Hall of Fame
I play a few people regularly who hit very slow, low slice serves. These are "weak serves" but because of the slice they tend to stay at or below net height. These players are used to competing with this type of serve and generally they are looking to pull the returner into an awkward spot in no-man's land with the serve, and then they recover quickly behind the baseline and try to redirect the return deep to the open side of the court. Part of my problem with dealing with these opponents is that I am primarily a topspin player, so the one major option I don't have in my toolbox is a reliable drop shot or low, short-angle slice return. Aside from working on my touch / slice shots, what are some other return strategies that fit my game better? My topspin gives me the ability to safely clear the net and get the ball to drop with an aggressive swing, but because of the court position I need to be mindful of having time to recover afterwards. Where should I target? How aggressively should I swing?