Solinco Tour Bite, Revolution, and True Feel Review


What about the control on tour bite? And has anyone tried tour bite in the hybrid that solinco offers?

if your more concerned about control try giving the revolution a try. the tour bite/vanq seems to be solinco's most popular hybrid which i stil havent gotten a chance to try yet. i think a couple people on this thread gave detailed reviews on it.
I just tried tourbite yesterday. When stringing the racket I immediately notice a difference compared to hurricane pro tour it is much more difficult to string. It grabs the cross string while pulling like nothing I have strung before. The feel is pretty good seems a little tougher on the arm then the pro tour.


I would say Tour bite 17 is the best simply based off of reviews and because its the highest price, but i will review the others in the next few weeks...I also have true feel...the hybrid string for revolution which i will try out soon. I would recommend getting just a poly first and hybrid it with your favorite synthetic or multi. below are the prices as i was told by solinco...
Tour Bite: $11.50/set, $155/reel
Revolution: $10.00/set, $135/reel
Outlast: $8.00/set, $109/reel
Tour Bite and Revolution are the polygon shaped string outlast i just circular

What shape is the Revolution?


im looking at the revolution right now and it looks kinda squarish in shape like the tour bite to me.

also, the RSI (a major authority in tennis strings) recently rated the tour bite as the #1 string it has ever tested for spin potential and got extremely high ratings in the power category as well. i knew when i first played with this string the spin production was ridiculous and in a class of its own. this is just confirmation! the tour bite sets the bar when it comes to spin production.


im looking at the revolution right now and it looks kinda squarish in shape like the tour bite to me.

also, the RSI (a major authority in tennis strings) recently rated the tour bite as the #1 string it has ever tested for spin potential and got extremely high ratings in the power category as well. i knew when i first played with this string the spin production was ridiculous and in a class of its own. this is just confirmation! the tour bite sets the bar when it comes to spin production.

i needa get a couple of sets. my black code is already dead. lost so much power...and its gonna be a while before they break


Well its been a while since ive posted in this thread...kinda forgot about it...but i have a new review!
I wouldve posted this earlier but I was not supposed to release any information about this new string from solinco since it hasn't been released yet...but will be soon. Its called Barb Wire...and yes its texted like it lol. Its basically the same shape/profile as tour bite except it is twisted which to my surprise I believe gives more spin. It is a black string similar looking to black code except far more textured and a little less powerful i'd say. Well here's the review.

The Setup:
Solinco Barb Wire 17 50/53
In a Pure Storm LTD

note: I strung this up as a full poly which i havent done for the other reviews...

Hitting Time
About 10 hrs

Playing Characteristics

Power - 8.5/10

Control - 9.5/10

Feel - 9/10

Comfort - 8.5/10

Spin - 10/10

String Movement - 10/10


- Pretty sure im getting better spin than tour bite but i would have to try a full string job of tour bite to be sure...

- amazing control probably mostly due to the amount of spin i was getting.

- power was a little lower than tour bite but i liked it better partly for that reason because i felt i hit less shots long while still hitting with depth

- durability is great. still havent broken it and i dont think it will for quite a while. although the shaped profile wears down just like tour bite

I look forward to its release so i can try it strung tighter in a hybrid setup. Next I will most likely be reviewing True Feel In a hybrid setup with tour bite or revolution.


I saw Solinco Revolution 17 & True Feel 16 Hybrid String when I was looking at the TW website for a new cheaper string then my current hybrid of bb alu power spin mains 64lbs and lux m2 pro crosses 62lbs. A was wondering if it would feel the same in my APD+ or better.
*Also am alittle confussed about what happens when you but a textured string in mains or crosses(I.E. Roddick and fed) also about which should be strung lower ,because I was thinking of putting the tru feel in the mains at 62lbs and the revolution in the crosses at 64lbs but I don't maybe a bad idea

Well if you put a textured string in the mains then you wont get near as much spin cause the texture is in the crosses which would be vertical against the ball instead of being horizontal and biting into the ball.i would go rev in the mains at 60 and true feel at 62-64lbs if you like it tight


Well its been a while since ive posted in this thread...kinda forgot about it...but i have a new review!
I wouldve posted this earlier but I was not supposed to release any information about this new string from solinco since it hasn't been released yet...but will be soon. Its called Barb Wire...and yes its texted like it lol. Its basically the same shape/profile as tour bite except it is twisted which to my surprise I believe gives more spin. It is a black string similar looking to black code except far more textured and a little less powerful i'd say. Well here's the review.

The Setup:
Solinco Barb Wire 17 50/53
In a Pure Storm LTD

note: I strung this up as a full poly which i havent done for the other reviews...

Hitting Time
About 10 hrs

Playing Characteristics

Power - 8.5/10

Control - 9.5/10

Feel - 9/10

Comfort - 8.5/10

Spin - 10/10

String Movement - 10/10


- Pretty sure im getting better spin than tour bite but i would have to try a full string job of tour bite to be sure...

- amazing control probably mostly due to the amount of spin i was getting.

- power was a little lower than tour bite but i liked it better partly for that reason because i felt i hit less shots long while still hitting with depth

- durability is great. still havent broken it and i dont think it will for quite a while. although the shaped profile wears down just like tour bite

I look forward to its release so i can try it strung tighter in a hybrid setup. Next I will most likely be reviewing True Feel In a hybrid setup with tour bite or revolution.

thanks for the BW and TB comparison. tried the BW but not TB.


Well its been a while since ive posted in this thread...kinda forgot about it...but i have a new review!
I wouldve posted this earlier but I was not supposed to release any information about this new string from solinco since it hasn't been released yet...but will be soon. Its called Barb Wire...and yes its texted like it lol. Its basically the same shape/profile as tour bite except it is twisted which to my surprise I believe gives more spin. It is a black string similar looking to black code except far more textured and a little less powerful i'd say. Well here's the review.

The Setup:
Solinco Barb Wire 17 50/53
In a Pure Storm LTD

note: I strung this up as a full poly which i havent done for the other reviews...

Hitting Time
About 10 hrs

Playing Characteristics

Power - 8.5/10

Control - 9.5/10

Feel - 9/10

Comfort - 8.5/10

Spin - 10/10

String Movement - 10/10


- Pretty sure im getting better spin than tour bite but i would have to try a full string job of tour bite to be sure...

- amazing control probably mostly due to the amount of spin i was getting.

- power was a little lower than tour bite but i liked it better partly for that reason because i felt i hit less shots long while still hitting with depth

- durability is great. still havent broken it and i dont think it will for quite a while. although the shaped profile wears down just like tour bite

I look forward to its release so i can try it strung tighter in a hybrid setup. Next I will most likely be reviewing True Feel In a hybrid setup with tour bite or revolution.

Thanks for the review. I'm wanting to try a hybrid of the BW and Tour Bite!


Thank for the review. I'm wanting to try a hybrid of the BW and Tour Bite!

Very interesting potential set up! Please let me know how this hybrid works for you if you end up trying it. Do you plan on using the barbwire or tour bite in the mains and why? Also would like to know what tension you use the barbwire at. One thing for sure is that you won't have any issues with lack of spin potential. I'm looking forward to hitting with the barbwire as well...probably in a full bed to begin with and depending on how I like it I may try hybriding it with the vanquish or true feel. Just recently switched over to the tour bite and vaquish hybrid and it's amazing.


i spoke with a rep from solinco earlier today and was informed that the barbwire should become available by the second week of august to the general public.


New User
Very interesting potential set up! Please let me know how this hybrid works for you if you end up trying it. Do you plan on using the barbwire or tour bite in the mains and why? Also would like to know what tension you use the barbwire at. One thing for sure is that you won't have any issues with lack of spin potential. I'm looking forward to hitting with the barbwire as well...probably in a full bed to begin with and depending on how I like it I may try hybriding it with the vanquish or true feel. Just recently switched over to the tour bite and vaquish hybrid and it's amazing.

New here... great forum and lots of great info! I was wondering if anyone could suggest tension recommendations for the Solinco Hybrid set-ups... I just ordered both the Rev./True Feel and Tour Bite/Vanquish and am switching from a full poly set. I plan on comparing both to see which one is best!

I'm currently playing with a Prince O3 Hybrid Hornet MP strung w/ full Tecnifibre Black Code 17 at 60 lbs. Great string, but I'm looking for a little more depth on my shots. BC was a little stiff at first, but settled in after a few hours (probably around 55 lbs or so). I like the feel at the end, but they are going dead now. I'm gonna try out the Solinco Hybrids just out of sheer curiosity :)

Reference: I like a tight feel for control and can supply my own power. I'm really looking for the best set-up for feel, control and spin. I play primarily singles with heavy top spin, but like to mix up the pace with drop shots.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


New here... great forum and lots of great info! I was wondering if anyone could suggest tension recommendations for the Solinco Hybrid set-ups... I just ordered both the Rev./True Feel and Tour Bite/Vanquish and am switching from a full poly set. I plan on comparing both to see which one is best!

I'm currently playing with a Prince O3 Hybrid Hornet MP strung w/ full Tecnifibre Black Code 17 at 60 lbs. Great string, but I'm looking for a little more depth on my shots. BC was a little stiff at first, but settled in after a few hours (probably around 55 lbs or so). I like the feel at the end, but they are going dead now. I'm gonna try out the Solinco Hybrids just out of sheer curiosity :)

Reference: I like a tight feel for control and can supply my own power. I'm really looking for the best set-up for feel, control and spin. I play primarily singles with heavy top spin, but like to mix up the pace with drop shots.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

i am currently using the tour bite 17g (54 lbs main)/ vaquish 16g (56 lbs cross). i think anywhere from 52-55 lbs for the tour bite is good, and 54-56 lbs for vanquish cross


which solinco multi is softer- the true feel or vanquish? can someone please confirm for me. thanks

Havent gotten a chance to play with either yet but at first i though vanquish is supposed to be their softest multi but now after reading about their strings on their site it sounds like true feel is the softest since they describe it as offering unparalleled natural gut like feel and control.


Havent gotten a chance to play with either yet but at first i though vanquish is supposed to be their softest multi but now after reading about their strings on their site it sounds like true feel is the softest since they describe it as offering unparalleled natural gut like feel and control.

yeah, i thought the vanquish was solinco's softest multi as well, but from reading the description of the true feel (and from just looking at the name of the string itself) im starting to get the feeling that it may be softer than the vanquish.

mcshift, would appreciate it if you could do a review comparing the vanquish to the true feel as there is not much stuff on the true feel here at all. i noticed the TWH doesn't sell the true feel in a non-hybrid form either.

anybody elses input regarding these two solinco multi's would be greatly appreciated as well. thanks guys


yeah, i thought the vanquish was solinco's softest multi as well, but from reading the description of the true feel (and from just looking at the name of the string itself) im starting to get the feeling that it may be softer than the vanquish.

mcshift, would appreciate it if you could do a review comparing the vanquish to the true feel as there is not much stuff on the true feel here at all. i noticed the TWH doesn't sell the true feel in a non-hybrid form either.

anybody elses input regarding these two solinco multi's would be greatly appreciated as well. thanks guys
i have a set of true feel to mess around with but i dont have any vanquish... but ill string up true feel with tour bite next...


i have a set of true feel to mess around with but i dont have any vanquish... but ill string up true feel with tour bite next...

sounds good. i may try a barbwire/true feel hybrid depending upon how soft/stiff i find the barbwire to be.....

Ross K

Re the Sol Tour Bite, what particular frames per se would ppl say this string suits?... you know, like open pattern 16x19/16x18 MP frames, closed pattern MPs, mids, flexy or stiff frames, etc.. put it another way, would it suit the very flexy C10 Pro, the crisp Vantage 95 and the slightly stiff Wilson 6.1s?




Re the Sol Tour Bite, what particular frames per se would ppl say this string suits?... you know, like open pattern 16x19/16x18 MP frames, closed pattern MPs, mids, flexy or stiff frames, etc.. put it another way, would it suit the very flexy C10 Pro, the crisp Vantage 95 and the slightly stiff Wilson 6.1s?



well i hit with the pure storm limited (non gt) and i think i really help compensate for the spin lost with a 18x20 string pattern (i am using 18 gauge tour bite). i cant imagine the amount of spin you would get in a 16x18!


Havent gotten a chance to play with either yet but at first i though vanquish is supposed to be their softest multi but now after reading about their strings on their site it sounds like true feel is the softest since they describe it as offering unparalleled natural gut like feel and control.

yeah, i thought the vanquish was solinco's softest multi as well, but from reading the description of the true feel (and from just looking at the name of the string itself) im starting to get the feeling that it may be softer than the vanquish.

mcshift, would appreciate it if you could do a review comparing the vanquish to the true feel as there is not much stuff on the true feel here at all. i noticed the TWH doesn't sell the true feel in a non-hybrid form either.

anybody elses input regarding these two solinco multi's would be greatly appreciated as well. thanks guys
I would certainly be interested in any board member's review comparing vanquish and true feel -- but how about e-mailing Solinco and asking them which one they think is softer?

vanquish -- what a great name! Reminds me of the Aston Martin of the same name. :)


Re the Sol Tour Bite, what particular frames per se would ppl say this string suits?... you know, like open pattern 16x19/16x18 MP frames, closed pattern MPs, mids, flexy or stiff frames, etc.. put it another way, would it suit the very flexy C10 Pro, the crisp Vantage 95 and the slightly stiff Wilson 6.1s?



Well i put it in full in my tt radicals tour bite 17, and for me it was just perfekt, i think you should give it a shot in youre similar rackets, i know you have a lot of rackets so maybe you can tinker, but for me they worked great with my closed string pattern and flexy frame....


New User
I'm interested in the tour bite. Is it a square shape? Could someone please post some up close photos of the tour bite string? Thanks so much


I have a set of barbwire on the way... I'll be sure to update you all with a review. I play with a MG Prestige 18x20



New User
Can you tell by looking at it that its 5 sided? I got some rpm blast thinking its 5 sided but there is no way you can tell.


Can you tell by looking at it that its 5 sided? I got some rpm blast thinking its 5 sided but there is no way you can tell.

yeah, calling RPM and PHT textured or polygonal is a joke, look at the picture on the package and then feel and look at the string...not even close...


Thats what i though to it was a square but ive heard both thats why i want to see a pic.

if i have time to take a pic i will but i am positive i have 2 reels of it that im looking at right now...its identical to alu spin which is also 5 sided...
i wouldnt be surprised if tw is wrong since its a new brand


I would certainly be interested in any board member's review comparing vanquish and true feel -- but how about e-mailing Solinco and asking them which one they think is softer?

vanquish -- what a great name! Reminds me of the Aston Martin of the same name. :)

yeah, emailing them is probably the best way to get confirmation which is probably what i will end up doing.

i love the name vanquish as well. badass name for a tennis string imo. def better than "mosquito bite"....still can't believe weiss canon named it mosquito bite...esp when its suppose to be a feel string (thats what im reading at least).


if i have time to take a pic i will but i am positive i have 2 reels of it that im looking at right now...its identical to alu spin which is also 5 sided...
i wouldnt be surprised if tw is wrong since its a new brand

im looking at it carefully under the light again and the tour bite still looks more like a square than 5 sided to me....


yeah, emailing them is probably the best way to get confirmation which is probably what i will end up doing.

i love the name vanquish as well. badass name for a tennis string imo. def better than "mosquito bite"....still can't believe weiss canon named it mosquito bite...esp when its suppose to be a feel string (thats what im reading at least).
I agree. "Mosquito bite" makes it sound really lightweight and unsubstantial -- not to mention irritating, in a pesky sort of way. What were they thinking? :-?:confused:

Also, isn't it supposed to be "Barbed Wire"? Barb is a girl's name, as in Bar-, Bar-Bara-Ann.


its hard to tell...but it is 5 sided... i can confirm this because i took a piece of the the string and then took a thin sharpie and marked each side of the string till i got around and it was 5 sharpie marks= 5 sides... i would post pictures but i lost my camera. can someone please do the same sharpie technique to confirm this


I agree. "Mosquito bite" makes it sound really lightweight and unsubstantial -- not to mention irritating, in a pesky sort of way. What were they thinking? :-?:confused:

Also, isn't it supposed to be "Barbed Wire"? Barb is a girl's name, as in Bar-, Bar-Bara-Ann.

hah yeah that was probably an error by us who have posted it is barbed wire...

good eyes lol


its hard to tell...but it is 5 sided... i can confirm this because i took a piece of the the string and then took a thin sharpie and marked each side of the string till i got around and it was 5 sharpie marks= 5 sides... i would post pictures but i lost my camera. can someone please do the same sharpie technique to confirm this

thats a good idea. i will try it as well. but yeah, i agree with you, its def not obvious just by looking at it.


I agree. "Mosquito bite" makes it sound really lightweight and unsubstantial -- not to mention irritating, in a pesky sort of way. What were they thinking? :-?:confused:

Also, isn't it supposed to be "Barbed Wire"? Barb is a girl's name, as in Bar-, Bar-Bara-Ann.

Exactly, what were they thinking? thats the exact thought that crossed my mind. really feel like they shot themselves in the foot with this one. i honestly thought it was some sort of a joke at first...


Exactly, what were they thinking? thats the exact thought that crossed my mind. really feel like they shot themselves in the foot with this one. i honestly thought it was some sort of a joke at first...

was that just our mistake or is barb wire the official name?

nevermind...thought you were talking about barbed wire
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was that just our mistake or is barb wire the official name?

nevermind...thought you were talking about barbed wire

to be honest, im not sure which spelling is correct either. like you said, it could be "barbed wire" and somehow how it got distorted to barbwire along the way.


I would certainly be interested in any board member's review comparing vanquish and true feel -- but how about e-mailing Solinco and asking them which one they think is softer?

vanquish -- what a great name! Reminds me of the Aston Martin of the same name. :)

I received an email from solinco confriming that the true feel is softer than the vanquish. The vanquish is supposed to provide a more crisp feeling and have more pop to it.