Squeaky butt cap syndrome on my v13 Pro Staff 97L. What size staples should I use?


New User
As the title states, my son's 97L pro staff has got squeaky butt cap syndrome. I've gone to Lowe's and seen that they staples that are way too big for a racquet butt cap. I'm guessing that the optimal width of the needed staple for a butt cap is about 1/4 inch and about 12mm or 1/2 inch in length?? Am I right? Who knows the correct staple that I should be using and where can I find them?? Thank you all in advance!


Staples come in different gauges. It is important to stay away from very thin ones. Get steel staples of decent gauge. They need to be long enough to penetrate both the pallet material and the graphite underneath. If they do not, you will end up ripping that polyurethane foam in a month or two, and the whole thing will come apart.
Lastly, staples come with plain / flat ends and sharp / pointy ends. HomeDepot only sells the flat ones. Sharp-ended steel staples are needed to penetrate the graphite.
Next: a good stapler. Manual stapler cannot pierce graphite.


Hall of Fame
Because you are stapling into the hairpin you need a strong staple gun to pemetrate it. There is a thread that talks about different staple gun options.


It might be the handle foam is broken, in which case staples will do nothing. You may have to take the butt cap off and use a two part epoxy to repair the handle.