Sports Drink Importance In Your Game - For You Juniors!


Many of you on this board ask of what good sports drinks are and which ones are the best and favorite etc. Well, many of these sports drinks are not so hot, gatorade being probably the worst. Why you ask? Because gatorade is mostly made up of poor carbs. Yes, its important to have carbs, but these carbs are terrible, chemicals that you put into your body, ie. High Fructose Corn Syrup.

What are good carbs? Good question, many carbs are good, but some carbs are favored for intense workouts/matches. Waxy Maize Starch is probably the absolute best for you as it stimulates the release of insulin due to such a high molecular weight that it is absorbed straight into the small intesine. However this is only key for post workout and weight lifting.

Another great carb is Trehalose. This is favored more for during matches and long excersise. Why? Hmmm, because it does not stimulate insulin response as much as other carbs yet supplies you with the calories and energy you need to keep going. Trehalose is derived from corn starch as is waxy maize starch.

Gatorade is also bad cause it lacks protein and key amino acids. Your body is put under high stress and in order to keep good muscle uptake amino acids and protein are important. BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are very key to the body.

During high intensity exercise, the BCAA's are oxidized for use as fuel and to maintain oxidative metabolite concentration. Supplementing with BCAA's reduces exercise-induced muscle proteolysis (breakdown) and also stimulates muscle protein synthesis.

Whey Protein Isolate is also good. It helps along with the BCAA's to stimulate muscle growth and amino acid replenishment that you lose during workouts.

PeptoPro...This Caesin Hydroslate (Protein) interests me very much. Its ability to force protein directly into the blood stream has a lot of use in a sports drink. This is because it has a full spectrum of amino acids and will be delivered instantly. However this is expensive, prices are reported to be up to $50 per pound. Doses should be around 5-10g's during or post workout.

Beta-Alanine is also something that should be added to a sports drink. Why? Because daily supplemation of beta-alanine (BA) increases carosine stores in your bodys muscle. This will advance your bodys ability to have more muscular endurance and be able to use muscle for a longer period of time at high intensity. (Daily supplemation should be 4.2g - 6g's a day to see results.)(Doses should be spread out to eliminate tingling sensation to the body.)

A supplement that gets really bad press is Creatine, another important addition to your daily intake. This "creatine" that is referred to ever so much as a legal steriod (as its not because it does not mess with your body's endocrine system whatsoever) is good because it increases your body's ability to create ATP. How does it do this? Well creatine is made up of three amino acids with the addition to a phosphate group. This phosphate group binds to Adenine in the body to create, ATP which is stored energy in your body that allows cells to move. There are many forms of favorite being Creatine Gluconate. Creatine Monohydrate is effective and the cheapest form. It works and well.

My next supplement of choice to add to the Ultimate Sports drink is Citrulline Malate. This supplement enhances energy uptake by increasing arginine stores in your body. This should be taken in doses from 2g - 5g's and can be spread out or not. However, because of the pump this adds...I recommend only 1g in a sports drink, and the rest spread out during the day.

Electrolytes! Yes, the ever so most important electrolytes. This is stressed very much in sports drinks. Its most noted in gatorade...yet its pure sodium chloride. Uh, yeah, SALT! This is important, but not THAT important. Go ahead, add a dash of salt. Will you notice a huge difference?...probably not.

Potassium! Yes, this is important. Very. One of my favorite and most effective vitamins that should be in all sports drinks. This is due to the fact that it helps eliminate chance of dehydration.

Hmmm. Now to the fun part. Different products each have different things in them. Accelerade you can find in stores and runs about $2 a bottle. Is it worth $2 a bottle for 35 cents of There are others, like Nibmus Nutrition Posiedon-BA...but even that lacks carbs. However, thats what I recommend...add in carbs to your liking and your good to go. But you can also make your own mix, and add in your own flavors and change around the amounts and stuff at Any questions feel free to ask.

A little info about me...I was a tennis longer hardcore due to lack of support. Now I am an aspiring personal trainer/pharmaceuticals major. I am a Junior in high school and like helping people for the best.

I wrote this article cause I read some threads on here lacking good information. I've been a member here for quite sometime and know most of your are good people. Workout, training, nutrition questions I can also answer.

I can also not stress enough how much being is shape can help you. Low bodyfat, good muscle, and a great mind can go a long way in the game of tennis.

- Daniel D.

*I am in no way affiliated with any of the above mentions companies.

Please, as junior tennis players this is the time to learn about proper nutrition and hydration. Use your young age as an advantage to advance further in the game sooner and faster. The speed of todays game requires your body to be more advanced than the recreational player. Take it up to the next level.
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Nevermind, FRS looks decent...its basically inulin which is an expensive carb that no doubt has its benefits. Is it worth the price? No. Absolutely not. Its mainly an antioxident. Drink orange juice then. Or add in an Antioxident supplement such as Designer Supplements Vigor. Which is 100x better for 1/4 the price. You wont notice a difference in energy or body activity.

If you want an expensive premade drink I guess Cytomax isnt that bad...but Maltodextrin thats in it costs about 5 cents. Yes, and they charge you like 3 dollars per drink. Think about it, if you play tennis 4 days a week, and have a drink everyday at 2-3 dollars thats 8-15 dollars a week...52 weeks in a year...thats over $500 dollars. Instead get a better drink...and pay yourself a few hundred dollars over time, you can buy yourself a few rackets.


I Also forgot to add Caffeine and Green Tea Extract are in FRS. I love green tea extract and has many benefits, but you can buy a bottle for like 2 bucks. Caffeine too. lol.

I DO NOT recommend Caffeine before a tennis match. This is because caffeine will give you a crash resulting in more tiredness due to the fact its results do not last that long. There are better pre-tennis supplements. During tennis supplements would be a sports drink as recommended above.

Pre-tennis. I'd recommend Cordygen5 by Millennium Sports. This allows greater oxygen and ATP uptake in the body. I've tried it and it works and I love love love love love it. Before I run I use it. Its awesome.


***I'd like to add a product to recommend. NOW Electro Pro. This contains carbs (not good but ok), electrolytes, and peptopro. Its not as good as such but you can always add in what you want ie. beta-alanine, Citrulline Malate, Creatine. ***


do u have any more mass produce things that are popular because i hadn't of heard off any of those and don't want to go way out of the way just for a drink.


New User
Can I hire you to be my nutritionist?

Haha, thank you so much, this is a great post and it should be stickied. I saved it on my computer.

Thank you!


do u have any more mass produce things that are popular because i hadn't of heard off any of those and don't want to go way out of the way just for a drink.

How old are you? How many times a week do you lift? play tennis? Before I can recommend you products, I need to know some more information.


Can I hire you to be my nutritionist?

Haha, thank you so much, this is a great post and it should be stickied. I saved it on my computer.

Thank you!

Thanks for your kind words, I apperiate it.

Nutritionist...hmmm, I can assist you but Im not trained to be a nutritionist. Im more on the lifting, supplemation spectrum. I need to know more info about you, whats your age?

Max Winther

wow what a good post. so what i gather is that accelerade and cytomax are the best readymade, store bought sports drinks? what is your take on vitamin water?

Max Winther

oh and im 16, roughly 135 pounds, 5'7" and i work out 3-4 times a week and play probably twice a week during school.


How old are you? How many times a week do you lift? play tennis? Before I can recommend you products, I need to know some more information.

alright then perfect, someone that knows something about nutrion. Well i am small build 100 lbs. 5"5 freshman. Lifting once a week. Lots of streching and plyametrics. Also running 3 days a week.

Avid tournament player. Playing 4 days a week 4 hours.


Because I am very busy with other work and my training at the moment I am unable to help all of you. BUT! Thats doesn't mean you can't get help.

I found a great article for tennis. Use it as a basis in your weight training program. said:
By: Matt Weik

Ever wonder what it takes to be successful tennis player? Well I can tell you that it takes a lot of hard work and determination. The training can get intense and if done incorrectly, could ruin your chances of ever making a career out of the sport.

This article will give you some insight on everything you need to know about training for tennis and also some extra information on what muscle groups are involved in certain movements.

-> Muscles Used In Tennis Drives, Volleys, & Serves:

Action Muscles Used
Push-Off Soleus,
Trunk Rotation Obliques,
spinal erectors
Forehand Swing Anterior deltoid,
shoulder internal rotators,
elbow flexors (biceps),
serratus anterior

-> Muscles Used In The One-Handed Backhand Volley And Drive:

Action Muscles Used
Push-Off Soleus,
Trunk Rotation Obliques,
spinal erectors
Backhand Swing Rhomboids and middle trapezius,
posterior deltoid,
middle deltoid,
shoulder external rotators,
serratus anterior

-> Muscles Used in the Two-Handed Backhand Drive:

Action Muscles Used
Push-Off Soleus,
Trunk Rotation Obliques,
spinal erectors
Backhand Swing Nondominant Side Pectorals,
anterior deltoid,
shoulder internal rotators
Backhand Swing Dominant Side Rhomboids and middle trapezius,
posterior deltoid,
middle deltoid,
shoulder external rotators,
serratus anterior

-> Muscles Used In The Serve And Overhead:

Action Muscles Used
Trunk Rotation Obliques,
spinal erectors
Knee And Hip Extension Before Impact Quadriceps,
Arm Swing Pectorals,
shoulder interior rotators,
latissimus dorsi,
Arm Extension Triceps
Wrist Flexion Wrist flexors

-> Physiological Aspect:

* For a successful match, a tennis player needs a combination of strength, power, and muscular endurance.
* Muscle hypertrophy is not needed as much as the other aspects because technique is a key in the game of tennis, not just power.

Injury Prevention

-> Most Common Sites For Injury:

* Back (overuse from transferring forces)
* Shoulder (rotator cuff tears)
* Knee (overuse and stress on the patella)
* Ankle (ligaments in the ankle)
* Elbow (degenerative changes in tendon base and splintering of tendon fibers)
* Leg (muscle tears)
* Wrist (overuse of ligaments)

-> Keys To Preventing Injuries:

* Warm-up/Cool-down
* Flexibility
* Strength Training
* Aerobic Training
* Anaerobic Training
* Sport Biomechanics

If Injuries Occur Use the RICE Method to Treat:

* Rest
* Ice
* Compress
* Elevate


Do a light 5-minute warm-up to get the blood circulating and tissues of the body ready for the workout. Do this each day before the workout begins.

* Slow jog or low-intensity stationary cycling

8-Week Workout Program

3 Day Split (Week 1-4)

* Use light weights at 40% of your 1RM
* Rest for less than 30 seconds between sets

-> Monday Workout: (Lower Body)

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Leg Press 3 10-15
Leg Extension 3 10-15
Leg Curl 3 10-15
Hip Abduction 3 10-15
Hip Adduction 3 10-15
Standing Calf Raises 3 10-15

o Two-Handed Side-to-Side Throw
o Single-Arm Throw

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Monday.

-> Wednesday Workout: (Core and Rotator Cuff)


For rotator cuff use only light weights (2-5 pounds)

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Abdominal Crunch 3 20
Crossover Crunch 3 20
Russian Twist 3 20
Back Extension Machine 3 10-15
Back Hyperextensions 3 10-15
External Shoulder Rotation 3 10-15
Prone Horizontal Abduction 3 10-15
90-90 External Shoulder Rotation 3 10-15

Cardiovascular: Jog or bike for 30 minutes

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Wednesday.

-> Friday Workout: (Upper Body)

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Chest Press 3 10-15
Lat Pulldown 3 10-15
Seated Row 3 10-15
Bicep Curl 3 10-15
Tricep Extension 3 10-15
Shoulder Shrugs 3 10-15

o Single-Arm Alternate-Leg Bound
o Lateral Barrier Hop
o Backward Skip

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Friday.

4 Day Split (Week 5-8)

* Use moderate to heavy weights at 70% of your 1RM
* Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets
* For rotator cuff use only light weights (2-5 pounds)
* For lateral raises and front raises use only light weights (10-20 pounds)

-> Monday Workout:

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Bicep Curls 5 6-8
Tricep Extension 5 6-8
Abdominal Crunch 5 20
Crossover Crunch 5 20
Russian Twist 5 20

Cardiovascular: Jog or bike for 30 minutes

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Monday.

-> Tuesday Workout:

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Leg Press 5 6-8
Leg Extension 5 6-8
Leg Curl 5 6-8
Hip Abduction 5 6-8
Hip Adduction 5 6-8
Standing Calf Raises 5 6-8

o Two-Handed Side-to-Side Throw
o Single-Arm Throw

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Tuesday.

-> Thursday Workout:

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Chest Press 5 6-8
Lat Pulldown 5 6-8
Seated Row 5 6-8
Back Extension Machine 5 6-8
Back Hyperextensions 5 10-15
Abdominal Crunch 5 20
Crossover Crunch 5 20
Russian Twist 5 20

Cardiovascular: Jog or bike for 30 minutes

print Click Here For A Printable Log Of Thursday.

-> Friday Workout:

Exercise Sets Repetitions
Shoulder Shrugs 5 6-8
Front Raises 5 8-10
Lateral Raises 5 8-10
External Shoulder Rotation 3 10-15
Prone Horizontal Abduction 3 10-15
90-90 External Shoulder Rotation 3 10-15

o Single-Arm Alternate-Leg Bound
o Lateral Barrier Hop
o Backward Skip
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alright then perfect, someone that knows something about nutrion. Well i am small build 100 lbs. 5"5 freshman. Lifting once a week. Lots of streching and plyametrics. Also running 3 days a week.

Avid tournament player. Playing 4 days a week 4 hours.

EAT! EAT! EAT! 3,000 healthy calories a day. 200+g's of protein. Low fat, medium carb. After you workout...CARBS CARBS CARBS! you'll see the difference.

Max Winther

that excersize program is very similar to the one that i am doing right now, and it has definetly helped my game. serves are probably 1/3rd more consistent, forehands have more spin and control, backhands are more powerful, volleys are a ton more solid, and i can go 3-4 sets in pretty substantial heat without getting too exhausted. ive tried accelerade during a long hitting session and it really helped my concentration and overall endurance.


New User
i don't think i've read anything about zipfizz but is zipfizz okay for excercises?
it's like the one they sell in costco and have lots of samples of.



Add 1 tube of Zipfizz to 16-20 ounces of water and shake or stir. If using bottled water - take a sip to make room.

Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 1 Tube
Amount Per Serving - % Daily Value:*
Calories 10, Total Carbohydrates 2 g - <1%, Sugars 0 g - **, Vitamin C 500 mg - 833%, Vitamin E 10 IU - 33%, Thiamin 0.38 mg - 25%, Riboflavin 0.43 mg - 25%, Niacin 10 mg - 50%, Vitamin B6 2.5 mg - 125%, Folate 13 mcg - 3%, Vitamin B12 25000 mcg - 41667%, Pantothenic Acid 2.5 mg - 25%, Calcium 60 mg - 6%, Magnesium 100 mg - 25%, Zinc 2 mg - 13%, Selenium 5 mcg - 7%, Manganese 1 mg - 50%, Chromium 100 mcg - 83%, Sodium 60 mg - 3%, Potassium 905 mg - 26%, Proprietary Blend (L-Arginine, Caffeine from Guarana Seed Extract, L-Taurine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, American Ginseng Root Extract, Ginger Root) 317 mg - **.

Citric Acid, Potassium Carbonate, Natural Flavors, Calcium Ascorbate, Magnesium Glycinate, Xylitol, Potassium Bicarbonate, Glucose Polymers, Sodium Bicarbonate, Acesulfame Potassium, Guarana Seed Extract, L-Arginine, Potassium Citrate, L-Taurine, Silica, Sucralose, Niacin, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Grape Seed Extract, Manganese Gluconate, d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, Chromium Dinicotinate Glycinate, Cyanocobalamin, D-Calcium Pantothenate, American Ginseng Root Extract, Ginger Root, Selenium-L-Methionine Complex, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate, Thiamin Hydrochloride, Folic Acid.

Contains 100 mg of caffeine from natural sources.

I would also like to know. At $25/20 tubes, It adds more then a dollar to each bottle of water. Pricey.


Hall of Fame
when i go on the court for a match, i bring a bottle of gatorade and a bottle of water. on every changeover, i take a sip of each 1 so i don't have to much sugar in the system. in one match i drank two much gatorade that i started cramping and i had to retire. too much gatorade is VERY BAD for u
thanks i'll checkk it out, and also i'm looking forward to trying the excersises on the links you put up on another thread, i especially like the economy training one.


thanks i'll checkk it out, and also i'm looking forward to trying the excersises on the links you put up on another thread, i especially like the economy training one.

Yea, man. This is all good stuff. If I was more into training I wonder how successful I would have been. I do know when I played tennis last year, I was hittin serves 110+