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I've been working hard on my kick, but tried out my flat/slice again and my slice is sitting up too much when I go out wide on the deuce side. What adjustments can I make to get it to stay low?
Many players who have good skidding slice serves create the slice rotation by pronating, instead of by just carving around the ball without pronation. It's a subtle difference that make a big impact on the results. When done correctly, the rotation created by pronation will impart slice to the ball and apply a healthy amount of pace that prevents the ball from sitting up.
Sorry don't have a video. My comment was a result of being on the receiving side of such serve (and noticing the big difference in pace on the slice serves) and a few discussions, including a recent one with a high level Open player. In all cases the players I spoke to emphasized how typical rec players slice their serves without pronation.Do you have any details, high speed videos, publications, etc that show how 'pronation' would cause more side spin on the ball?
For what I have seen, I have interpreted spins by string directions on the ball only without considering the additional racket rotation from ISR.
I've been working hard on my kick, but tried out my flat/slice again and my slice is sitting up too much when I go out wide on the deuce side. What adjustments can I make to get it to stay low?
Have you watched a video of your serve to see whether you're hitting a supination slice or a pronation slice?
IME, supination can "sit up", whereas pronation tends to have more power/skid on the slice and penetrates through the service box more...
I have no idea about supination vs. pronation on my serve. I toss it up slightly to the right and try to cut it to get the slice. A few months ago I could it it out wide on the deuce side pretty well and keep in low. The other night it was a sitting duck and my opponent just crushed it with his forehand.
Same tennis court as normal? Some courts are "skiddier" than others...
No, this was the first time I'd tried to hit a slice serve on this court. It had been a while since I'd hit a slice serve though. I don't know if I lost something with it.
Speaking of slice serve, what do you think is the most crucial element for a good slice serve?
You said hit at 1oclock, right? Why not 3 for a pure side spin to make the ball go wider?Swing fast.
Because it's the correction for his issue, not a tutorial on how to hit a slice serve.You said hit at 1oclock, right? Why not 3 for a pure side spin to make the ball go wider?
Oh ok. So 3 oclock? I watched a video about slice serve the other day by Simon of top tennis training. He was saying hit 1-2 oclock as 3 oclock will cause very spinny but weak serve.Because it's the correction for his issue, not a tutorial on how to hit a slice serve.
Shrieking really loud helps.Speaking of slice serve, what do you think is the most crucial element for a good slice serve?
I want video evidenceShrieking really loud helps.
I've been working hard on my kick, but tried out my flat/slice again and my slice is sitting up too much when I go out wide on the deuce side. What adjustments can I make to get it to stay low?
Oh ok. So 3 oclock? I watched a video about slice serve the other day by Simon of top tennis training. He was saying hit 1-2 oclock as 3 oclock will cause very spinny but weak serve.
Like tennis4me said, hit the slice with pronation. There is a reason. One, most rec players hit slice by carving around the ball. The ball
not only travels in a flat plane, but also is slow. To hit an effective slice serve you must use pronation. If you use pronation you not only
get side spin to create slice, you also get velocity like a first flat serve. Therefore, the velocity causes the ball to stay low and the side
spin causes the ball to side off the court. If you are right-handed make contact with the ball to the righthand side of the ball as you pronate.
I've taken a lot of tennis lessons over the years and no one has ever taught me how to hit with pronation and not by carving around the ball. My whole life playing tennis when I go to hit a slice I toss right and into the court and try to carve around. I'm also using my legs/core rotation to push up into the ball. I don't really know how to pronate my arm or whatever in order to generate slice. Is it something you can learn in one practice session or would it require a complete rebuild of my motion?
Do you know if you pronate on your non-slice 1st serve, or do you use waiter's tray?
If you normally pronate, then a pronated slice (probably) wouldn't be that hard to learn, as the motion is not that different...
His body is turning. Hes' really hitting the back of the ball not the side, so while his arm is pronating and slicing the ball from the back, his entire body/shoulder etc is turning towards the court, which makes the ball move forward with pace. If you look at a Sampras slice, it's the same thing. He's not chopping the far outside of the ball, his raquet is hitting more the back of it. Also look up "Raonic slice serve" on the tube. He smokes djokovic with one....he's hitting the ball as much on the back as the side, but the pronation is out to the right as opposed to forward.On my non-slice 1st serve I do pronate, but it makes sense for me because I'm hitting it square on. I can't imagine trying to get slice while pronating. How do you cut the ball while twisting your hand like that? I found this video, but still don't get it.
On my non-slice 1st serve I do pronate, but it makes sense for me because I'm hitting it square on. I can't imagine trying to get slice while pronating. How do you cut the ball while twisting your hand like that? I found this video, but still don't get it.
I've taken a lot of tennis lessons over the years and no one has ever taught me how to hit with pronation and not by carving around the ball. My whole life playing tennis when I go to hit a slice I toss right and into the court and try to carve around. I'm also using my legs/core rotation to push up into the ball. I don't really know how to pronate my arm or whatever in order to generate slice. Is it something you can learn in one practice session or would it require a complete rebuild of my motion?
Someone plus other people on this site have taught you to pronate on the slice serve. You have been told to make contact slightly off center. if right handed, at 3 o'clock of the face of the ball. Others have said make contact with the racquet face more edge on then pronate.
I really don't understand your difficulty with the instructions. Other than you are comfortable carving around the outside edge of the ball
using a supine motion like a pitcher throwing a curve. I run into this being comfortable with using incorrect technique all the time. I have
learned to just walk away. It is a waste of time, energy, and breath to try to help someone who refuses to follow instruction. Maybe once
you become so frustrated with your slice moving slow and setting up, you will listen and diligently practice hitting a slice serve the correct
way, like a Pro.
Until then, good luck. I really don't care what lessons you have had, nor do I care what no one bothered to teach you. You ask for help and
you got it. Now go try to learn the motion or get instruction from a teacher who teaches how to hit a slice correctly.
Tough love on court 4!
We stopped checking for monsters under our beds when we realized monsters where a figment of Hollywoods imagination and not real.
The mind can be a beautiful thing if humanity learns to use it. However, too many exult imaginations and reasoning.
Plus, tough love is sometimes the only way to get through to people. I hope the 12 year old in Paris you mouthed off to a bus driver and
then got slapped for his dis-respect, learns to not show dis-respect to other bus drivers since he has been taught him a valuable lesson.
Don't run out into the street in front of a bus. The next time the driver may not stop in time and your smart-ass may end up like a squashed
bug on a windshield except under the buses wheels.
you could probalby just experiment yourself...I've taken a lot of tennis lessons over the years and no one has ever taught me how to hit with pronation and not by carving around the ball. My whole life playing tennis when I go to hit a slice I toss right and into the court and try to carve around. I'm also using my legs/core rotation to push up into the ball. I don't really know how to pronate my arm or whatever in order to generate slice. Is it something you can learn in one practice session or would it require a complete rebuild of my motion?
Speaking of slice serve, what do you think is the most crucial element for a good slice serve?
I agree with swing fast. But also with good follow through.
And toss out in front...which I suspect may be the OP’s problem
Someone plus other people on this site have taught you to pronate on the slice serve. You have been told to make contact slightly off center. if right handed, at 3 o'clock of the face of the ball. Others have said make contact with the racquet face more edge on then pronate.
I really don't understand your difficulty with the instructions. Other than you are comfortable carving around the outside edge of the ball
using a supine motion like a pitcher throwing a curve. I run into this being comfortable with using incorrect technique all the time. I have
learned to just walk away. It is a waste of time, energy, and breath to try to help someone who refuses to follow instruction. Maybe once
you become so frustrated with your slice moving slow and setting up, you will listen and diligently practice hitting a slice serve the correct
way, like a Pro.
Until then, good luck. I really don't care what lessons you have had, nor do I care what no one bothered to teach you. You ask for help and
you got it. Now go try to learn the motion or get instruction from a teacher who teaches how to hit a slice correctly.
That could be. Why do you suspect that?
As for myself I think this could really help. Somewhere I got the impression I should toss more out to side and stay more sideways to get better slice. These vids seem to toss almost 12And toss out in front...which I suspect may be the OP’s problem