Slap Tear grade 1 with or without Surgery: return to play


New User
Hello again,
I have slap tear grad 1 with a small tear in the long bizep tendon.
Im waiting for a second opinion from another doctor. The first one said, with or without PT,you will end up with a surgery in any case.
Surgery should be the one where they reattached the tendon somewhere else not simply repair.
I can move my shoulder with no big problems.i only have difficulties and pain in staying in some position like working with the laptop mouse or lifting heavy stuffs.

1) is anyone living with a slap tear grade 1, making only PT and excercises? If i stop playing tennis, will i be able to avoid surgery forever and live a normal life. The pain at the moment is still bearable. Like 6-7 to a scale of 10.

2)has anyone made the surgery and come back to tennis at the same level?i heard that after surgery not everybody is able to play at the same level or able to come back again.


i had my bicep tendon partially dislocated from my labrum. the doctor severed the bicep tendon and screwed it into my arm with a titanium screw. It took me a year to get my arm to function properly, but I was lazy with physical therapy, it could have been 6 months maybe if i had done PT more.
After the surgery, when I tried playing tennis, i could hit, but not serve hard. It hurt to serve hard. Later on, I could serve hard once or twice, but then it would hurt too much after that. Later on, i could serve more and more before pain set in. It took a long time, but I eventually could serve hard for a whole match. I can't really practice serving by myself because my shoulder hurts if I hit that many serves in a short period of time. I have a lighter racket, like 285 grams, to practice serving so I can take more practice serves before I get pain. But hitting one or 2 serves at a time throughout a match doesn't hurt now.


New User
i had my bicep tendon partially dislocated from my labrum. the doctor severed the bicep tendon and screwed it into my arm with a titanium screw. It took me a year to get my arm to function properly, but I was lazy with physical therapy, it could have been 6 months maybe if i had done PT more.
After the surgery, when I tried playing tennis, i could hit, but not serve hard. It hurt to serve hard. Later on, I could serve hard once or twice, but then it would hurt too much after that. Later on, i could serve more and more before pain set in. It took a long time, but I eventually could serve hard for a whole match. I can't really practice serving by myself because my shoulder hurts if I hit that many serves in a short period of time. I have a lighter racket, like 285 grams, to practice serving so I can take more practice serves before I get pain. But hitting one or 2 serves at a time throughout a match doesn't hurt now.
Oh ok thanks i guess if it is worth doind the surgery or simply live like this and no tennis anymore if i cannot be competitive anymore.

Did it hurt a lot the post surgery recovery?was


Oh ok thanks i guess if it is worth doind the surgery or simply live like this and no tennis anymore if i cannot be competitive anymore.

Did it hurt a lot the post surgery recovery?was
Post surgery recovery doesn't really hurt. It only hurts if you try things you shouldn't, like lift heavy things, stretch your arm too far, hit a tennis serve before full recovery.

I can't play tennis 2 days in a row because shoulder needs rest in between. But I can play a whole match, even a very long match.

You can recover from surgery and play tennis fully as long as you take PT seriously and do a lot of strengthening.


New User
Post surgery recovery doesn't really hurt. It only hurts if you try things you shouldn't, like lift heavy things, stretch your arm too far, hit a tennis serve before full recovery.

I can't play tennis 2 days in a row because shoulder needs rest in between. But I can play a whole match, even a very long match.

You can recover from surgery and play tennis fully as long as you take PT seriously and do a lot of strengthening.
Many thanks, this helps with the decision. I would prefer no to get into surgery if iknow that my shoulder doenst get worst with the time. I can accept living without tennis if i avoid a surgery.