String for Extreme Tour


New User
Saw a good deal for Mayami Tour Hex and Magic Twist also GRAPPLESNAKE CES Neon Dust/Liquid Neon, but never played with them.
At the moment I'm playing with Hyper G 1.20 in my ET(it's alright, maybe sometimes a bit unpredictable, but the spin is fantastic), but would like to hear your thoughts on this string and how do they compare to HG. Thanks in advance.


Unfortunately there is no Lynx Tour where I'm from. Thanks anyway.
Confidential 1.20 , Revolution 1.20 , Tour Hex 1.23 , Big Spin 1.25 , btw I play with HG 1.20 as well at 24kg and I dont find it that unpredictable. However if you are bored and dont commit on finding the ball in front of you , the ball will fly to the moon. I suppose you like how the string plays because if launch angle is your problem there are tons of strings with lower launch angle.


Ok so , 32,6 balance - 330sw - Tour Bite 1.20 24 kg (Better than Hyper g 1.20).
Will try V Square 1.20 24kg as well just because I have a set.
Guys tbh , this is a totally different frame after lead at 12 and counterbalance lead at tail. I have never experienced such a drastic difference in a frame after lead. The change is massive , at 320 swingweight with 1.25 string(Confidential or Hyper g) , the racquet felt weak but now a total beast.


New User
I have tried a bunch of strings in this racket. Today I tried the Grapplesnake M8. Very impressed!
Great first impression. Nice feel, super control with good spin. Strung at 43/41.

My specs weight 341g, balance 32,7cm and SW340


New User
Saw a good deal for Mayami Tour Hex and Magic Twist also GRAPPLESNAKE CES Neon Dust/Liquid Neon, but never played with them.
At the moment I'm playing with Hyper G 1.20 in my ET(it's alright, maybe sometimes a bit unpredictable, but the spin is fantastic), but would like to hear your thoughts on this string and how do they compare to HG. Thanks in advance.
@JoyBoy, I recently put GRAPPLESNAKE CES Neon Dust/Liquid Neon in my Extreme Pro and love it. Strung at 52/53 (suggested to string 3# lower than usual in mains). Much better control for me with this set up. Previously used HG Soft @ 55#. Good pop and spin on serve, groundstrokes better controlled, less sailing long. Touch volleys felt great.


Lynx Tour vibrates at below 50 in the ET.

Yeap it does.
Sorry my mistake. My suggestion was for extreme tour auxetic version.

For extreme tour i would suggest sth softer and more slippery. Tour M8 is a good option. Razor code. Hyper G soft etc


New User
Yeap it does.
Sorry my mistake. My suggestion was for extreme tour auxetic version.

For extreme tour i would suggest sth softer and more slippery. Tour M8 is a good option. Razor code. Hyper G soft etc

Razor Code with Isospeed Baseline as a cross is a great option. Snapback deluxe!


I always come back to Hyper G Soft or T1 Black Knight.

Signum Pro X-Perience/T1 Ghost Wire

are also very nice String combos.
Tried Mayami Big Spin/Ghost Wire which i didn't like.
Hyper G and Head Lynx Tour were too harsh for my arm.
T1 Tour Status felt good aswell but didn't have enough playtime to say if it fits the racket.

So my choices would be Hyper G Soft 1.25 or T1 Black Knight @ 23kg (50,7 lbs)


Lynx Tour vibrates at below 50 in the ET.

I just noticed that happened to me once or twice when trying poly/poly hybrids. I string low but some of strings would vibrate in a weird way that bugged my arm. Did you notice this with any other strings?

dr. godmode

Hall of Fame
Grapplesnake Tour Sniper is my preferred setup. Have tried about 20 different poly's. Best tension maintenance and great combo of soft and responsive.


Hall of Fame
I just noticed that happened to me once or twice when trying poly/poly hybrids. I string low but some of strings would vibrate in a weird way that bugged my arm. Did you notice this with any other strings?

Yes I noticed the ET vibrates with poly at low tension, all of them that I tried. It's more noticeable in the G360+ version vs. Auxetic.


Extreme Tour has a nice spin potential and shaped strings always seemed to me a bit unpredictable. I’ve tested 15+ strings with ET and I like round, a bit softer polys most. The best ones I’ve tried are Tourna Big Hitter Silver 1.30, Pro’s Pro Cyber Power 1.25 and Signum Pro Poly Plasma 1.23. I string at 24 or 23 kg.
I just noticed that happened to me once or twice when trying poly/poly hybrids. I string low but some of strings would vibrate in a weird way that bugged my arm. Did you notice this with any other strings?

I hybrided solstice power/evolution at 52x50 and began vibrating after about 3 hours. Have about 7 hours with cyclone 16 and feeling substantially better thus far.

Edit: 360+ version


I hybrided solstice power/evolution at 52x50 and began vibrating after about 3 hours. Have about 7 hours with cyclone 16 and feeling substantially better thus far.

Edit: 360+ version

Interesting. I had issues with rmp blast hybrided with volkl cyclone tour. I know it works well as it felt great in a used racquet I bought but vibrated when I tried it at lower tensions. Didn't come back to it as it's a costly combo. I hybrided diadem solstice power mains with genesis crosses. Didn't have any vibration issues but the diadem playability drops significantly after each session


So far RPM blast and lux 4G are by far my favs
They play extremely (wink) well until breakage, and even when they are close to breakage they provide very acceptable control.

OTOH I disliked a lot Black Code, was very erratic, poor snapback because too soft.
Surprisingly, Luxilon Eco was very decent.
I tried everytthing in 16L, now I want to try 16 rpm blast and 4G in my ET because I always feel more confident when I play 16G strings

Extreme Tour has a nice spin potential and shaped strings always seemed to me a bit unpredictable. I’ve tested 15+ strings with ET and I like round, a bit softer polys most. The best ones I’ve tried are Tourna Big Hitter Silver 1.30, Pro’s Pro Cyber Power 1.25 and Signum Pro Poly Plasma 1.23. I string at 24 or 23 kg.
I would agree. I think it depends on what kind of launch angle you're looking for. I think the Extreme Tour already generates plenty of spin on its own and I prefer round polys myself. My go to is Kirschbaum Proline II in 17g (which has a huge sale going on right now) but one of my favorite round polys is Wilson Revolve 17g in the charcoal/gray color. Probably the spiniest round poly I've ever hit and has great feel.