Sock recommendations.

Capt. Willie

Hall of Fame
I have a couple of thoughts... The first is a vote against Thorlos.


With that said, if you want to spend that much, just get some nice Adidas or Nike tennis socks. That's my recommendation.

Agreed. I hate Thorlos. I bought two pairs, couldn't use them for tennis (too thick and made my tennis shoes not fit right) and I ended up using them with my workboots. Awefull expensive lawn mowing socks. :cry:

Bought some nice adidas socks at TJ Maxx, three pairs for about $7.00


Under Armour

Speaking of TJ Maxx, I bought a couple of packs of Under Armour low cut socks (each pack had 4 pairs for $6.99) and they feel great! They aren't too thick and not too thin and they wick out the sweat from your feet real nicely. And the price is not bad at all.

The only problem I have now is that my shoes are starting to stink now because of the moisture wicking out of the socks and into the soles of the shoe. I wear Barricade IV's though and I lace up my shoes tight. I probably wouldn't have this problem if I wore a shoe that let your feet breathe better.


Hall of Fame
Go to the Nike Outlet store and pick up a 3-pack of their crew socks. They work fine for tennis at decent price.


for me, once I'm hitting and I'm in the zone, I really can't tell what kind of apparel I have on. Least socks. One thing that used to bug me was my long hair and i used to have to move it out of my face from time to time, but other than that - I agree JZimmer, I have these underarmour socks that are more than less comfy and aren't too thick but thick enough


I also recommend the mid-weight C9 socks from Target; well made and feel better to me than any other brand of sock I have tried (including Nike and Adidas).


Hall of Fame
I like the Prince Italia ( i use it as an over-sock... i wear 2 pairs when playing, Asics running underneath) never blistered and feels great!


I think Thorlo's are too slick inside the shoe. I use to wear them but it felt like my feet were sliding inside my sock NOT my shoe. So I tended to try to grab the sock with my toes as I was playing. Sort of without realizing I was doing it. Then my toes would ache from doing that. I stopped wearing Thorlo's and ended up just using straight cotton socks. I'm happy with that choice. I agree about the price of Thorlo's. I bought a ton of them because I liked them at first. I bought myself some and my son some. Now neither on of us wears them. I prefer the WigWam King Cotton socks hands down.


The FEETURES socks are amazing! I swear by them. They have an awesome fit, don't move at all inside the shoe, and seem to be durable.



Been wearing fine all the cheaper brands. Just want to see if the performance socks are worth it. I know my performance shirts are from experience.


I used to always buy cheap generic socks in bulk, but I recently picked up several pairs of extra thick Gold Toe tennis socks and I love the comfort that I get from the extra padding. The problem is that I put holes through the toes of some of them the first time wearing them. I don't know if it's because the socks are low quality, the material is somewhat slick so I'm sliding around in my shoes a bit, or if my shoes are a little too small now with the thicker socks.

So I'm thinking of giving Thorlos a try, but I'd rather not spend all of that money if the same thing is going to happen. I've several posts on here with people saying that they slide around too much with Thorlos. Can anyone recommend any other socks to try? I'm looking for white socks that don't have any visible logos.


The visible logos might be a hard item. I personally use nike's premium cotton crew for tennis and find them to be the best fit and overall comfort. No sliding, no holes, no problems what-so-ever. Just make sure that you are buying premium cotton - it should be a good sock if its made of this, and you can usually tell because they are a tad thicker and the material doesn't fade/wear through like cheap cotton.


The reason that I want there to be no visible logos is because I wear the same socks for tennis as I do for everyday wear. It's bad enough that I'm busting white socks with "businness casual" atire at work, I don't want to make matters worse by having visible swooshtikas.


i've got the gold toe acrylic socks for tennis. pretty good socks at a very reasonable price. i suggest keeping the nails trim and see if that helps.


Talk Tennis Guru
Try a brand called Pro Sox. I use thorlos, and don't have problems with sliding around in them. They also last forever. Anyway, I also use Pro Sox, which are comparable, but not as thick.

Good luck.


I wear Nike No Show socks.
Product description goes like this:
Perfect for workouts and casual wear, these no-show Nike socks add cushiony-soft comfort to every day. 78% cotton/18% nylon/3% manmade fibers/1% spandex.

I know they have the Nike swoosh on them but when I wear them the tongue of the shoe usually covers the swoosh so nothing is visible but sock.

The are nice and comfy.

Hope this helps.



i've got the gold toe acrylic socks for tennis. pretty good socks at a very reasonable price. i suggest keeping the nails trim and see if that helps.

I don't think that the holes are caused by long toe nails because I've been pretty good about keeping them short. It's probably a combination of my footshape and the tighter toe box of the new Breathe Cages. Are you using the Goldtoe Maxspun?


thorlo's and addidas are pretty good. Im satisfied with nike too.

Thorlo's often have no mark.


New User
I love my Thorlos! Just remember if you get the level 3 cushioning, you may have to go up in shoe size. Bring the shoes you currently wear with you when you buy because some stores or shops may have a pair for you to try on.


yup, that's pure class :lol: if your gonna wear sport socks at least make sure they are black
I usually wear "sand" colored Clark's Desert Boots mainly because they don't look that bad with white socks. My wardrobe is built around the idea of keeping laundry to a minimum: I wear the same socks & undershirt that I wear to work to play tennis. :)

Bad Dog

From a previous best socks thread:

Champion socks give me that “just on” feeling – not too thick, not too thin – fit just right. Thirsty like a towel, absorbing sweat away from feet.

They need to be “relatively” new, and get replaced @ 25 wash cycles or about every six months. Shoes wear out by breaking down while losing cushioning, support and overall comfort on the court – so do all socks. :)

Bad Dog

The luxury of wearing white socks to work

The reason that I want there to be no visible logos is because I wear the same socks for tennis as I do for everyday wear. It's bad enough that I'm busting white socks with "business casual" atire at work, I don't want to make matters worse by having visible swooshtikas.

yup, that's pure class :lol: if your gonna wear sport socks at least make sure they are black

I usually wear "sand" colored Clark's Desert Boots mainly because they don't look that bad with white socks. My wardrobe is built around the idea of keeping laundry to a minimum: I wear the same socks & undershirt that I wear to work to play tennis. :)

AmericanTemplar –

From Einstein, to Silicon Valley, to Bill Gates, to geniuses all over the world – great minds have the luxury of wearing white socks to work. :)


I don't think that the holes are caused by long toe nails because I've been pretty good about keeping them short. It's probably a combination of my footshape and the tighter toe box of the new Breathe Cages. Are you using the Goldtoe Maxspun?

can't remember the name but could be. anyway saw that content was mostly acrylic so picked them up. if i remember will try to locate them again and verify the name.
I wear 'jox sox'. They feel the best and they last forever. They come in black or white. the only logo is on the bottom (arch area).

Diadora makes a really fine cotton sock that's actually made in Italy believe it or not. Feels amazing. I use them over a pair of Thorlo 1s, no slip, but the only problem is the elastic doesn't last. Maybe that's just my big feet and thick ankles stressing them out.

Richie Rich

I usually wear "sand" colored Clark's Desert Boots mainly because they don't look that bad with white socks. My wardrobe is built around the idea of keeping laundry to a minimum: I wear the same socks & undershirt that I wear to work to play tennis. :)

just hope you go to work BEFORE you play tennis :lol:

Hey Moe!

New User
I used to wear SAI brand socks. They were somewhat similar to Thor-Los, but cheaper. The batch I bought last year were off in quality, and I looked for a replacement. I tried Gold Toes, and they were OK. Then I picked up a pair of Thor-Los. Game, set, match. Thor-Lo wins for me. I will pay the extra money for them.


I've tried the Under Armour, New Balance and the Drymax. The Drymax socks are the best I've tried. The seem to stay drier than the others and they have variable thickness in the areas needed for impact and wear. They are more expensive, but I'll be buying more with my next order.


Hall of Fame
I need new socks (replacing thorlos)

So, the title says most of it, my thorlos are getting pretty worn, and I'm looking into replacing them. What I'm looking for is black, Adidas socks with comfort equal or greater to that of thorlo tennis socks. Does a sock that great even exist? ;) Or should I just settle for new thorlos? :(

Thanks in advance,



Hall of Fame
i doubt that adidas is going to make a sock to fit that description... but i bought a few pairs of the black adidas socks that TW carries and they have been pretty good so far. the obviously look great with my black barricades, but obviously don't have as much padding as my thorlos. don't know how they hold up yet... havent had them long enough or used them enough yet.


Hall of Fame

That's what I was thinking, thanks for the confirmation. Oh well, now I'm not sure what I'm going to do. :(
I bought a couple of 3 packs of Adidas socks when I went to their outlet a month ago. The first one is black with an Adidas logo. This one has the better cushioning among the two I bought as it is a tad thicker. It's is Climacool , so it absorbs sweat. The second one is white and grey(on the sole). This one is thinner but absorbs sweat like it's in a desert. Very impressed by this one. Well cushioned as well.

the second one looks like this one:


I actually like the underarmor socks, I think they have a lot more cushioning than some other socks out there, obviously not as much as thorlo's though


Talk Tennis Guru
volt, like you, I also use thorlos (almost exclusively).

there is a sock called "pro sox". Although they aren't as thick as thorlos (no sock is), they are much thicker than other manufacturers, and are about half the price of thorlos.


I picked up 13 pairs of Thorlos Level 2 Crews from Sierra Trading Post for $7 a piece. Although they are stamped "Irregular" I haven't been able to find any flaws with thorough scrutiny.


Hall of Fame
I bought a couple of 3 packs of Adidas socks when I went to their outlet a month ago. The first one is black with an Adidas logo. This one has the better cushioning among the two I bought as it is a tad thicker. It's is Climacool , so it absorbs sweat. The second one is white and grey(on the sole). This one is thinner but absorbs sweat like it's in a desert. Very impressed by this one. Well cushioned as well.

the second one looks like this one:

Sweet, thanks for the info, I'll have to try that one. :)

I actually like the underarmor socks, I think they have a lot more cushioning than some other socks out there, obviously not as much as thorlo's though

Underarmor makes socks? Hmmmm, I'll definitely look into that. Thanks for the tip. :)

volt, like you, I also use thorlos (almost exclusively).

there is a sock called "pro sox". Although they aren't as thick as thorlos (no sock is), they are much thicker than other manufacturers, and are about half the price of thorlos.

If they're pretty thick, and half the price of thorlos, they're definitely worth a look. Thanks Drak :)


Hall of Fame
I actually like the underarmor socks, I think they have a lot more cushioning than some other socks out there, obviously not as much as thorlo's though

i have a fourpack in the mail as we speak. i will try to post how they work out. underarmour makes some pretty good stuff (though a little pricey).


Hall of Fame
Not much choice for us folk in the UK, Thorlos cost something like £13 a pair so I make do with these adidas ones with the logo on a black stripe down the back.
You gotta go with Jox Sox! They are the best! The cushion isn't as great as the max cushion Thorlo, but the comfort is off the chart! You can get them in colors as well... I teach for a living and these are all I wear. Much better all around than Thorlo in my opinion.

Doc Hollidae

Hall of Fame
I used to be a long time Thorlo wearer and switched last year to these black Hanes HP-dry socks. The level of cushioning is close to Thorlo's, but it feels a thicker, but in a good way. They keep your feet much much drier too. Durability is great too. A lot of socks feel great out of the bag, but then wash them a few times and they loose their cushion and softness. Not the case with these.

I bought a pack of 6 from Target I think for like 10 bucks.


Hall of Fame
I used to be a long time Thorlo wearer and switched last year to these black Hanes HP-dry socks. The level of cushioning is close to Thorlo's, but it feels a thicker, but in a good way. They keep your feet much much drier too. Durability is great too. A lot of socks feel great out of the bag, but then wash them a few times and they loose their cushion and softness. Not the case with these.

I bought a pack of 6 from Target I think for like 10 bucks.

Sounds too good to be true, do the come in black?


New User
So, the title says most of it, my thorlos are getting pretty worn, and I'm looking into replacing them. What I'm looking for is black, Adidas socks with comfort equal or greater to that of thorlo tennis socks. Does a sock that great even exist? ;) Or should I just settle for new thorlos? :(

Thanks in advance,


I use Thorlos, actually since my dad is a big runner and he has lots of pairs of them, I've tried other socks, but for me Thorlos are the best. The other pairs that I like are the Adidas socks for tennis, with the ClimaCool system. I like them and they feel good. Just my two cents though, hope you find something that feels as good or better than Thorlos.