Staples won't go through buttcap of Blade 98S

I recently modded a Wilson Blade 98S, and while attempting to reattach the buttcap with my stapler, the staples kept buckling without going through the pallet. I tried them on four different bevels and each of them failed to go through. This is the stapler I generally use (, and I've successfully reattached buttcaps on a number of Head racquest (Speed Pro and MP, IG Prestige MP, Radical Flexpoint, Microgel, etc.) without a problem.

Anybody have any issues reattaching Wilson buttcaps with staples? What other options have you used to reattach them?


Talk Tennis Guru
You could trying using a brad or short, flathead nail along with a hammer.

One other approach would be to use a brad as a starter to make holes and then use a hammer to nail an individual staple in.

And yes, I'd done all of these in the past.


Hall of Fame
I've had this issue on a couple of frames with solid handles, silicone or glue has worked for me, along with a layer of two of electrical tape just to make sure.