I've seen the phisio yesterday for hints on my hammer toes and she suggested that I should land both on the toes and the balls of my feet, while I was primarily landing on the balls of the feet.
She also suggested that I should practice jumps like I am in hot sand (when I jump on a thick mattress).
What do you guys do/think?
Somehow I feel more stable landing on the balls of my feet, but I wonder if that's "aggressive"/"ready to move" enough?
Small hop/split step, that is, but ideally continuously.
I've seen the phisio yesterday for hints on my hammer toes and she suggested that I should land both on the toes and the balls of my feet, while I was primarily landing on the balls of the feet.
She also suggested that I should practice jumps like I am in hot sand (when I jump on a thick mattress).
What do you guys do/think?
Somehow I feel more stable landing on the balls of my feet, but I wonder if that's "aggressive"/"ready to move" enough?
Small hop/split step, that is, but ideally continuously.