Hall of Fame
It's raining delivery trucks for me today!
Earlier today I got notification that a shipment arrived from TW containing all sorts of goodies, a bunch of string, grips, and a Slazenger V98 Team.
Mere moments later I got another notification that a shipment I made to myself last week while traveling showed up. My work travel last week took me back to my hometown, and before I left, I casually asked my old man if he happened to have seen my backup Skunk 6.2. He showed up to dinner with not one but TWO of them! Turns out he had one of his own, slightly larger grip size, but it's in fantastic shape.
Then just now I received a call from the local pro shop. They have the Graphene Speed MP I ordered waiting for some string. Yay!
So while all these racquets are being re-strung and the skunks are being repaired (they have some grommet and butt cap damage), I'm also going to grab another round of demos from the local shop and get some reviews up. Here's the two on my list so far:
Wilson Blade 104
Wilson Pro Staff 100L
I can add a third, but it needs to be either Prince, Wilson, Head, Dunlop, or Volkl. They don't carry the smaller brands like Pacific, Pro Kennex, etc.
Thoughts? I'm half-tempted to give the Juice Pro another whirl. She just keeps reeling me back in.
Both Wilsons have lower swing weights than I would like but I still have plenty of lead left. I'll probably do what I did with the Speed MP and post a before-and-after.
Despite ordering the V98 Team and the Graphene Speed MP, I'm not locked into a frame yet, so I'll take any suggestions.
I would LOVE to hear your take on the Wilson Pro Open!