Some Pros Don't care too much about Nutrition


Hall of Fame
35ft6, that is some interesting information you have there. Though it seems to say that pot is not addictive like other drugs which I am not so sure of. There are quite a few of my friends who I would say are addicted to it. They smoke many times every day and most of them admit that it would be very hard to stop. One of my friends managed to stop smoking and said it was really hard for a couple months, but then not so bad. He quit for over a year and then one drunken night he decided to just do it once more. Well since then he has been smoking many times every day for the last month. Sounds pretty addictive to me.

Anyway, my thoughts that pot is worse than alcohol stem more from personal experience with it rather than what the government wants me to think, so I may be a bit biased there. I have found that weed has a much more powerful effect on me than alcohol and I have had some pretty bad experiences with it. Alcohol sort of dulls your senses while weed has the capability to make you basically go insane and lose touch with reality almost completely.


Steve Dykstra said:
35ft6, that is some interesting information you have there. Though it seems to say that pot is not addictive like other drugs which I am not so sure of. There are quite a few of my friends who I would say are addicted to it.
I think the researchers are using the scientific definition of addiction. I know people who are addicted to porn (and I doubt they could stop), shopping, and maybe even tennis, but I don't think that's the type of addiction they're generally referring to.
Well since then he has been smoking many times every day for the last month. Sounds pretty addictive to me.
See above. I know two guys at work who smoke a lot, one of them at least USED to smoke every day. But if you can find a medical study that documents physical dependency in the form of serious withdrawal symptoms, I'd love to see it.

Not that my experience means anything, I've never known anybody, or heard of anybody, having serious problems giving up marijuana. Apparently, you have.
I have found that weed has a much more powerful effect on me than alcohol and I have had some pretty bad experiences with it. Alcohol sort of dulls your senses while weed has the capability to make you basically go insane and lose touch with reality almost completely.
I've seen people get much crazier on alcohol than marijuana, but that's not to say I'm completely discounting your experience. Let's put it this way, to my knowledge there's never been a case of somebody dying of marijuana overdose. Alcohol poisoning by comparison is relatively common. My personal experience was the opposite of yours. I smoked and it didn't do much. I giggled more than usual, but it just gave me a headache. Also, who knows what else might have been in that joint.


Hall of Fame
This has been known for years, there was a whole documentary on it in the UK... unfortunatly it never made any headlines, and was not seen by the majority... and totally ignoured by the goverment.


Hall of Fame
35ft6, I guess it really depends on the person. I seem to handle alcohol very well while I do not handle pot very well, but others may be different. As far as addiction goes, I guess you are saying that the addiction that people can have with pot is different from addiction to other drugs/alcohol. Are you saying that the addiction to pot is purely psychological and it will not do the body any physical harm to stop? I have actually heard that there this is true for alcohol, but have no idea if it is really true. You are right though, that this sort of addiction, while it is certainly not good, is not as bad as an addiction with physical withdrawal symptoms in addition to the psychological addiction.


New User
just kinda curious... is caffeine considered a performance enhancing drug? when i play after a pot of coffee from work, i seriously kick some major ass for the first set and a half. then i just fizzle lol...

croatian sensation

35ft6 said:
Dayummm. No carbs? Coria looks like a little Bruce Lee without his shirt on. Dudes got no body fat. Actually, Bruce Lee was probably about the same size as Coria.

Yeah, no least not for lunch, I didn't have a chance to see what he ate the rest of the day.

Right...he's just mucles...mmm..great body. too bad that he's so short. and married :D