Well, I have been running 3 miles about 3 or 4 times a week at 9:00 to 9:30 pace as a relatively new runner. Not blazing but pretty darn good for a getting back into shape person! I thought I was in decent shape.
However, after trying to play soccer again (my true sport) I realized I was in pathetic shape. I was shocked to realize that soccer will get me in shape faster than straight road running. I guess it's all the starting, stopping, and having to play the minutes.
So, after this discovery, soccer is back in, along with the plyometric work I just started, and straight running is out!
I think I am going to dump the weight training too in favor of plyometrics. Man, that stuff is so brutal. Kicks my aerse but I know it will get me into shape...:shock: What are your thoughts on this? Anyone else do plyometrics versus weight training?
I never really noticed my condition playing tennis before (I have only been playing for 3 months) because not too sound cocky but I am all set in the athletic department! Even out of shape, I can still cover court, baby! LOL Plus, when you are a 3.0 it's not like you have these really long rallies! Most of the time neither of us break a sweat because points are over in 10 seconds! hahaha
Anyone else have similar discoveries?
I know that as I seek to improve my strokes I need to improve my fitness. I am sure at some point down the line, whataver level that is, fitness will start to be a factor. Just curious..what level is that! LOL I am thinking 4.0....
However, after trying to play soccer again (my true sport) I realized I was in pathetic shape. I was shocked to realize that soccer will get me in shape faster than straight road running. I guess it's all the starting, stopping, and having to play the minutes.
So, after this discovery, soccer is back in, along with the plyometric work I just started, and straight running is out!
I think I am going to dump the weight training too in favor of plyometrics. Man, that stuff is so brutal. Kicks my aerse but I know it will get me into shape...:shock: What are your thoughts on this? Anyone else do plyometrics versus weight training?
I never really noticed my condition playing tennis before (I have only been playing for 3 months) because not too sound cocky but I am all set in the athletic department! Even out of shape, I can still cover court, baby! LOL Plus, when you are a 3.0 it's not like you have these really long rallies! Most of the time neither of us break a sweat because points are over in 10 seconds! hahaha
Anyone else have similar discoveries?
I know that as I seek to improve my strokes I need to improve my fitness. I am sure at some point down the line, whataver level that is, fitness will start to be a factor. Just curious..what level is that! LOL I am thinking 4.0....