So I'm working to help out a local stringer with his work; aim is to eventually take over his work as he's looking to retire. In doing so, he's been passing off his knowledge to the people he strings for, setup, etc.; which have been great and invaluable to say the lease.
One thing we're trying to work through is his pull vs. mine. We know its not going to be exact, but I'm trying to get it to the ball park he's currently stringing at. That said, he used to string on a Babolat Star 5, but the machine broke some time ago, and transition to an older model Wise 2086. He's mentioned that his Star 5 have a 8% over pull by factory default, something he didnt have control over; this means that if the weight is set to 50lbs, the machine pulls at 56-58lbs. When he transitioned to the Wise, he was string +5 lbs higher to compensate for the 8% lost. Yet, he mentioned when he check with a tension calibrator, the read is the same; yet the end results are very different.
So some feedback I'm looking for:
1. Can anyone confirm if the 8% over pull on the Star 5 is accurate?
2. Its odd to me that the end result between the 2 tension head is +5 lbs (he said it was pretty consistent), is this a plassible?
I'll be string on my Alpha Revo + Wise 2085 ver 14. I'm stringing a few rackets for a couple of friends we both know now to see what I might need to do to hit his sweet spot. Ultimately, our goal is to have some consistency/normality with the people he works with now to keep the business going.
Any feedback is appreciated.
One thing we're trying to work through is his pull vs. mine. We know its not going to be exact, but I'm trying to get it to the ball park he's currently stringing at. That said, he used to string on a Babolat Star 5, but the machine broke some time ago, and transition to an older model Wise 2086. He's mentioned that his Star 5 have a 8% over pull by factory default, something he didnt have control over; this means that if the weight is set to 50lbs, the machine pulls at 56-58lbs. When he transitioned to the Wise, he was string +5 lbs higher to compensate for the 8% lost. Yet, he mentioned when he check with a tension calibrator, the read is the same; yet the end results are very different.
So some feedback I'm looking for:
1. Can anyone confirm if the 8% over pull on the Star 5 is accurate?
2. Its odd to me that the end result between the 2 tension head is +5 lbs (he said it was pretty consistent), is this a plassible?
I'll be string on my Alpha Revo + Wise 2085 ver 14. I'm stringing a few rackets for a couple of friends we both know now to see what I might need to do to hit his sweet spot. Ultimately, our goal is to have some consistency/normality with the people he works with now to keep the business going.
Any feedback is appreciated.