Sinners red Head racket bag?

Any idea where I can find this bag that Sinner is wearing here?

My shop said rep told him only black one is coming to US. On head US site under the new pro bag it shows the black one but the last pic is four of them on a court and the red one is in it along with three other colors.

If interested in the XL one (in the USA), let me know
I will message you if I decide to get one. I got the new black and white xl and love the layout. It’s nice the bag doesn’t pinch down at the grip end like the pro bags. I have the white xl from last year and love the look and center pocket but with 4 1/2 grips I can barley get three speeds in the thermal side.


I will message you if I decide to get one. I got the new black and white xl and love the layout. It’s nice the bag doesn’t pinch down at the grip end like the pro bags. I have the white xl from last year and love the look and center pocket but with 4 1/2 grips I can barley get three speeds in the thermal side.

My favorite bag so far (I have two, one retail 12R).
In the pictured one I currently have 8 rackets, and a bunch of stuff in the middle like hats, towels, 4 cans of balls and two large water bottles…