Given 2 identical rackets with different string pattern. One is a 16x19 and the other is 18x20. How many percent more spin will the 16x19 produce?
I have to disagree about the effect of swing speed (or 'brushing up') on spin, at least, not in the sense that you're thinking. Of course velocity counts in a collision, but the racquet makes contact with the ball for all of about fractions of a second, hardly enough time for the plane of the stringbed to rotate much around the ball. The angle of deflection of the racquet at the point that it makes contact with the ball (combined with the direction of travel of the racquet face) has a lot more impact on spin.
Anyway, people have to learn that an a priori opinion that closed string patterns do not create spin is wrong. You really have to demo to know.
Given 2 identical rackets with different string pattern. One is a 16x19 and the other is 18x20. How many percent more spin will the 16x19 produce?