 27 are playing men's singles (9 at 3.0, 14 at 3.5, and 4 at 4.0) and 3 are signed up to play women's singles (1 at 2.5 and 2 at 3.0).

Existential question of the day: Where are all the singles players?

I still consider it the ultimate test in competitive tennis, yet there seem to be fewer and fewer people actually playing singles. I find that sad. Any theories?


Hall of Fame
welcome to adult tennis in AR above the 3.5 level. Also many maybe taking a break due to 4.0 District Championships being this past weekend, in which teams played at least 4 matches and 2 teams a 5th match in the finals.


Hall of Fame
I'd think that with the advent of flex leagues there is far less desire to cram a ton of singles into 1 tournament. For the same price I'd much rather play 7 matches spread across 2 months.
Here in Texas there is no shortage of singles players in the USTA NTRP tournaments. At the Charlie McCleary tournament in Waco there were 29 players in the Mens 4.0 and 19 players in the Mens 3.5. Of course it was a 200 point tournament which draws more players.

If you are interested, the Tyler Major Zone tournament is coming up and the Major Zones usually draw the crowds. The tournament Number if you go on the USTA website is #809661112. Since I'm playing a different tournament, I won't be going to Tyler myself...

In the smaller (point-wise) tournaments the number of player is typically dependent on location. Up and Down I-35 the tournament draws I've been involved with have on average 12 players in either the 4.0 or 3.5.


Don't tell him about Tyler, I'm gonna sandbag there and win it! Don't need any unnecessary competition...


Ain't going all the way to Texas for a tournament, so you're safe, Mr. Clean. BTW, 4.0 singles field in the LR tourney jumped to 9, so we'll have a pretty full weekend. Not bad for a small place like LR.
Thanks, and Mega Dittos to you in Tyler. If it's 95 in LR, it's gotta be at least 102 in Texas. Be careful.

I won't be in Tyler, my next event is the "Hotter Than Heck" tournament in Austin... Surely the heat ill be 104 easily!!! LOL. Thanks!


Playing No. 2 seed Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Winner plays again at 3 p.m. Saturday. Loser will likely play a consolation match, also sometime Saturday p.m. Predicted high temp in LR = a balmy 95F.

Either way, I will need a beer IV Saturday night. Contributions gleefully accepted. :)


Maybe so many folks play on one or more league teams that tournaments are not a priority. I know some folks who have said they really do not like the waiting and not really sure when they will be playing next. I have played a tournament and ended up in consolation round for singles. The tourney was in town so I went home and just kept checking on line. The time and day of my consolation match changed about three times. When I showed up at the last time posted on line, I was actually late. That was frustrating.

In my area the number who actually play in a 3.5 singles draw is not even close to being proportionate to the number who play 3.5 league.


Hall of Fame
I would play league if I could play more singles, I actually don't like doubles much at all. I joined a league and it was all doubles all the time, the 2 singles slots were always booked.


I would play league if I could play more singles, I actually don't like doubles much at all. I joined a league and it was all doubles all the time, the 2 singles slots were always booked.

I'm not fond of league play for the same reason, although I have been fortunate to latch on to a team that allows me to play singles. How do you get your matches in -- strictly tourneys? ladder? club?