Duh ... Tt forum guys only have three digit plus serves.
Just like we are all 6'3", jacked, and it was our partner's fault--I can't get to everything myself!
Ironically, I am acually 6'3" tall, not really "jacked" anymore as I am almost 50 years old, but I did pitch D3 baseball and had about a upper 80s to low 90s (on a good day) fastball, and a vicious 12-6 curve, and a ridiculous knuckleball. Despite the significant mechanics differences of the shoulders between pitching a baseball and serving a tennis ball, I am quite skilled with the employment of my full body kinetic chain to deliver a serve. Further, I am exquisitely aware of how spin effects the movement of a baseball and tennis ball - this is not a "concept only" awareness for me, this is second nature.
However, whether I win or lose is not always my partner's fault, I have kind of inconsistent ground strokes, powerful when I hit them well, but subject to mechanics and motion breakdowns from time to time, and some days I can't get that 100 mph flat serve in play, and have to resort to my slice or kicker, but they are indeed potent serves as well relative to my playing level of 3.5, which would be higher if I could be more consistent with my overall game.