String in dark red?


Is there any string in a dark red colour- like red wine or darker lipstick? Not a Ferrari car type red.

kevin qmto

Hall of Fame
I know exactly what type of color you mean, and one set is on the bay right now. Wilson Performance Plus thin core. Dark red.



If you're looking for something in a color similar to oxblood, I've never seen it. I think it was Genesis Zona that was a darker than "Ferrari red." They also have Hexa Infinite which looks darker than their other reds, but have never ordered it in that color. Travlerajm may be closest.



this is Y-tex Hexagon X and its actually darker red than this pic looks in my opinion

I know someone else mentioned it already, but more than likely Yonex Poly Tour Spin G is probably what you are looking for, although just be careful because there are 2 colors, Orange and Dark Red

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this is Y-tex Hexagon X and its actually darker red than this pic looks in my opinion

I know someone else mentioned it already, but more than likely Yonex Poly Tour Spin G is probably what you are looking for, although just be careful because there are 2 colors, Orange and Dark Red

Imagine, just imagine, a black racquet with red strings - hey, there it is!!

Steve Huff

Prince Lightning XX is a pretty deep red. Someone brought me a set of Babolat Syn Gut in deep red too, but I haven't seen it any where. I'll ask him if he brings it again.