Starting Crosses


I have always used a starting knot with my crosses, mainly because I do not have a starting clamp.

My question is this. If I did have a starting clamp to begin my crosses and I did so and then after several weaves I finished the knot with the cross with say a traditional double half-hitch, what about if the frames tie-off hole grommet is somewhat flared from multiple stringings with a starting knot. I.e., will going to a starting clamp wtih a double half-hitch knot sink back into the flared grommet?

Hope I am explaining this well enough. thx


Talk Tennis Guru
I assume you have flying clamps. Why not run in the fourth and fifth cross then start the third cross leaving a large enough loop outside the frame between the third and fourth cross to reach the tensioner. Clamp the third and fourth crosses outside the frame with something to protect th frame from the clamp like a piece of cardboard with two slits cut for the string. Tension the fifth cross and clamp to the fourth. Continue to the bottom of the racket then tension the fourth cross to remove the outside clamp and finish the top three crosses up to top.

EDIT: Seems to me like with all the flying clamp stringers out there someone would have thought of this before.
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I understand what you are saying, but it's hard to say for sure what will happen. If using an 18g string, then 'yes' it may sink into that flared out hole.

It will have tob e a judgement call by you. If you think it will sink, then just use another kind of knot that is a bit bulkier.


Thanks for the replies all.

I realize there are work arounds such as flying clamps outside the frame, but I strictly adhere to Head's top/down sttringing requirement, just in case. My question was more about dealing with grommets that have been impacted by bulky starting knots, if/when I use a starting clamp instead and a double half-hitch knot. I prefer the aesthetics of the double half-hitch to all the other knots, so I would like to be able to use it.


You could use a hybrid knot i've seen very similar to a pro knot. Take a scrap piece of string and put it in the loop of the first hitch to make sure that it does not go through the grommet and do another hitch over the top of it. Afterwords cut the excess string. It's a knot I've seen used a lot in the chicago area from several specialty shops.

Carolina Racquet

Thanks for the replies all.

I realize there are work arounds such as flying clamps outside the frame, but I strictly adhere to Head's top/down sttringing requirement, just in case. My question was more about dealing with grommets that have been impacted by bulky starting knots, if/when I use a starting clamp instead and a double half-hitch knot. I prefer the aesthetics of the double half-hitch to all the other knots, so I would like to be able to use it.

In the Head frames, I don't think you'll have a problem with a double half-hitch. I've been concerned with this issue on Babolats that have older grommets. That hole looks huge!